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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Channel 2 Action News revealed that in the past five years roughly 40 percent of 170 cases, where Georgian's were shot by police, were shot at their own home or a relative's home. "If you can't feel safe in your own home, when can you be safe?" said attorney James Dearing, who has represented officers and families of those who've been shot. "It is troubling. You should be able to call the police to your home and not feel that death is going to result." If you are in need of help with a sick loved one, maybe in a suicidal (depths of despair) depression, don't call 911. http://www.
  2. I had upper esophageal cancer a few years back, NC! I was supposed to get Chemo, and Radiation. But I said no to Chemo, because I couldn't afford it, and did Radiation. I have been cancer free, and my Doctor has cut me down to 6 month visits, now, where I was seeing him by monthly. I had stage 2 cancer, and am now cancer free. Dr. McLaughlin, at Kennestone, is a great Doctor.
  3. If a Preacher doesn't preach on the scriptures you like best, do you put less money in the offering plate? What if he preaches on stealing from the poor, giving to the rich, and taking advantage of the middle class. Then he continues on to say, "the rich take more from the middle class than the poor do." What would be your attitude toward that Preacher? If a Doctor told you to loose weight, would you get a second opinion, or just get another doctor all together?
  4. I have noticed, Stonewall, that the formula for accusing us, or taking a look at ourselves, is and not just about women. Accusing anyone of taking money from someone else should signify our need to take a look at ourselves.
  5. I can certainly understand the frustrations of American minorities. But, the things a lot of us are concerned about are becoming less aggravating as time goes by. Some of us still like the old traditional ways of putting up with bigotry, and these people tend to be older white people. I am an older white person, who takes a look at myself before accusing other people so much. I have seen the bigotry for 70 years, and know what it looks like, EVEN IN MYSELF.
  6. Money is important, but how have you been getting it? Learn to play your own guitar, before you pick up someone else's.
  7. Hating people is kind of harsh. I think we are right to be cautious of who we associate with, and who we will allow in our homes, or to trust with out kids. But, to hate people says to much about your own character.
  8. Sounds like a 4X4 would be a waste of time and money. I rarely use mine, except for for hauling my firewood out of the woods.
  9. A crippled old man has to study law, just to live in peace until he can find a home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id9Fy1DV0Zc
  10. Halloween is coming, guess what you will spy? Jack o'lanterns dancing Witches in the sky ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are not interested in flying heaver ghost, you can just get yourself a Parrot Bebop Drown. It will fly with your Smart Phone.
  11. Find a place where you can pinch up some skin, and turn it loose. if the skin stays pinched up, she in dehydrated. If the skin goes back to normal position, she is not. Yorkies are a bit whiny when they feel bad. It's much cheaper to do it yourself, if your pet is dehydrated. You can save yourself a whole lot of money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxAAyISHRk8
  12. You got it right oij! Do like Michel Jackson did, and bleach yoself, if you are driving through Texas. You got it right too, low, Cop Speculation. When there is no video, Cops can speculate a lot better. Here is a video, that don't allow them to speculate quiet as much. Also: Police speculation is quietened down by more prominent people.
  13. While people are in Church, finding Jesus, police in Texas cover up a killing.
  14. Get a pair of Bionic Boots, and run as fact as you like.
  15. Hold on, COWA! I'm a white, Angelo Saxon, named both in first and last name, after English of the mother country. My hole extended Georgia family are a bunch of George's, William's, Earl's, Edward's, Henry's, Charles'. Philips, John's, and James' How well am I liked, here?
  16. You are right, of course, CR! Live by the sword, die by the sword https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCUQFjABahUKEwjmkJSBgPfGAhVFig0KHcjbCMM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FLive_by_the_sword%2C_die_by_the_sword&ei=ReGzVabaN8WUNsi3o5gM&usg=AFQjCNH5zVC9QcE7Idp-U3FlZR-fGetwSA&sig2=6Qky4rEdGjQb1_-A0k2fjQ
  17. Exactly, CC! But, if conservatives are the ones to take some of that freedom away, it's no secret as to who would be decided to be mentally ill. You know, from seeing my feedback, that I would not be able to own such a gun. According to my conservative friends, here on P.com, I'm crazy as a Betsy Bug.
  18. People will argue back, but don't run away. STAND YOUR GROUND, WITHOUT VIOLENCE, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv9u6Eh8wHs
  19. You two guys remind me of Poncho, and the Cisco Kid, El Zorro! G D is Poncho, I think! O, Cisco Wait For ME!
  20. In actuality; who understands the principal of reciprocity in the most ethical way? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDYQFjAEahUKEwiXg-GB4vbGAhUGVT4KHYHLBQ0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nngroup.com%2Farticles%2Freciprocity-principle%2F&ei=0sGzVZfSBoaq-QGBl5do&usg=AFQjCNEuaXogsu7XdDr47TE9Vabf4YopTQ&sig2=jZbwdrYMijRbDo99C_xyCw&bvm=bv.98717601,d.cWw In my opinion, it's no matter the religion if we reciprocate with our fellow man, appropriately. I asked myself WWJD?, as I consider this a
  21. What is being viewed with this planer is 14,000 years old. What you see has taken 14,000 years to get here. Traveling at the speed of light, it would take us 14,000 to get there. And light travels 299,792,458 miles per second. What we call ancient aliens, has indeed been here.
  22. Pubby, E Z, and G D, can only relate to surface ice, They don't have the presence of mind to understand anything deeper than that. Thin ice is what they base most of their opinions on. It's doesn't take much to sinkem. They don't even realize they've been sunk, however!
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