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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. El Chapo is sending a few assassins into the states, ABR. He especially wants to get Donald Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpcnOx8Xfkw
  2. cptio, I need to get my dog one of those electronic cigarettes, She just can't quit without help, it seems.
  3. Former U.S. Marine and Baltimore police officer Michael A. Wood, Jr. made headlines when he Tweeted about the abuses he witnessed fellow Baltimore police officers, and police culture in regard to racists behavior.
  4. These are some smart people, Pubby, to say the least. I just wish smart people, like these, would use their vast capabilities to actually represent the American people. Ir seems to me that pregnant women, especially single ones, need a job more than a married woman would. After all, most children need two parents working to support them. How is it that the 1% seems to be so represented, by our congress, that even the Supreme Court is made out to be a villain for ruling for the common people of this country?
  5. And, this park is a nice place. I have frequented it many times, to walk the paths. It's not far from the new Atlanta Mall, in Woodstock! . Woodstock, Georgia Outlet Shoppes
  6. It's hard to deal with people who want to impose their opinions over and above what the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled. I think he wants the Governor to have to fire him, because it will arouse more of his minds eye in the eyes of other people. He sounds like he has a corn cob in his mouth, anyway, to me.
  7. It seems to me that you are the harasser, C R B! Why don't you move your hairyass, somewhere where you don't have to put up with homeless folks?
  8. Do you have a principle, in regard to the ratio (relative amount) of killings in the U.S. and abroad, of Americans by extremists, ABR? You are not isolating the smallest amount of extremists killings, because of some kind of prejudice against religion; are you? Why ignore things in your own store and then buy what the Muslims are selling?
  9. Why go over there, to kill extremists, ABR? We'v got a hellava bunch of targets right here. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CC4QFjACahUKEwjVgbfTke_GAhXC6oAKHbl_A2Q&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2015%2F06%2F25%2Fus%2Ftally-of-attacks-in-us-challenges-perceptions-of-top-terror-threat.html&ei=B8KvVZXiOcLVgwS5_42gBg&usg=AFQjCNGKJW7G7JwHVA_QwE43jpLBPalvGw&sig2=DhfcXXGIH3-0GhZx1UV_QA I just don't understand your principle, ABR, unless you are one of those born again Christians.
  10. Call the Sheriff, C R B! Just because he doesn't mess with the people who signs his pay check, doesn't he won't take care of those three.
  11. You are like hero's always are, G D! You know they say, "ah, I was just doing what anyone else would do, when I did that."
  12. Syringa vulgaris That color is a sign of how vulgar these people are, FD! It's the color of the Syringa Vulgaris plants blossom.
  13. An elected official takes an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Religion has no place in government. A Mississippi official, quit, rather than do her job, and that is what this Kentucky official should do.
  14. When Guard Dad was growing up, DR, he liked to watch Fantasy Land, on TV, while I enjoyed Frontier Land. Tinker Bell was his favorite character.
  15. You are right, when it comes to measuring a two week span, Jamie! Right after the South Carolina Church killing the chart would look worse bad on Right-Wing black killings. Kill, kill, kill. It's the new fad.
  16. If you didn't think that about me, G D, I'd be a worried man.
  17. It seems to me that some representatives are tired of you having a job, while you are pregnant. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCQQFjABahUKEwijndikxO3GAhWDNT4KHVNhAQY&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffingtonpost.com%2Fentry%2Ffirst-amendment-defense-act_55a7ffe6e4b04740a3df4ca1&ei=sOquVaOFKIPr-AHTwoUw&usg=AFQjCNFUQjunkbGFszhbgcwMed_KzVI8kw&sig2=_O-URO-mkHtmNlFNG3sCzg If you want to survive in this situation, you need to get you a husband, even if it's a she. Single people are not good employ
  18. I like to read stories like this, and would like to share this one with you. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAUQjhxqFQoTCOKWz_m-7cYCFQhpPgodw2kIkw&url=http%3A%2F%2Frogerjnorton.com%2FLincoln48.html&ei=GOWuVeKqCYjS-QHD06GYCQ&bvm=bv.98197061,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNFw_0J-v43ADj0p5rTFe54DTvIccQ&ust=1437611124119874
  19. I used to be confused, and frustrated, before the SCOTUS ruled on gerrymandering. I may be able to, one day, place my vote with more confidence, here in Georgia, E Z! If you don't get that, Sir, you are confused!
  20. It seems that stealing property is not what the county commission should be doing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Doing some research on the Sheriff's Department, in this county, I discovered this:
  21. States have no rights, not bestowed upon them by the voters. SCOTUS put voters more in charge of who they wish to represent them, E Z! The state is made up of the people within. When you go to the polls to vote there are going to be more people standing behind you with an opposing vote. Why? Because, people will start voting now that they know their vote may account for more.
  22. He annoyed his sister, for sure, but I liked Dexter. I thought his selection of who needed to die was great, NC! Not to advocate what he did, however!
  23. I know what you mean, NC! Action speaks louder than words, but a picture is more motivational. If you see a ghost, stab him, if he don't bleed; run! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just want to thank you for standing your ground, NC: Even with a cantankerous old fart like me. When someone is older than dirt, they also have a dirty mind. I have more dirt in my mind than anywhere else on my body, though!
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