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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. We are all: Homo Sapiens All that has occurred sense we walked out of Africa, has only been designed as we walked along. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP94gmrIcdY
  2. I People in Ohio can't be fooled as easily, with a sign board. They know better than to fall for the trick, and won't take pictures while laughing at at the person who got one over on them. The creator of the sign is having the biggest laugh.
  3. The same group of mammals who wish to control women's bodies, wish to control black people. These humans have small testicals.
  4. Latest research shows that females of some mammals, and women are female mammals, will have many mates to keep males from killing their rivals offspring for fear of killing their own. Human mammals, who tend to participate in war like behavior, will want to control women's bodies, so other human mammals will not be able to have access to them. And, they don't want women themselves to destroy their little squirt. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAAahUKEwjhgbG85JbHAhWB7YAKHXgJBG4&url
  5. Thank you, D V b P! Those old masters are dying out, in this country, but they want to take their money with them. I just wonder how the heck they plan on doing that. Will it be their control over women's bodies that will save the little squirt that will inherit the cash?
  6. I think their jury selection is going to prove just that, D V b P! I'll bet there will be more white people on the jury.
  7. It's clear now that the fight for the White House, in 2016, is a fight for women's rights.
  8. I quit, stradial! When I was young I drank a little, and lightened up even more when I got older, but the Dr. took me completely off. I just drink water, a little milk, now and then, and V-8 juice, sense I left the hospital.
  9. That many Gross Old Perverts. all gathered up in one place, is obscene. I just don't like that much obscenity.
  10. Homeless people become homeless for different reasons; do they not, Lo? It's not all laziness, and it could be brought on by no fault of their own. Someone close to any of us may be one catastrophe away from becoming homeless.
  11. I was never so embarrassed in my life, cptlo, then I was when I was in the hospital with pancreatitis. I pooped all over myself and the nurses.
  12. I don't think any of them have the ability to remain silent, OSU! Pi Are Square, ABR! The who area of a pie. You can square a circle too, ABR. If you stick a 4x4 up a bulls arse you have squared a circle.
  13. Am I invited, Lo? I am so tired, right now, however, but I'll be ready for chicken tonight, Baby! My two miles, on the treadmill, and all those other machines, I tried today, has me exhausted. I want to talk to you, about how much less I misspell words, when communicating with my Gold Gym friends. I have found that my talking is a lot better than my writing. Everyone, but a few people talk just like I do. That is the reason I want to share some chicken with you. We need to talk. BTW - I was just looking in the mirror, and can tell that I'm fit for as bathing suit. Gold Gym
  14. Some wouldn't want to pull over and roll their window down. Some of their air conditioning would escape.
  15. Sounds like a Fred Tocar case, turned around, but Fred didn't have to serve life in prison, in this case.
  16. The stupidest people are the ones who fail to see that this could have been a set up. Even when I was in school, which was a long time ago, my teachers would test my awareness, perception, and comprehension skill. I wouldn't be stupid enough to take a picture of this sign, and not realize it might be a test.
  17. But, anything you say can, and will be used against you, by a cop. If you think he/she is about to protect and swerve your rights, in a traffic stop, you're wrong. But, not always. just most of the time. If you are were a cop, afcs, I would trust you, but if I don't know you, you would get the letter. I don't know how many cops it would take to whip my a**, but I know about how many they WILL use.
  18. Here's the killer. But, he just scared some people to death. Vincente David Montano
  19. Just because you believe in ABSOLUTE'S, NEVER'S, ALL'S, EVERYONE'S, BY NO MEAN'S and JUST DON'T HAPPEN'S, U98, doesn't mean EVERYONE else Does!
  20. Everybody wants to steal my GIRL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S07YrpLzonQ This is my little great grand children: I wouldn't want anyone to steal them either. https://video-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpa1/v/t43.1792-2/11792741_10206192164236740_2022035356_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjE1MDAsInJsYSI6MTAyNH0%3D&rl=1500&vabr=489&oh=ddafa9570724a956185a3e4118e2cc7e&oe=55C37867
  21. dogs never lets a stinkin' a-hole go un smelled. Are you selling on Cptlo's?
  22. Just trying to be nice to cops, stradial, by not saying anything to them, and just handing them a nice letter, along with my license, and proof of insurance. BTW, stradial; it's good to have you posting again. I thought you were a gonner, Sir!
  23. Along with my drivers license, and proof of Insurance, Sir, this letter will explain to you the rights I am claiming during this stop. I will not be speaking to you. Thank you for protecting and serving, myself, and my fellow American citizens! 1. I hereby tender my driver's license and proof of insurance. 2. I have committed no crime and request that my papers be returned to me and that I be allowed to depart immediately. 3. If you are not going to allow me to leave at this time, I will assume that this is more than a brief investigory stop and that I am under arrest. 4. I invoke m
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