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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Jesus loved the other people better than he did the three wise men who brought him gifts. He cared nothing for material things. Merry Christmas with LOVE, to my P.com friends.
  2. Should it be disgusting that you take more time to go to the bathroom than I do, Lo? I don't think so. But Just asking.
  3. Kiss where I can't, and that's not my elbow. stradial. Who, G D, Bobby Danial, or the man who killed him? Picking up a gun that your son may try to get, is not a bad idea, unless there is a killer watching you.
  4. Cannot correct the mistake that the man killed by the Deputy was a Security Guard. The man killed was Bobby Daniels, the father of the man holding the Security Guard hostage. The Deputy lied, according to witnesses, in a statement that the Bobby Daniels pointed a gun at him. Here's the story: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwicndywxfPJAhUD7CYKHcBKA3IQqQIIIDAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.miamiherald.com%2Fnews%2Fnation-world%2Fnational%2Farticle51393640.html&usg=AFQjCNGj65TvJk5kNHYej_p_KyXlMrHjvQ&
  5. Thanks, Lo! Here is the latest monthly El Nino report. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.html
  6. Politics and journalism are both after the status quo. That pays more benefit. The truth would not go good with their audience.
  7. Merry Christmas Jamie! BTW, will you be having Turkey for Christmas Dinner? https://www.facebook.com/CampfireStories/videos/842814655754917/?theater#
  8. I have no problem working together with anyone who is empathetic enough to understand that what goes around comes around, and the best defense is not offence. The best defense is what Jesus did, even though he died on the cross.
  9. You are so right, mtm! The First Responders took care of sick and dying people after the 9/11 attack. Why would Congress think it more important that a tax bill extending tax cuts to wealthier Americans than the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which was drafted to address the needs of 9/11 first responders who contract illnesses related to their service. The bill is named after an NYPD officer who died of respiratory disease in 2006; his death is believed by some to have been the first caused by exposure to dust and chemicals at the site of the World Trade Center. The Hous
  10. What you think represents a tendency, on the part of an individual or group, that consists of excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness against not only a President, but all of the people who voted him into the White House.
  11. Some people claim to be self-conscious, which is a very good thing. Being conscious of your ways of thinking, and how you make decisions, is the way things should be. On the other hand: You have to have the understanding that paranoia is completely different from self-consciousness. Here is a Christmas example of what I'm talking about. And, a lot of people seem to not understand their own paranoia: Due to someone's paranoia you will have to view this video on YouTube.
  12. It's gun powder. That's requites a lot of sulfur. The next thing will be the sound.
  13. Do you agree that they care as much about the 9/11 First Responders as they say they cared about the First 9/11 victims? I actually don' t know if they cared as much about the suffering of the people as they cared about the damage to the World Trade Center buildings, and all the business transactions taking place at the time. If they did care about the people, more, then why was it more important to get a tax break for Corporations doing business in other countries than it was to pass a bill that wold help the dying 9/11 First Responders, this year?
  14. I'm surprise that ALEC hasn't been involved in this. They are the ones who send Corporate Lobbyists to get Georgia law makers to pass the laws they make up. http://www.11alive.com/story/news/local/investigations/2015/05/21/investigators-legislators-and-corporate-lobbyists-meet-in-secret-at-georgia-resort/27695105/
  15. People who put on a front, are two faced. No money, no mater who's paying it, will convince me to NOT be myself. I am nobody's prostitute. My representatives should be themselves, if not they have lied to the voters to get into office.
  16. If they were then, they are not NOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7yOqJqAuBk
  17. No, I kid you not, mtm! Your educated self- management is mush better than anything else and will take you anywhere you want to go. Investing is best done in a place to live that is not worth anything to anyone else but you, and your family. Never borrow money, always pay as you go. Big ticket items will just have to wait until you have saved the money to get them.
  18. A good financial planner will tell you that investments into private enterprise will be a changing trend, in the future. The rich people are incorporating private enterprise into something like The Hunger Game. All the money will be at the top. Your personal management skills are going to be your best bet. That will include being a member of Americans United, which is a group I trust most to define religious freedom guaranteed by our our Founding Fathers, and staying away from corporations.
  19. Thanks Dana, Today I stand for Americans United, which is a group I trust most to defend the religious freedom guaranteed by our founding Fathers.
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