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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Some people are just low class, and rude people, Peaches! Have been, are now, and forever will be.
  2. You are a smart Mom; are you not? I don't like Putin's and Trump's, but I don't hate them. http://www.foreverymom.com/in-a-world-where-morals-are-optional-5-ways-moms-can-change-our-society-for-good/
  3. I just got a 5 year report on my cancer. After 5 years the doctor declares I'm cured.
  4. You can tell I'm no genus; can you not? Instead of typing "You," in the topic I typed "Toy." I can misspell words that a first grader can spell. What will my reciprocity be, as a result of this post?
  5. If so, I hope you are not expecting different results. Why? Well, it actually doesn't take a genius to figure that out. But if you need help; here it is:
  6. It made me angry, jenilyn, and laughing is not what came to my mind. But, I know you understand. Those who have the Donald high on the political polls, are as stupid as he is, but we all laugh at the SOB; don't we dogs?
  7. News of the day! http://news.sky.com/story/1602135/trump-police-fear-for-lives-in-radical-london http://www.hellou.co.uk/2015/12/donald-trump-claims-london-police-are-afraid-for-their-lives-72251/ I don't think so, Trump, there are still some Bennett's, some of them are policemen, and they are damn sure not afraid for their lives. Lt. John Bennett I'm not scared, Trump!
  8. It actually demonstrates the kind of BS Donald Trump comes up with, ABR! He refuses to shake hands with his black supporters, but they still like him. How prejudice are the vast number of people who put Donald Trump in high rankings in the polls? Trump calls for banding all Muslim's, while he is building a golf course in Indonesia, http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEVzhgA2dW.RgAg1lXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYjUwMmQzBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjExNzlfMQRzZWMDc2M-/RV=2/RE=1449620449/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.yahoo.com%2fpolitics%2ftrumps-muslim-ban-proposal-draws-extraordinary-0356217
  9. Success comes from people standing up, speaking out, and talking back, gog8tors!
  10. I get tired of Russian lovinging people, here in this country, posting pictures of Vladimir Putin without his shirt. At least some of them are wearing a shirt with his picture on it. If you don't like this country, LEAVE.
  11. ABR, at least Carter was not born in the United States, and then had a sex change, like Obama did. Click link: https://www.facebook.com/kristyleighdolls/photos/a.154936941201351.34781.127472220614490/1152362994792069/?type=3
  12. Bennett is my name, and kicking corrupt arse is my game.
  13. He can't help it, CC! He's a typical Georgian.
  14. Why pick it up, Shananigens? Nobody's gonna step in it.
  15. That Doctor was a conservative republican,
  16. Living in a state where education is as low as it is here in Georgia, G D, preaching divisiveness is a lost cause. Why, because, like you, people here just don't understand that kind of helpful talk.
  17. Trump is the Foxiest of all Republicans. He is a better Psychologist than the rest of them. He knows how to use the emotions of the American people to his advantage. His hair is a little on the foxy side, too!
  18. I promised myself, a few years back, that I wouldn't keep on doing the same old things I had always done, and then expect to get different results. I just stopped, and talked to myself about the results I was getting from what I was doing. That is when I wised up.
  19. I think that Republicans feed on people's fears, while Democrats doesn't play into what Foxy Lotsy told Chicken Little, as much. I'm not saying that the Foxy Lotsy Republicans are dummies. What I'm saying is they know a lot about the emotions of people, and have studied that psychology extensively.
  20. Some people think that being educated in any way is a bunch of crap. They just think chit happens, and everyday will take care of itself, no matter what they do. If you don't believe that look up the statistics, on state by state education, in the United States! The latest study on education, I could find, was for 2 decades. And, I suppose progress has been made in the last decade after that study. Of the ten states that increased their per pupil expenditures the most over the past two decades Maine (+140.8 percent), Georgia and South Carolina (+135.5 percent), Ohio (+117.0 pe
  21. As I have said, typical Georgian's are not very smart according to the national statistics, CitizenCain!
  22. Who wants approval of typical Georgian's, in order to feel better, G D? Heck, I feel worse that my typical friends are 49th in the uneducated rank of the United States. How is it possible that an entire State, full of people, can be so high and mighty in their belief's that they fail to realize how uneducated they are, G D? I know you have difficulty in understanding things, but when it comes to people who don't even realize how dumb they are; that makes me not understand that.
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