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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Who are these guys going to shoot? They are not Oregan residence. They live in Navoda. Burns Organ is not their residences. Burns residences are asking them to go home.
  2. It would be profitable for the cattle rancher's to be able to graze their cattle on free land, and call it the land because they pay federal taxes. They can rent that land for a reasonable price, or they can buy it. But, to use federal land the whole United States pays taxes on, for their profit, is just not going to happen.
  3. These guys are great tree removers, LPPT! Let them give you a free estimate. They are safe, licensed, and insured. Galeana Tree Service 770-231-0403
  4. It's like the heart having to tell brain that sphincter is an asshole.
  5. These guys are pushing their luck, it seems to me.
  6. Gard Dad looks more like a hound dog, if his choice of avatar means anything. I suppose a hound dog is pretty smart, though, CC!
  7. it'a a boy, Lo! Watch this Odyssey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2Jg7b1d2wo
  8. It originated from Jethro's difficulty with his pronunciations. It means "goes into"
  9. I had to look that up, G D! “Info-at-Gazenda-dot-com”
  10. Action speaks louder than words; E Z! I love all that work you have done, even though my work has gone into different things. Most all of my education came from the SOHK (school of hard knocks).
  11. I don't need to say a word, and a country boy doesn't either. People who talk are likely wanting someone else to do the work.
  12. I hope you have a good year, E Z, backed up by continuous education.
  13. New Years Day Is About Over. So, I Want To Get In One More Wish That My Friends Have A Great Year, and that it is so prosperous that lt lasts for many more years. BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND, EVEN THOUGH I LOVE YOU. It goes like this:
  14. The truth. The whole truth, And, nothing but the truth. Is my favorite way of thinking. With that said there is no perfection, because that eludes us all. Being owner of the sight has nothing to do with altruism, and ethical behavior. It seems to me that free loding here, is the same as free loding there, and anywhere.
  15. Happy New Year! I'm older, but I'm still Rocking The Casbah!
  16. Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda???? BTW, EZ, have you started paying your membership fee as yet? If not, you have no business doing any shoulda, woulda, coulda BS!
  17. Why, Thanks, T T! There ain't no goat that can get that close too me, however! I smell worse than they do, and none of them can handle the stench.
  18. Just click on the link, and you'll see why: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=818932468215814&set=a.216224291819971.44872.100002972064146&type=3
  19. BONJOUR, CC, kom-mohn tah-lay voo! Size ve ailenize mutlu yıllar dilerim.
  20. I have noticed that you have a craving more powerful than mine, ABR! You want The Postman to be exterminated from any membership that you share with other people.
  21. That is just once that I didn't pray, Greatma! I'm sure the Lord would have helped me. People do slip up when they don't pray; do they not?
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