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Everything posted by snikerfitz

  1. For some reason that reminds me of a couple of people on this board...
  2. snikerfitz


    Well those extravogant vacations kinda leave ya that way.
  3. snikerfitz


    You hush you no one asked for your 2 cents.
  4. I dont see why anyone would send pms over shiot like this.. Once again trivial..
  5. I meant that in a funny way. I would never bring something up unless it was in a joking manner.
  6. snikerfitz


    Guess it depends on everyones mood.. LOL
  7. snikerfitz


    I get tired of seeing the spelling and grammer nazis. Nobody is perfect.. I was just trying to show ya it is really trivial.
  8. snikerfitz


    High 5 there Subby I agree 100%.. Yup Yup
  9. snikerfitz


    I know dang it I wanted to respond after Subby...
  10. Gracias!!!!! Right back at ya babe..
  11. LOL you didnt hear banjo music did ya.. People tell me that all time cause I live SOOOOO far out... LOL OMG she isnt ever gonna live this one down.
  12. LMFAO!!!!! Does it really matter?
  13. Dang I thought you was gonna talk about all the trends of vent threads on pcom tonight
  14. Ok so im not crazy I kept clicking and clicking and refrshing and was all WTF?
  15. I didnt see that one so maybe so..
  16. My freakin plasma went out anybody had some problems with theirs?
  17. I guess I have a different attitude about all of this. When my dad had his stroke 8 years ago my mom put her whole life on hold to care for him. I moved them in with my family a little over a year ago and now my mom has had a stroke in Feb. I am my mothers only child and my dads other child is a POS waste of space (excuse my wording). She wont help at all. When my mom had her stroke I put EVERYTHING on hold. But they also live with me so it was easier. Not by much though. I thought I was going to lose my mother in the hospitalcause the stroke took her slowly day by day. My hubby took over taki
  18. Dont know where it is nor have the password..
  19. LMAO... I am not a otuchy feely person... If I dont like you I wont hug ya..Now dont take that wrong if I have never hugged ya.. I do have a few select that I hug when they leave.
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