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Everything posted by DRS

  1. a THIS BEAUTIFUL 20 FOOT WATERFALL IS A FEW HUNDRED FEET FROM THE PLANT ON BUSINESS 6 YOU CAN WATCH THE DOO DOO COME OVER IT ! THE CITY OF DALLAS HAS AVERAGED Spilled over 1200 GALLONS OF TURDS/ WASTE ? BLOOD / A DAY OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS ,,,,ITS DAMN NASTY 67000 gallons at once not a month ago ,,how the hell do you call that just a spill ....you spill a glass of water Its going right in to the water you will be drinking in a few years 4,574,560 gallons of untreated sewage in the last 10 years !!yes thats millions http://green-law.org/item/83820?mode=p
  2. That said, we have greater problems with sewerage in the county and your suggestion that spill was the only source of effluent in our streams is laughable. The plain fact is failed and non-performing septic systems in Paulding proportionally dwarf the spill from the city of Dallas in terms of effluent running into the Pumpkinvine basin. Hell, even the raw sewerage emitted by wildlife exceeds the sewerage deposited in the greater basin over the course of a year. so Pubby 67000 gallons of raw sewage is nothing??? Thats over 6 tankers full. how the hell do you spill that amount ? s
  3. Heck if they just get the people that drive by Martin.s look at the line and keep going in the morning it will be a windfall
  4. A Hardee's would be great .. at least a decent biscuit without having to go to Martins
  5. I seen the sign that says relocating . but very doubtful I was told by a coke rep about 6 months ago that they were not going to upgrade the drink system to the freestyle like most and it was due to close when the lease was up
  6. Love this place . stop by at least once a week
  7. Awesome post Matt !!!! too bad your not going to be here long
  8. Once again You are wrong and just pop off your opinion as fact THEY CALLED EMORY hey they deal with Ebola daily right ? who would you call first?
  9. Why dont you ask your wife to inquire if Emory was called first? since you are her wasn't there instead of basically calling me a liar just based from your asinine opinion .please inform me of what you might find out .
  10. You would be wrong as usual . I got my info straight from 2 deputies who are my neighbors that were there on duty and on lockdown there .
  11. Emory turned Cobb County away last week with the Ebola scare at the jail . that patient was taken to Kennestone.
  12. what happened ? 1 facebook 2 A butt hurt political run 3 A troll
  13. This was at the store on Old cartersville.
  14. Ok but was it a robbery ?
  15. Its a sad note that we dont have a place to get up to-date news anymore
  16. I guess he used the same math you used to count the Paulding 6
  17. Patti put the butt hurt on you. so she still stands a chance
  18. Wtf is the use in each picking their on puppet ? why bother
  19. The city millage is about 4.1 that equals to about 9% of the total
  20. I live in the Dallas city limits.
  21. Wow what a damn joke !!! Mine went up 85% . yes it almost doubled. Sure i will appeal . my escrow will fall way short for sure.
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