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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. Theory: you will learn a lot of little things about others, even if you thought that you knew them.

    1.  What time did you get up this morning? 6:00


    2.  Diamonds or pearls? Pearls

    3.  What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Robots

    4.  What is your favorite TV show?  House and CSI

    5.  What did you have for breakfast? Bagel

    6.  What is your middle name? Mary

    7.  What is your favorite cuisine? Italian

    8.  What foods do you dislike? Liver!

    9.  What is your favorite type of music? Love all

    10. What kind of car do you drive?  Mitsubishi Eclipse

    11. Favorite sandwich? Club

    12. What characteristics do you despise? two face & liars

    13. Favorite item of clothing? Big sweatshirts

    14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?


    15. What color is your bathroom? Light Pink

    16. Favorite brand of clothing? Whatever fits

    17. Where would you retire to? Somewhere in the mountains

    18. Favorite time of day? Sunset

    19. Where were you born? Ohio

    20. Favorite sport to watch? Hockey

    23. What is your favorite product that you use? Eucerin

    24. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

    25. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night

    26. How many kids do you want? One

    27. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully having grandchildren!

    28. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? My daughter is turning 20 in 3 months!

    29. What did you want to be when you were little? Ice Skater

    30. Favorite candy bar? Anything dark chocolate

    31. What is your best childhood memory? Barry Manilow concerts w/family

    32. What different jobs have you had in your life? Waitress, Unit Secretary

    33. What is the one thing you wish you were doing right now? Sitting on my mom's deck.

    34. Nicknames: Libbi, Nazi-Mom

    35. Eye color: green/hazel

    36. Ever been to Africa? No

    37. Ever been toilet papering? yes

    38. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes

    39. Favorite day of the week? Saturday

    40. Favorite restaurant? Maggianos

    41. Favorite flower? Lily

    42. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate

    43. Favorite day of the year? Christmas

    44. Favorite fast food restaurant? Moes

    45. Favorite website? google

    46. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None

    47. Before this one, from whom did you get your last email?

    48. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Crate & Barrel

    49. What do you do most often when you are bored? fidget

    50. At what time do you usually go to bed for the evening? 10

    52. Last person you went out to dinner with? Hubby & Daughter

    53. Ford or Chevy? Chevy

    54. What are you listening to right now? Staples from the whs

    55. What is your favorite color? red

    56. Lake, ocean or river? ocean

    57. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? depends

    58. What is your favorite song? Switch

    59. What book are you reading right now? A Breath of Snow and Ashes

    60. What is the one thing you could not travel without? Phone

    61. How many people are you sending this email to? Not sure

  2. I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the business's slated to be built in Hiram.  There are rumors of several well known restaurant chains, a book store, etc.  I figured paulding.com would be the place to clear the air!

    Also, does anyone know about the historic school on 92 that is being remodeled?



    A book store? We're actually going to get a book store???? Can anyone confirm? I'll be sooo happy - course my husband and the checkbook won't be!

  3. Fanilow... cute, I have never heard that!  (Although my ex-husband used to make fun of my affection for Barry.  He would call him Barrybanananose and BarleyManenough.  It used to make me sooo mad!)  This makes me wanna go to one of his concerts again.  The last concert I went to, (about 15 + years ago) me and my good friend Susan followed his limo after the concert.  (What dorks we were!) :rolleyes:  :lol:


    Oh Lord - we went to several of his concerts in Ohio when I was younger - probably have everyone of his albums! And I still love him!


    Went to see Andy Gibb also in Ohio, and Shawn Cassidy - my daughter tells me we were dorks - now I can't wait til she gets older and I can remind her of all her young crushes!

  4. I do the same thing but I like to throw things also.


    LOL - sounds like me - but I come by it honestly - my great grandmother took a hammer to her sewing machine because it pissed her off, and my aunt took first a pair of plyers to a watch, then when that didn't satisfy her rage she took a hammer to it also!


    Course I've been much better on paxil!!!! ;)

  5. :( we dont know how  but our puppy has disappeared off the face of the earth, she was outside in a fanced in yard along with our other dog and when we went to let them in she was gone. We have looked all over the place and cant find her.  Please if anyone see her, her name is Delilah.  She has a pink and black collier on.  she's 9 weeks old tomorrow.  Please pm me and i'll give you my phone number and i'll come and get her.  PLEASE HELP ME.....




    What kind of puppy is it? And where are you located?

  6. Well, My family got some bad news yesterday. My mom found out she has the worst type of skin cancer (melanoma)and she has to go the 21st to see the doctor that is going to operate on her thumb. They don't know if they are going to have to cut off just the tip of her thumb off or the whole thing. then they have to put some dye in her body to see if it has spear. So I'm asking for everyone to please pray for my family.


    Prayers for your mom and your family.


    My father had melanoma, if I can give you any information let me know.

    Just make sure they are thorough and follow up!





    Man, I'm ready for some good squishy wet nasty cold weather! I want to sit in front of the fireplace with a good mug o' hot tea and watch it snooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!


    who's with me!? lolol




    ME ME ME!!!!


    I'm ready for some snow! Coming from way up north in Michigan I miss it. But - I love it down here - it comes and goes in a day!!!

  8. oh this one is embarassing... :(  :ph34r:  :wacko:


    The Fleetwood Mac song "White Winged Dove"


    I always thought she was singing, "just like the one wing dove"...


    :wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:


    I was always thinking... How can he fly with just one wing ???


    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    and YES I felt stupid when Hubby told me it was "white winged dove"...



    ROFLMAO! I"m sitting here at work just rolling!!!

  9. I'm finishing my third book in a series by Diana Gabaldon.. Outlander was the first... After I finally got into the first one, I can not stop reading.  I was reading at 2am this morning and made myself stop.


    I love books that are in a series...


    I absolutely loved these books! Read the first one and had to go out and get all the rest! And the latest one just came out on Tuesday - headed to the bookstore this weekend!!

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