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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. I'm in the Dallas area.. and On Demand has been working since before Christmas.  It's totally awesome.  I get the 'one moment' ... Then the menu comes up.  I think it's only for Digital subscribers.. I'm not really for sure.


    I think that's about when we got the "message" that on demand was available - and I'm also in the Dallas area and pay for Digital Cable - but still nothing happens when I press "ok"

  2. We all come into this world EQUAL and we will all go out of this world EQUAL![/b]  GREAT POST!



    I just wish everyone thought this way!

    I also have a bi-racial daugther - who has dealt with some tough stuff over the years - and fortunately she is now a strong 20 year old who won't take sheeze from anyone! But, she knows what she faces as she grows up and deals with more of the same crap.


    My heart goes out to you LR and your neice.

  3. I am going to a specialist on Monday for PCOS; she is a GYN as well as an Endocrinologist, so I'm hopeful to maybe get to the bottom of some of my issues.


    If you ever need someone to chat with, feel free to PM me.


    Actually PCOS is one of the symptoms of Insulin Resistant Syndrom. Good to hear you're going to an endocronologist - she will definitly get to the bottom of it!


    If you want any information feel free to PM me - I have both Hypothyroidism & IRR.

  4. Here's an idea. My mom is from Norway. She used to be the best cook and would make stuff like you're talking about. She died when I was 15, but I still have all her old recipes but I have no clue how to cook that kind of stuff. I miss the food though. SO, if I translated the recipes, would anyone of you baker types be interested in trying to make it?


    You bet! My grandparents were great cooks and cooked alot of the Norwegian foods. What kind of recipes do you have?

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