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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. I have to laugh, I just sent hubby an email warning that I have RAGING PMS.  :)  Nothing is going right today and I'm irritable, emotional, etc.  I'm pretty sure the full moon is not a good time to have PMS!!  Right there with ya my friend.  I'm going out to lunch to see if it improves my mood, but I doubt it!!  I'll just hibernate this evening so hubby and kids survive the day.  Cheers!!  :)

    Yep, the moon I'm sure is not helping!

    Let me know if lunch helps - I'm sure something would just irritate me tho!

    Hope you feel better!

  2. Ok, below is an email I just typed to my mom:


    "OMG - I am about ready to pick up this computer and throw it through the way. Why you ask? Is it acting up? Not doing what you want? No, I say - only because it'st he closest thing to my hands. And speaking ofmy hands - do you know how tired i get of backing up and correcting my stupid typing mistakes? sometimes i say screw it and leave it as it is - i don't care if i look illiterate - my friggin fingers don't work!


    As you can probably tell - I'm pmsing - REALLY BAD! I mean really really bad - woke up in a foul mood and it's jsut gotten worse. If i had a gun i probably would have shot all the cars in front of me this morning. But of course, before we get to deal with the drivers we had to deal with the hair. And a new hair cut. And sweating - all at the same time. OF COURSE - the hair looks like crap - so of course I cuss out the stylist who cut it regardless of the fact that it looked perfectly fine when she did it - it's not going right now so it must be her fault!


    Then i get to come here and listen to OH! Let me see your hair! It looks great! Oh shut up you lying jerks! It looks like sheeze! It didn't look good to start with then it's been through sweating all morning - so I Know it looks like crap!

    Leave me alone!!!!


    Ok, thought maybe typing all this out would help and make me laugh! HAHA it's just pissing me off more! I think i need to jsut go home and go to bed and not talk to anyone - including hubby and daughter.




    So - any advise out there? Anyone else feeling like this? How the heck do women get through this????? :ph34r:

  3. Who is your doctor? Are you going to a specialist or general practicioner?


    PM me if you want to talk - I have both hypothyroidism and Insulin Resistant Syndrom - which is the precurser to diabetes. I am also on Metformin and have been for about 2 years.

  4. well, I am not a member of LA Fitness.  Do they do guest passes where you can check it out?  By the way---are you male or female?


    LOL - I'm female. Just turned 40 (ugh!) a few months ago.

    I believe they do have a guest pass - if you're interested I can find out for you.

  5. I do work in Atlanta...one block away from the famous grease joint that eveyone loves to hate (varsity).  :ninja:  :ninja:

    Cool! I work up off Piedmont and Monroe!


    So are you thinking of joining me?


    I see no one else is interested!


    ----------------------->Going to the corner and pouting!

  6. Did you know there is a fairly new one on Spring Street as well---it's not too far from the Ansley Mall location---but it doesn't have a pool.  I don't have a membership there, but I've considered it on many occasions. 


    What type of workout do you do...cardio, weights, classes?


    Well, when I went constantly last year I did both the treadmill in the morning and weights.


    No, I didn't know about the one on Spring Street.


    Would love to have you join me! Do you work in Atlanta?

  7. what location do you go to?


    To the one on East-West connector. I used to go to the one at Ansley Mall because it was right around the corner from work. But there are too many "pretty people" there - so I started going to East West where the normal people are. Went last night after work - boy was it crowded!

  8. Hi all,


    I've been a member of LA fitness for about a year now - was working out in the mornings until last July. Didn't go after that because off problems. Anyways - I"m ready to start up again.


    I go in the mornings from 6:00 to 7:00 ish - was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining me? You know it's much easier to make yourself go when somene is there to motivate you!!!


    So - anyone interested?

  9. I like to eat Sardines on crackers, for lunch or a snack. Most of the people at work can't believe I eat them, and start complaining about the smell, and what they look like. I have eaten them as a kid, and still enjoy. I prefer them in oil, and don't care for them in mustard or tomatoe.


    Do you indulge, or is this another one of those Yankee things?  :D

    I get the "King Oscar" select smalls in olive oil.  ;)


    Well I"m a transplanted yankee and I can't stand them! ILK!!!!

    My hubby loves them tho.

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