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Everything posted by ivylove

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UO26lYB8CI
  2. While I agree with this entire post, and meant to give the plus sign to this post, but accidentally clicked on post #11, although I also agree with that post as well, I particularly agree with what I highlighted in red in the above.
  3. I would think that this type of Public Transit system will work best for those who can work around a set bus schedule, and those all going to destinations, close to where buses pick-up and drop-off.
  4. What? Outlaw ANYONE owning their car? :lol: When and where did I say that?
  5. Don't ride the the bus! Drive YOUR gas saving vehicle, parked in YOUR garage! This is not a viable option for YOU!
  6. No, you are self absorbed because you think that noone else should be able not to.
  7. Having efficient, environmentally friendly, economical, practical, safe, etc. public transportation isn't some idealistic rant, it WAS THE REALITY before the automobile/suburb revolution before the 1950's, and some crooks destroyed it! Did you even read the link I posted above? Although, I agree with what you are saying about everyone having to make changes and adapt to our new way of life reality.
  8. OK, so it may not work for YOU. May not be a viable option for YOU. But I am thinking of OTHER PEOPLE. The fuel efficient vehicle may be YOUR best and most viable option. Good for YOU! But just because something doesn't directly benefit YOU, or isn't a viable option for YOU, doesn't mean it isn't a viable option for the rest of society.
  9. I've said it, more than once, markdavd, you just don't recall. Shuttle busses. People will just have to plan their trips a little better and may have to do their grocery shopping, ect, around a bus schedule more, instead of just hopping in their car on every whim they have.
  10. Really, is this all you guys have got? Is this your solution to our transportation, gas, accident and traffic problems? We have been through this discussion before. Of course, public transportation is most effective in more highly populated areas. That is just common sense. But I believe it can work fairly well in the suburbs also, as there is still a substantial population in these areas. The only place that I am not sure it will work effectively in, is in the more rural areas.
  11. That is what I said. I think this might be a good signature for you copschick. "Let them eat cake."
  12. Well, I guess it's all about YOU then! Nobody else in this world matters, do they?
  13. I believe the reality is that we MUST get away from everyone owning their own private vehicle. Even if we had more oil than we could ever use, and gas was dirt cheap, it still doesn't fix our pollution, traffic, congestion, accidents, injuries, deaths of people and animals, expensive to maintain roads and equipment, loss of greenspace, etc. etc. And the new reality is that with most of the wealth, now concentrated at the top, more and more people are not going to be able to afford to keep their vehicles. They are expensive to buy and maintain. It is not at all practical and never really wa
  14. Here is some reading on this: http://www.almankoff.com/scandal.shtml Here's a paragraph from the above article. I think this says a lot. But be sure and read the whole article, it will open your eyes. "The United States still bears untold scars from the American streetcar swindle. The once profitable system of privately-held independent electric-powered urban transit was destroyed, giving cities the choice between government-subsidized transit or no service at all. An economical, efficient, and non-polluting transit system has been replaced with one that is more expensive, less-effic
  15. I always heard it, that you could tell a tree by it's fruit. So, I"m guessing that no matter what reputation a person has, good or bad, it's their fruit that determines their character. I would much rather have dealings with someone who has a bad reputation, but a good character, rather than deal with someone who has a good reputation, but bad character. But, I would think that if someone has a bad character for long enough, that they would eventually develop a bad reputation, as well, and visa versa.
  16. The real question here is: Who will rebuild them for you? Not what ZC wants or doesn't want, likes or doesn't like, it's not her fault we have no infrastructure to fall back on. You can thank the real villains for that, The Car Companies, Oil Companies, Tire Companies, and the crooks in our government who let them get away with their evil deeds. Watch this: And remember........... who will rebuild them for you?
  17. My prayers being said for Johnny J!
  18. I have also found that children are also very forgiving. I think, that all children (and dogs), really need is love. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydfH7iuLR0I
  19. Maybe winning, all the time, isn't all it's cracked up to be? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QS0q3mGPGg I've always heard.........you can't win them all..........and you win some, you lose some.
  20. Well, this sounds more like, getting to the source of the problem and teaching, not necessarily blaming. I think if you teach someone how not to repeat a mistake, then you are solving the problem.
  21. TP, I think the difference is that, the problem solvers, are those that find it challenging/exciting to solve a problem, and feel a sense of satisfaction when they are able to do it, in spite of all the naysayers and/or obstacles. And are able to tune-out/ignore/let it roll off, those who complain, blame on others, etc. I believe this may go back, as far as, to what and how a person was taught to deal with things as a young child. However, I believe this is something we can re-learn and improve as we go through life. I have learned not to worry about my reputation around here. I just
  22. Sending my hugs your way today, also.
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