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Posts posted by katcol

  1. I have only one request. We won't be back until Friday. If one of you takes him home with you, please let us meet him. We have wanted a mastiff forever and have never even met one in person. We just drool over them (or with them) but refuse to get a dog from any breeder. Our avatar is of the Great Dane we already have. We love big dogs, too!


    One other thing: we think his name should be Ruben. Just like Ruben Studdard, he looks like a big teddy bear. :wub:

  2. my 18 yr. old went from fine to 104.5 in a couple of hours......er we went strep it was, the dr gave him iv's 2 shots and a 10 day prescription!


    hope you and your family are better soon


    Same here! Our 9 year old started a 102. fever just out of the blue Friday night before last. Saturday we couldn't keep it down under 100 with Motrin so we shot on over to the urgent care in Hiram, hoping they could catch it in time if it was the flu. I think they will perscribe Tamiflu if it's caught in time.


    We let the Motrin wear off as we waited so that they could see the full effects. After two hours of waiting her I scanned her forhead. 104.5!! I scanned my own and got a normal reading, scanned her again and got 104.5 again! She was completely out of it. I finally asked the girls up front if I needed to call 911 if she started convulsing or would they actually take her back at that point! Never thought we'd be there that long and didn't have any more Motrin with me. They had s/one come out to take her temp. Their therm. read 103.1. They still got her back pretty quick, thank goodness.


    She tested positive for Strep! I would've never thought that's what it was. She hardly even remembered being there. I'd prefer to let her run a fever to allow her body to kill off the stuff but you'd better believe that poor little thing was kept on Motrin the rest of the day. :(


    So you may want to get in somewhere fast to ward off any of the before mentioned yuck!

  3. Is there anything we can do? I can't even imagine how bad of a place this little girl must be in emotionally.


    Is there a way to send her a card or anything that you think would lift her spirits? What types of things does she like? Most of us are lost when it comes to DFCS rules, ins and outs. Is she allowed to receive anything?


    Maybe our community could at least reach out to her with whatever is allowed. Visits? Flowers, music....surround her with things that she likes? Let us know what could be done for or with this child. What is she like? Would DFCS allow any of us to help her in any way?

  4. I am a little heartbroken. While I am excited to have Tiff home for Christmas, I am upset over a child at work. I work at a crisis center for adolescents. One of the girls there lost her mother about 1 1/2 years ago. Her dad took off not long after. She is all alone. Her DFCS case worker (NOT IN PAULDING!) promised her she would have a home by Christmas. She spent all week excited and working hard to prepare herself for her new family.


    This morning got here and we had heard nothing from the caseworker. I saw her start to go downhill from about 11am on. I knew we had a problem when I left this afternoon. I didn't even get home before I received the first call from the night shift. We were about to send her to the hospital because I truly feared for her. She had lost all hope. All she wanted was a family for Christmas. Someone to want her. A home.


    I finally was able to get her to talk to me on the phone. She was devastated. I loaded up and drove right back to work. I spent a couple of hours talking to her. She asked me to bring her home with me. I told her I couldn't. I couldn't help but tear up. I explained to her that she has a family for her. She will find it. They will find her.


    If you have EVER considered becoming a foster parent, think about this story. I have spent a week watching a beautiful 14yo girl dreaming of a family that wanted her. I spent the day watching the light of hope fade away. After I spent some time with her tonight, I could see a little glow of hope again. She isn't the only child feeling lonely this Christmas. Consider giving a child a dream come true. A family to love them.


    Can she not spend Christmas with a family? I guess they would not allow her to go spend Christmas with a family unless the family had already been through the motions of fostering. This is just so sad. Where do these kids stay if they do not have a foster home? I mean, I don't want you to publicize a location or anything but I don't know of any orphanages (don't know of a better word). I mean, the kids have to stay somewhere, right? Have any of the kids been "adopted" so to speak for the holidays? I know the church "adopts" families for Christmas by gathering Christmas presents, clothing, things they cannot provide for themselves at the time. Does anyone do this for these kids? :(

  5. Calyx by Percriptives is my favorite. Mall run involved. Only at Dillards in Arbor Place. I don't think Parisians even had a Perscriptives counter. Calyx is light and has more of a citrus type base.


    Happy by Clinique. Mall run. Easier to find, though.


    Also Blue by Ralph Lauren is nice but smells too different on me. The Purfumania stores carry this one, I think.


    None of them are cheap, unfortunately.

  6. Katcol- It's good to know that I'm not the only one!!! This was my first "snake" dream.


    Probably won't be your last, either. Sorry to say. Some of mine are so crazy and don't bother me a bit and some are so simple but bother me so much.



    Oh, I had a tornado one last week that just haunted me. I can't even talk about it, it was so disturbing. I guess I do still have them occassionally.


    JJ, I used to keep a journal. It can get quite interesting. Seriously, our minds are just working on a higher plane and get bored while we try to sleep. :D......ok, it just makes me feel better to say that, considering all the stupid things I've been doing lately :wacko:

  7. Hey, we need to compare notes some day! I've not had dreams like that in years but I can definately sympathize! My husband thinks there is something deeply disturbed about me whenever I do have one of these very "REAL" dreams.


    I've been bitten by snakes in dreams before, too. Almost always on the wrist, though. Have no idea what it "indicates" LOL.


    Tell him you might be weird but you're not alone.haha. I think it's a sign of really high intellegence! ;)

  8. Last night I dreamed that I was at the shelter volunteering, when someone brought in two very aggressive, venomous Cobra snakes that they had found. It fell on me to get them in the back and into a cage, so the next thing I know I had somehow sedated them (my mind skipped that part) and got them into a cage. Now Tracy comes along (the manager, and my friend) and says "Lets take a look at those snakes" and I said "They're knocked out right now, I sedated them." So we go to look and they are not sleeping, but wide awake and open hoods and venom dripping from their fangs! :o Tracy has an idea to set them free :huh: so she gets these grabby pole things and gives me one (which BTW was SHORTER than hers! :blink: ) and we grabbed them by the heads and pulled them out. She carried hers thru the shelter and outside, but when I carryied mine it was squirming really hard and it's head was coming out of the grabby part of this pole thing. So I'm headed for the door, and this kid was sitting near the door, and the snake was slipping. So as I asked the kid to move, the snake falls and was falling right toward the kid, so I swung up my leg to deflect it and keep it off the kid, and the snake landed fangs first on my leg. Now it really gets weird, b/c as I look down, the puncture holes are in my leg with blood and venom, and I saw the snake slither under MY BED. (Somehow the scene changed to my bedroom). I woke up violently doing a 'push up' in the bed and yelled "A SNAKE BIT ME! A SNAKE BIT ME!" Now Courtney (my fiance) woke up FAST and said "WHat's going on" I repeated "A SNAKE BIT ME!" and he said "You're dreaming!" WELL, I was still in this quasi-dream/awake state, and I got MAD and said "NO I'M NOT LOOK AT MY LEG!" and I turned on the light. He looked and said 'Nothing there" so I said "YES IT IS! The snake went under the G.D. BED!" I made him look under the bed while I looked at my leg. Nothing there; of course it was a dream. But it was SO REAL that I fully expected to find those fang holes in my leg. :huh:


    Two days later I dreamed Courtney was tickling me to try and make me tell him what I got him for Christmas. I HATE TO BE TICKLED...anyway, I actually FELT the tickling, and I woke up yelling "STOP TOUCHING ME IN MY SLEEP!!!" He was sound asleep with his back to me :blink:

    Poor man!


    OOps, I was typing too fast...sorry.

  9. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if these dogs just dissapeared one day. You know, the ones that are just stuck out on a chain or left in a small pen their whole lives out in the weather. If they mysteriously showed up at the shelter, at least they would be out of the elements and might even find a great home.


    J/Kidding!!!! I do know of a poor little girl who's being left in a pen with her son to have him repeatedly knock her up. Then the puppies die of a disease or get "put down" :angry2: by the owner. I have struggled with what would happen to me if I stole the mama and the current living puppy, took the baby to the shelter, got the mama fixed and returned her when she's all healed up.


    Now that I've gone public, I can't do it. But I have a location for anyone who's up for the challenge!!!! :ninja: :ninja:


    Is there anything that can be done in this case? Or the OP's case? Where are our doggie angels? :wub:

  10. Yeah! No kidding!! :lol:


    I just got back from the Villa Rica Wal-Mart and all the police officers were in there shopping with the Shop with a Cop program. I saw the officer (Barney) that gave me my ticket.... I made sure he saw me too! :D Then I hurried to get home while they were all shopping so I wouldn't get stopped again! :ninja: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    btw my ticket was for an expired tag. My car isn't cooperating and I can't get it to pass emissions. I paid the tax and have had it checked several times and each time the mechanic does something to it he says, "drive it 100 miles and bring it back to check it." Ever tried driving a hundred miles without leaving your driveway? :huh:


    You should ask the mechanic to write on the receipt that you have to drive it _____miles before it will pass an emmissions test. Take all your receipts/notes from the mechanic to court with you. If you still have to pay the ticket for the expired tag, ask the judge (with all due respect) what would be the appropriate measure for you at this point. Seeing as how the car cannot pass emmissions until you drive enought miles to clear the computer reading. I just went through all this. Good luck. :(

  11. Side impact! Duhhh!!!


    She has to fight this so that it will stop AND so that she does not get fined OR get points on her license.


    I love police officers, I honestly do. It might not be humanly possible to keep up with all the changes. Having said that, to my knowledge this "suggestion" (not law!) has never been different. There is no excuse for an officer not being familiar with seat belt and car seat laws. That's just too important.


    He's out there spreading the WRONG information and people will believe it since he's an officer. Make it STOP! Oh yeah, and don't pay money. :D

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