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Posts posted by katcol

  1. Ok. Our Great Dane is the sweetest gentleman under the sun but for some reason he thinks the cat is a chew toy. This cat has been around dogs before with no problem (our two older dogs before they were put down and the dalmation/lab puppy). Ever since the Dane tried to pick the cat up with his mouth, the cat has been scared to live in the house with us. We've allowed the cat to have kitty doors throughout to give him private access to the finished basement, garage and outside.


    Since kitty is so scared of the Great Dane but desperate for affection, he just sits at the top of the basement stairs and cries through the cat door.


    Even though the cat was here first, the Dane's not going anywhere. We still have the dalmation/lab puppy that desperately wants to play with the cat. The cat will sit close enough for the dalmation/lab to stick her head through the cat door and lick him just to get attention. (see attached photo..funny)


    JBrigman will tell me I'm crazy since she's had kittens on this same Dane's head and he did nothing. Maybe a baby would be less tempting but we don't have a kitten. Apparently what we have is a chew toy.


    P.S. Dane adores stuffed animals to chew and sling around. :(

  2. It was wonderful to see you again, REV. The drawing of Lily just took our breath away. It's amazing.

    Gus obviously got her stamina, to put up with all of us for that long! He's so precious!


    I have to say, REV, you have done more for stranded mamas and babies than most could ever hope to. It's been so important to show Lily's story. You've been a real trooper to go through all of it. We're always here for you. Anything we can do to lift you up...as you push yourself to continue through the updates...please feel free to call on us. We feel the same as everyone else here. We'll be your groupies that handle whatever stresses we can in the background so that you can continue to update Lily's "public".


    Lily had become Paulding's pup. Now, I think she's become a mascot for all of Atlanta. It's so refreshing to know that her story warms so many hearts and that people just want more and more of Lily. I truely believe that her story will eventually end up on Animal Planet once it has come full circle. I know you don't like the publicity but you still do the right thing, just like your signature says. You are both amazing and were meant to be together. :wub:


    Erin, I'm on stand-by if that little girl gives you trouble...lol. I hate that you're so far away. Pepper would love to wear her down for you. (Hyped up Dalm/Lab puppy).

  3. I think I am going to hold off on coming to decorate, I want to spend every last hour with my dog...My husband and I are going to try to make it tonight for an hour...But now I feel sick at the thought of my Sara alone at home in the dark,even for an hour...on the last night of her life....We are taking her in earlier tomorrow than planned, it will be 8 am.... i just fed her warm pumpkin pie with a little vanilla ice cream for a breakfast, and we have a small amount of steak she will have for dinner tonight....If we are able to leave her for an hour, we will...( Sorry for the Hi- Jack- I just want to explain where I am coming from)... :(


    You know that Dr. Julie @ New Ga. will come to your home if you let her know in advance. Just thought I'd make sure you knew. Sounds like she might be suffering too much to wait. I'm so sorry! :(

  4. Does Lily still get to come? I'm not coming if Lily's not allowed! J/Kidding. I hope she does show if it's not too much for her. Sounds like we might have a crowd.


    I wish we could bring our giant. We could put antlers on him and sit him next to Santa. He's soooo sweet but his size is just too intimidating.

    He would've loved to have met Lily, though :wub: (He's fixed and a perfect gentleman so he wouldn't even hit on her after partying with her...lol!) :o

  5. I will make you a Name Badge. If you want me to make badges for others coming with you, let me know names.


    I have no clue about what food is being brought. Maybe Say What will give us a final list on Friday morning.


    Be great to see you there.







    Where is the event? Thought I saw that it had been moved to a new location.

  6. We're thinking of being last minute guests. Where was the final location? If we come I'll bring at least one dish. Probably a pasta salad unless everyone else is bringing that. Sorry. I always have to get off the computer right when I finally locate the info.


    Is anyone bringing their kids?

  7. We also buy a lot of generics. However, coffee is one item that cannot be compromised. We have tried store brand and ICK! (of course, my husband drank it anyway because he can't stand to waste :wub: ) I switch back and forth between Bounty and Sparkle depending on what's on sale. I tried to go cheap on TP once and hubby begged me not to, ever again! :lol: We buy generic diet sodas and Kroger brand tea.


    BTW, the toilet paper talk made me think of this guy!




    **This is NOT for the kids!!!** ;)


    Thanks for the laugh! :lol: :lol:


    I noticed the coffee preference----Folgers 100% Colombian....yummy!


    Can you still find the Folgers Columbian Beans? I can't find them anywhere. I think I've seen the ground stuff but it's some much better when ground fresh.

  8. Gotta have: Tide, Downy, Heinz Ketchup, Kraft or Blue Plate Mayo, Mayfield Milk, Kroger Coffee Beans, Pepperidge Farm Soft Oatmeal Bread, Jif Peanut Butter, Ritz Crackers, Log Cabin Syrup & (only!) Diet Coke.


    Perscription Hills S/O dog food, unfortunately, for the Dane....still cheaper than another bladder surgery.


    TP used to be Charmin but apparently they are now lining that stuff with gold. So we finally, kicking and screaming, switched to Kroger brand. Same with Paper Towels...whatever is on sale.


    Catch 22: that is so true about the Hidden Valley Ranch POWDER!!! :wacko:


    Any adult meds are house brand. We still by brand name Kids' meds. I've done the taste tests and the store brands haven't figured it out yet. No wonder the kids wouldn't take their medicine! :p

  9. So wonderful to hear updates on this sweet girl. Thank goodness you didn't have to fight her in the bath. She must feel so much better. :wub:


    Were enough funds raised to get you guys through the hip surgery? I've been wondering ever since the first surgery. I bet her fans will make sure she's taken care of. Keep us posted. Loving the updates! ^_^ :)

  10. We bailed out of gift giving completely for two years. Those were the only two years that I've enjoyed Christmas since I was a kid.


    Heading back in that direction rapidly!! It's become a big present fest. See who can remember to buy the most gifts for the most people.


    I do not know what my extended family would want or need. It is a waste of money and time. All the time we spent opening gifts at my in-laws' last year...I wish we could've just spent the time together. I love my in-laws and would prefer visiting over stressing with gifts anyday.

  11. REV,


    Lily looks like a much bigger dog these days. Do you think she was really young or is it just the malnutrition that made her look so different? What an amazing difference you have made!


    LILY ROCKS!!! :wub:

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