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Posts posted by DOT

  1. I realize that there are some out there that will relate the Teamsters Union to Democrats. Now I have answered your question, will you please answer mine - what does (if it is in fact true and I'm not certain it is) a BIG LABOR BOSS FOR THE TEAMSTERS UNION have to do with anything?

    I really am not sure that it matters, Whether he was a big labor boss or not, My concern in this election is that Mr. Ragsdale has ran an Election based on deception, Using only The Papers and two mailouts to Get his platform out There.


    No where have I seen any of his history that you speak of Such as Chairman of the School Board, And his affilattion and activity with the Local Republican party, Fact is most politicans give a recap of past employment, and Personal life where voters Know that they are the Incumbent and run on the record that they have made while in elected office.


    To be quite frank, the only thing that I have learned about Mr. Ragsdale is what I have read on P.com.


    In one of Mr. Ragsdale mailouts He claims to be a fiscal conservative, However his record does not appear to be a fiscal conservative, A fiscal conservative would not have voted to raise our taxes every year that he has been in office.


    I only learned tonight that he has always been a Democrat, And have no explanation as to why he flopped parties, other than what you have stated.


    I think Mr. ragsdale is a good person, from what I have seen, But that does not translate into being a good Commissioner?


    When I heard that he was a big teamster boss, In Atlanta , the first thing that came to my mind was the corruption that was rampant within that Union A few years ago, And I wondered if Mr. Ragsdale was connected in any way with the corruption that sent Jimmy Hoffa to Jail? Was he proud to be a member of this Union?


    I sure wish Mt.Ragsdale would quit running a campaign of deception, And attack ads and come on p.com and discuss the issues.


    For your information I also know many Ford, General Motors, And truck drivers And have found them all to be great Citizens of Paulding county



  2. I have been told (not by Mr. Ragsdale) that he (many, many, many years ago) was a Democrat. Of course that was before the party experienced extreme changes and was during the time that MOST EVERYONE IN PAULDING COUNTY (including myself) considered themselves to be Democrat. The tides of course starting turning however in the early 90's when the Democratic party ideas started changing.


    During that time just about everyone I know and respect from Paulding County converted from Democrats to Republicans. From what I can gather from Mr. Ragsdale, he has ALWAYS BEEN CONSERVATIVE and became affiliated with the Republican party when the values and ideas of the Democratic party starting changing. I personally admire Mr. Ragsdale for sticking and following through with his beliefs.

    And what does this have to do with him being a BIG LABOR BOSS FOR THE TEAMSTERS UNION

  3. Of course you didn't get a live person when you called this number today silly, it is the Board of Commissioner's phone number and have you forgotten that today is Sunday and they are closed on Sundays? And when you say you called and didn't get an answer at that number, that can't be true - there is a recording on that line that answers each and every time I call. If you call first thing in the morning, they can get a message to him and he can get back in touch with you.


    Okay, please disclose to us then what company he is retired from. A Big Labor Boss with a Teamsters Union can mean a lot of things - what is the info. you have on the COMPANY he retired from?

    The information that I heard was that he draws his Pension from the Teamsters Pension Fund,And worked at the facility that was adjacent to the Chevrolet Plant in Atlanta, And that he was really involved in the Teamsters Union at That facility.


    And had nothing to do with the Chevrolet plant, At one point the name of the Place he worked was Complete Auto transit, And was represented by the Teamsters Union so I am Told ?

  4. I found out from several people that know him well. You can call him at (770) 443-7550 to find out any further information as to the plant he worked in, etc.

    I asked you earlyier for his phone number, I do not seem to get a answer from him at this number.,


    Well if you found this out from several people that know him well as you allege, Then they do not know him to well, He did not retire from General Motors


    The people that I have talked with that know him well stated that He was a Big Labor Boss With the teamsters Union In Atlanta


    Just curious have you asked Mr Ragsdale about this?

  5. My questions WERE NOT answered by Pubby and even if they were, I didn't ask Pubby to answer the questions. Pubby is not the one running for office, Joey Seabolt is.


    Oh and you are so wrong - I don't work in a litigation firm, I work in a real estate law related firm. I have not a clue about the "investigative work" that you are talking about. I am simply asking questions of Mr. Seabolt that ANY TAX PAYING CITIZEN OF PAULDING COUNTY SHOULD BE ABLE TO ASK (AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET ANSWERS TO).


    As to the validity of my questions, I am the one asking them and I feel they are valid. My questions have nothing to do with whether or not YOU think they are valid and have absolutely nothing to do with you.


    As I have stated several times before, Mr. Ragsdale is retired. I really do not know where he worked before and what his job duties were. You can reach him tomorrow by calling the Commissioner's office at (770) 443-7550 if you so urgently need your question answered.


    Lastly, what makes you think Mr. Ragsdale is monitoring paulding.com?

    Sorry to ruffle your feathers a bit :clapping: But, I am also concerned with getting the facts out during this election.


    Just for your information, I have talked wiyh Mr. Ragsdale, And I do think it is Important that Mr. ragsdale Answer publicly some of the questions posed to him on p.com, Sure I think he is monitoring p.com because he has mentioned it during conversations I have had with him.


    It is just as important to me and my vote, And by the way, unlike you I live in his post,And have been misrepesented by Mr. Ragsdale for many many years.


    I fell like it is important to know if he was in fact, Big labor boss for the Teamsters Union Since he has not been representing my ideals.

  6. I have to say I can never remember in all 29 years of my living in Paulding County that our Board of Elections has ever referred a case for further investigation to the District Attorney's office as well as the State of Georgia Board of Elections Office. Evidently, they felt strongly enough about referring a Post 1 Commisson candidate, Joey Seabolt's, case for further investigation and review. Several months ago when considering Mr. Seabolt's application to run for public office, there were several matters that came to light including the question as to whether Mr. Seabolt voted in Cobb County TWICE during the time he declared to the Board of Elections that he was a resident of Paulding County. I believe at the time of the interview, he stated that he had been a resident of Paulding County for at least 8 years; however, he allegedly was registered to vote AND VOTED in Cobb County 2 times during the time he said he lived in Paulding County.


    I realize that Mr. Seabolt keeps stating that he must be innocent as he was declared elgible to run for political office in Paulding - keep in mind that Mr. Seabolt ONLY had to prove that he was a resident of Paulding County for 12 months to qualify as a candidate for this election. The fulfillment of these requirements HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ALLEGED INVESTIGATION INTO VOTER FRAUD WHICH IS BEING INVESTIGATED BY THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA BOARD OF ELECTIONS.


    I personally have asked this direct queston of Mr. Seabolt as to if he really did vote in Cobb County twice when he was indeed a resident of Paulding County and HE WOULD NOT RESPOND, not in the public forum on paulding.com nor by personal email.


    I have several questions for you Mr. Seabolt as follows:


    !) Why do you have an attorney to represent you? I'm just curious as if it were me and the case is indeed as "clear cut" as you say it is, I simply would have shown up at the hearing (the one scheduled PRIOR TO THE ELECTION), told the truth, proven my case and gone on with my life and run my campaign;


    2) Why did you ask for a continuance of your hearing until AFTER THE ELECTION IS OVER? I think I might have read somewhere on paulding.com that your attorney was not able to attend the hearing on the specified date BEFORE THE ELECTION. If it is that important to you, which in my opinion it should be, why would you not hire another attorney that could be there on the designated date of the hearing and in turn would attempt to clear your name and have the investigation dropped prior to the election?


    3) Once again, did you indeed vote in Cobb County on two occasions when you were in fact a resident of Paulding County?


    Before we talk about ETHICS, lets please get the "real facts" as to the above. I am asking for your assistance once again Mr. Seabolt in answering FULLY AND COMPLETELY (with no "spin or fluff") the above questions.


    Once again, I appreciate Mr. Seabolt taking the time and effort to run for public office; however, I just would like to have my questions answered. Thank you.

    Your questions were answered in a previous post by Pubby.


    Since you work for a very large law firm, You certaintly know that it is wrong to answere questions in a pubic forum, If a investigation is being conducted as you allege


    Would the lawyers in the law firm you work for advise answers in a public forum?


    You really are not asking valid questions, But in my opinion are doing investigative work.


    Yes in your 29 years in Paulding County, Pubby aptly pointed out that Republican candidate Perry Grogan was charged and convicted, and was serving time for this conviction, If you will look real close you will see at the entrance of the jail that a marker naming the jail after him has been removed.


    You have also failed to answer some of my questions about the employment of Mr. ragsdale, The rumor being circulated around the county is that he was a Big labor boss with the Teamsters Union In Atlanta, Is this rumor credible?


    If this rumor is not credible will you get Mr. Ragsdale to explain Either through a mail out, or a ad in the Local paper, Since he continues to monitor p.com but refuses to discuss any claims against him?

  7. DOT; I dont know if you have around contruction before but black pipe is used for sewage, they use white pipe or psp for water, steel pipe leaves mineral taste to the water. almost all of the land for the airport was owned befor by the city of Atlanta when they had bought the land for a secound airport. The only land that I can think of that might have been bought under emmit domain would have been the land on US278 that was needed for a airport entrance. The county paid $30,000 per acre for that when the heighst price paid for a acre allong 278 in that area had been $17,000. As I have said befor the BOC has been fast tracking the resiovorfor the l;ast eight years , but the evior wacko nuts installed by the Democtats have been throwing every road block that they can possibley think of in the way.


    WHOA The republicans have been in total control of the State of Georgia and Paulding County for the past eight years,and hve been in control of the white house fot the past eight years and the senate, and House of representives for six of the past eight years.


    Not a democrat problem this is a Republican problem

  8. Hey Larry ragsdale Why did you not give the Paulding Neighbor And paulding .Com an interview?


    Why do you not come on p.com and discuss the issues?


    Why have you chosen to use a smear campaign through the mail paid for by your special interest buds


    Why have you refused to discuss your previous employment and job duties, Are you proud of the past job duties, Or are you afraid that the Paulding County Republican party would not approve of your activities?

  9. Let's see if I've got this right. Some of you contend Commissioner Ragsdale has been a Shearin yes man when in fact he has been endorsed by David Austin who ran on a platform of change and says Mr. Ragsdale will be very valuable to him in implementing the changes voters are obviously wanting. Also, seabolt has been charged with voter fraud by the Attorney general's office and charged with lying on a Qualifying affidavit by the local election board and some of you are uncertain who is best suited to serve our county. You gotta be kidding.

    This sir is a bold face lie and you know it, What attorney General has charged Mr Seabolt with anything, You really need to be sure of your facts before posting something as liable as this?


    You really need to retrack this statement?

  10. I can assure you that Mr. Ragsdale had ALL the facts when he made his decisions on how he would be voting on any issues. Just because you don't agree with him, doesn't mean he made the wrong decisions.

    As long as the citizens of paulding County know That he voted for over $400 million for the sewerage upgrades and for over 30,000 new homes that overloaded the sewer system and the water system, And that he voted to not allow the voters to vote on the $65 million dollar courthouse, That he approved, And that he voted to use imminent domain to claim citizens property for the airport, And that he has raised our taxes all eight years that he has been in office, And that he has sat on his a$$ on fast tracking the reservoir.And fully supported the Airport Project using millions of local tax dollars


    I could really care less what FACTS Mr. Ragsdale had when he voted for all of the above projects that has cost me and my family hundreds of tax dollars, For many many years to come

  11. I believe that amendment had to do with TAD's. It is my understanding that if it is approved tax money paid for schools could be used for certain kinds of development. I voted against it but I can see why it may have been on the ballot. It gave the citizens the chance to say NO.

    Nope amendent #2 dealt with with using School Taxes, Amendent #3 actually gives a developer the right to access taxes, and requires the county tax commissioner to collect them :angry2:

  12. Maybe Commissioner Ragsdale or Mr. Seabolt will provide some insight to my question and comments. Most citizens I talk to believe "our reservoir" means "Paulding County Reservoir, holding Paulding County water, to be treated and used by Paulding County citizens".

    Really???? Not the case, no plans are in place that the reservoir is just for paulding County Residents, Nor is their a treatment facility planned.

  13. Toxic:


    Do you really believe if there was clear evidence of voter fraud and criminal conduct, the election board would have found Mr. Seabolt qualified under the law regarding residency to even be on the ballot?


    I understand they felt there were questions on the part of the board regarding the technical aspects of his actions. Because they are not qualified in regard the law to determine what is and is not prosecutable, they punted their concerns to the District Attorney and quite possibly the state election board.


    However, you stated: "It referred Mr. Seabolt to the state elections board and the District Atty. because it felt there was both voter fraud and criminal conduct on the part of Mr. Seabolt." I would suggest that if the issue were that clear, we ought to consider removing that board from office for shirking their duty to the taxpayers if they didn't bar his candidacy and demand he be placed in custody.


    You then wrote: " As to your comment that you spoke to Mr. Seabolt about the accusations and he " denies flatly any charges," what did you expect someone running for office under investigation to say? " I confess.?"


    Confess to what specific charge? There is no specific charge, just an allegation by some members of the local election board.


    But where are the formal charges? Show me an indictment, a warrant for his arrest alleging criminal activity!


    My point is there is no formal accusation of wrongdoing. He has not been accused of a crime, no warrants have been taken, no formal charges filed.


    All we have is the public record of his hearing at the county election board. Some on the board felt Seabolt's testimony could cause him problems. To me what I heard there was a lot less damning than the sworn testimony by the presidents of the four largest tobacco companies who stood and swore that tobacco was not addicting. That statement was later proven a boldfaced lie, made under oath to congress... but not a one of those folks has been so much as charged with perjury or even contempt of Congress. To prove and prosecute crimes of this nature requires a very specific set of facts and in that obvious case, it is obvious Prosecutors did not have enough to file formal charges. Did those guys lie? Yes, they lied. Did they commit a crime? No, in fact they were never charged with a crime for that. That is the difference in this case and that ... there are no formal charges.


    So why does he have an attorney?( as he told you) ... Well he sort of has one. The Georgia Democratic Party is representing him using their attorney because the see how bogus this whole charade is.


    You asked Why was a hearing scheduled before the state election board?(as he told you) I have to assume it was because the local board referred it to them for review. Apparently it was not a formal hearing as Seabolt said the board told him his attendance was optional.


    Why did his attorney request a continuace of this hearing until after this election?( as he told you) My understanding from what Seabolt said was that the Democratic Party attorney was out of town and was unable to attend and asked the board's indulgence. It happens all the time. It is called due process.


    You may impressed by Mr. Seabolt but frankly I'm disappointed in you. He's telling you all the answers but apparently you refuse to listen. I don't think the voters of Post 1 will be so narrow minded.


    Toxic, I thought I was clear before. I think Joey is a young fellow who is a bit on the naive side. Given the GOP commissioners I ran across when covering county government in Oklahoma in the 1970s - all of whom had one tooth for each grade of education they had ... and none had more than eight teeth ... Joey is tacitly qualified for the post as is Larry Ragsdale as both, I know, have a dozen or more pearlies.


    What impresses me is the ends the 'Paulding GOP Machine" is going to, to not just run their race, but punish the young man with these kinds of allegations. I mean, here on pcom, it looks like a 60-40 split for Ragsdale and it would be a true surprise if Seabolt were to win.


    Indeed, the effort mounted against him raises more in the way of questions than anything. Could it be that as a non-party man, if he were elected, he might ask the wrong questions?


    Or is it that by running such a negative campaign seeking to literally libel his character, the local GOP machine is sending a message to anyone else who might try and challenge the machine?


    That 'take no prisoners' attitude, designed to dissuade any challengers, seems to me to be the real message of this effort.


    But as far as the substance of the allegations, if the violations were that serious, I think the local election board would have and should have declared his candidacy invalid.


    But still, the choice to go negative in this race, which seems so unnecessary and unwarranted, suggests to me that the local GOP is using this challenge by Seabolt to send a message that if you challenge the GOP, they will ruin you.


    Kind of sobering :)



    Such a shame that a young man wants to get involved in the political process, and his family is being drug into the political process.


    Since Larry Ragsdale was at the hearing where Joey Seabolt was deemed to be eligible to run for this office, By the election board, Why did he put out a flyer full of mis information?


    Larry are you scared to run on your past record of tax and spend, And being a yes man for anything that Jery Shearin wanted,


    Your votes on the courthouse,airport, sewerage,massive growth etc. are all a matter of record, you have placed the voters in Paulding County in debt for hundreds of Millions of dollars, And you have sat on your a$$ when it comes to the reservoir, and you know it.

  14. mojo413, two years ago they put in new high power line into yorkville from the power plant near cartersville. They snake through the woods between willow springs road and spring road anlong part of the area they want to develope for a indusrail area, so there is power. road network for the airport is good. There is US278 going to the railhead at powder springs, dor to wards Cedertown. St HWY 113 is being for laned all the way from Rockmart to I75 for trucks going nort. St Hwy 101 fromn Yorkville to Villa Rica provides a good route to I20 goig west or to Carrolton then south to I85, These routes bypass the bottle neck of Atlanta. I will ask about sewage but I think that that has been or is in the plans for beening built. Black pipe has been laid between the airport entrance and Goldmine road( for those that dont know Black tar lined steel pipe is used for sewage lines)



    In all due respect the black pipe is water lines, All of the four lane roads by pass Paulding County, we only have one four lane road going through the county (278) And one entering the county (120) You really do not understand that the plans were for paulding County to be a bedroom community for the City of Atlanta, Larry Ragsdale and jerry Shearin placed all of their eggs into this basket, And it has crashed.


    Are you aware that Larry Ragsdale voted to place on this years ballot an amendent to the Constitution ( Amendent # 3) That will give the BuilderL/Developers the rights to Tax certain Districts in Paulding County, And require the tax commissioner to collect these taxes? This is taxation without representation.

  15. WHITEY, the BOC has not just sat until there was a water shorage due to a drought. The first time that I can remember the need for a resivor, being discused at a GOP meeting by a chaairman and other commisioners was about ten years ago, when BIll Currth was chairman and Mike Pope was a commisoner. They were talking and starting to make plans for where to place it( this was befor the big growth in the county). After Jerry became chairman, he would give us updates on the status of the , investigations surrveys , and all the other reports that was having to be made to the corp of engineers, the EPA, and the other goverment orgaizations, what the delays were, and what the county was doing to speed things along. if it waas as easy as you apparently think it is, belive me that resivor would have been built long time ago. You have finaly amited that the judical building was needed to be built by the county, but then complained about the administaive building. Hvae you ever tried to get bussiness permit, buy land , building permits, checked on tax values or anything else that a person wanting to start a buiness, or expand has to do at the courthouse complex here, in the cold rain, or hot summerday. The distances are too short to drive and nowere to park if you could., and plum dangerous trying to cross the streets. no wonder companies did not want to locate here. The members of the BOC were very wise in starting the proceeding for a resivor when they did, and to build a new courthouse that is funtional.

    Damn Guntrucker you have a pretty good memory, you are correct, i believe the record will reflect that the land was bought for the reservor during this period of time, however since Jerry Shearin and Larry Ragsdale were elected in 2000 The reservoir was put on the back burner and the building boom was began by these two commissioners, along with a couple of more commissioners.


    Thanks to Jerry Shearin and Larry Ragsdale we now have a major problem with the water and the sewer systems, And we are dependent on Cobb County to provide our water and sewer needs.


    Vote for Joey Seabolt post 1 commissioner, yes the good ole boy network needs to go :clapping:

  16. A few questions...

    Do you believe the Paulding County Reservoir will provide drinking water to Paulding County?.

    I have been told we will get water from Bartow County. We will pump this water from the Etowah River then hold this water in our reservior. When a low water emergency occurs in Lake Allatoona, we will pump our water to Lake Allatoona. Cobb County will then treat this water and sale our water back to us. I also have been told we will not have a treatment plant in Paulding County and we will not have access to connect our water directly into any water lines in Paulding County.


    Do you believe the Court House will not be paid for with bonds?. If you believe there will be no bonds... how do you expect the $65,000,000 to be paid ?. If we could get money for only 4%, the interest would be over $215,000 per month or over $2-1/2 million per year. I could see a need for more modern Court Rooms, but not $65,000,000 for total county government relocation.


    Do you believe we are getting an airport for free ?. Commissioner Ragsdale voted for the Airport. In 3 years we have dumped over a million dollars of reported tax money into this project. Ride out there and look at the amount of county equipment that is on this job. The Airport budget does not show 1 cent for construction. The DOT budget does not show 1 cent for Airport Construction. But there is a mighty big county fleet on this job site. You also will not find a control tower, terminal building, hanger, fuel depot or fire station. Also there is no interstate, water, sewer or power for all the industry it's supposed to attract.


    Our grandchildren will still be paying for our current County Leaders spending 50 years from now. We made the mistake of allowing uncontrolled free wheeling spend and tax the last 8 years. Wait till we see our tax bills next year. We will be paying for what we let happen.

    You are so correct, And we have one more chance this year to make a difference, Vote for Joey Seabolt

  17. Also all those stores going out of business it is money$$$$ going by-by,the taxes they pay is going to be missed. B)

    Damn animal you need to shut up,All the business's are going out of business under the total control Of the republican party, Here in paulding county, Do not give the Democrats any ammo to fight you with :lol:


    Let's see if I've got this right. Some of you contend Commissioner Ragsdale has been a Shearin yes man when in fact he has been endorsed by David Austin who ran on a platform of change and says Mr. Ragsdale will be very valuable to him in implementing the changes voters are obviously wanting. Also, seabolt has been charged with voter fraud by the Attorney general's office and charged with lying on a Qualifying affidavit by the local election board and some of you are uncertain who is best suited to serve our county. You gotta be kidding.

    Larry Ragsdale record actually speaks for itself :D

  18. In another thread on paulding.com, I asked several questions of Joey Seabolt, one of the candidates for the Post I Commission seat. The reason for asking was simply that I wanted to find out more about him, his views and his intentions if being elected to office. He would not answer my questions. I since have conducted some of my own research on both candidates. One of the things I have heard from Mr. Seabolt is that he wants change, well....."that change" - sometimes it can be good and sometimes change can result in something in which we might be worse off than before. Change doesn't always mean good so I was just attempting to find out more about Mr. Seabolt and his plans.


    Although I wasn't able to get answers to my questions here on paulding.com from Mr. Seabolt, I have been able to get my questions answered from Mr. Ragsdale and have gathered a substantial amount of useful information on Larry Ragsdale. I received a copy of a flyer and there were two different photos on the face of the flyer - one with Mr. Ragsdale, Sheriff Bruce Harris and Lt. Colonel Gary Gulledge in which the caption states that "Larry has consistently supported public safety issues. "He understands the need to attract and keep quality police officers and fire fighters". There is another photo with our Commission Chairman Elect, David Austin, endorsing Larry Ragsdale and stating "Larry is a no nonsense leader who will take a stand on tough issues". In my opinion, that speaks very highly of Mr. Ragsdale.


    In investigating further, I found that Larry Ragsdale has indeed, as his flyer indicates, been a strong, independent leader. I found that Mr. Ragsdale was the first to act when issues of alleged impropriety about the company constructing our courthouse came up. He called for an independent audit to protect our interests. Thankfully, the independent audit did not find any impropriety but I am glad that Mr. Ragsdale stood up for the citizens of Paulding County and asked for the audit. After doing the research on Mr. Ragsdale, it certainly does appear that he does work hard to fight for the citizens of Paulding County. Mr. Ragsdale is retired, has served on the BOC for over 8 years and in earlier years, he served on the Paulding County Board of Education and at one time, was Chairman of the Paulding Board of Education.

    Mr. Ragsdale was very eager to answer my questions and I feel I received open, honest answers. Mr. Ragsdale didn't just "come out of the woodwork" - he has been dedicated to Paulding County and its citizens through his public service for many years.


    I will be the first to tell you that I don't live in the Post I District; however, I do realize that each of the Post Comissioners make decisions that affect EVERY CITIZEN OF PAULDING COUNTY, not just the ones in their districts. I truly love this county and the people and I feel it is the civic duty of each and every one of us to strive to make educated, informed decisions when deciding on which candidate we will vote for and support. That is exactly why I attempted to get Mr. Seabolt to answer my questions but he chose not to.


    I realize that some here on paulding.com already have their minds made up and there will be no changing them and that is fine. I was asked in another thread from one of Mr. Seabolt's supporters to post what I have found out about Mr. Ragsdale and that is what I have done.


    I certainly appreciate the fact that Joey Seabolt is running for public office but the only information I have been able to find out from him is the very limited information that I have reviewed on his website and from the few questions that he has answered from a couple other posters here on paulding.com. Again, I don't think my questions were unreasonable and out of line, I just don't understand why he won't answer them.


    Does the item high lighted explain the uncontrolled taxes, Of the school board?


    Got any idea where he retired from and what was his job duties?

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