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Posts posted by DOT

  1. This is a matter that would be pretty simple to resolve.


    I was at the public hearing today on the proposed tax increases, and a Gentleman,(did not catch his name) proposed that the commissioners Place on the November General Election Ballot a referendum that would require the County commissioners to enact impact fees, this seems like a good idea to me,if the people were allowed to vote on a fire tax levy,why would they not be allowed to vote on Impact fees.

    If the commissioners truly want to do the will of all the people, Let us vote on it,This would make a level playing field for all Voters, The Builders could explain why it would not be fair to them,and the other affected people could explain why it would be to their advantage.

    Democracy in action let us debate this until November and vote on this.


    Heck our officials have not had a problem figuring out how to spend our tax dollars,let them figure it out

  2. I believe if the Developers were smart and wanted to keep the cost down on Building a Home in Paulding County They would do a couple of things ASAP.


    They would look at the impact that they are causing on the infrastructure and the School system and make more significant donations to the School System and do this at the zoning hearings.


    Secondly they Would talk with all Builders in the County,and Get Them to Make a similair Donation,for Instance the Developements that are Approved By the city of Dallas and Hiram are not included in the voluntary donation That the County has got them to agree to.


    Failure to act very quickly on this issue can only assure that the citizens of Paulding County Are going to Rebel,Not only about their tax Bills, But also on the Elected Officials,Every day that passes more and more people are getting fed up with what is happening in this County.


    I have saw this happen in surrounding Counties, When the people get enough Your $$$$$ to campaigns will become total ineffective, not too late In Paulding YET.


    After all the tax payers are going to pay your way for just so long,Getting Rapidly to this point here.

  3. I'm going to back EDUCATED 1 on this, atleast a part of it. Yes, it may take 2 to 5 years for a developer to finish out a subdivision from the time they make an offer to purchase a track of land. What you see being built now was approved last year or the year before. And may be another year to two before the last home is sold. My understanding is when the last home is sold is when the final plat is done so all the owners can be recorded properly, but I may be wrong on this. Otherwise, it would be prohibitive for the average developer/builder to pay that much money before he has even sold the first home or lot.


    Plus, the key word here in "Voluntary". So if the builder decides he did not make as much as he had planned then he has the right to withdraw the "Voluntary" payment.


    Every developer I have worked with lives in this county, and has children going to school here. They fully understand what is going on and are working with county officials to help minimizing the damage. But as long as people want to move here, they will keep building new homes. That's what they do.


    Now lets all take a deep breath and relax a little. I have seen some of the plans for future development, and I like what I have seen so far (and I will be the first to say that there is some junk that has been built in the county). These plans take years to fully implement and have affect. There is a long-term plan in place, and refinements coming to those plans. And the Chairdude's interview in GA Trends that someone posted is right on the money. We are now paying for the actions of those now long gone!

    I really hope some of you do not eat me for lunch on this, but EDUCATED 1 is correct on his comments.


    Gosh have I missed something here I thought the stipulations made at the re-zonings were enforceable,OH I forgot some times a law suit has to be filed to get what the stips are suppose to say,I sure hope that a law suit is not necessary for the money for the schools,I can not believe .........yes I can the tax and spend commissioners have been given the sleeves right out of the developers vest

  4. I reviewed all of the BOC meetings for theyear 2005. There was a total of 9,492 lots approved and $1,242,500.00 pledged in donations. The following is the month by month breakdown.


    January 4569 lots approved $200,000.00 pledged


    2005-01-Z Abney Austin 941 lots *

    2005-02-Z Northwest Metro 196 lots *

    2005-03-Z Pinehill 306 lots Agrees to fund $200,000

    within the next 3 years

    2005-05-Z " " 605 lots for a school site

    2005-06-Z " " 545 lots

    2005-08-Z " " 1375 lots

    2004-74-Z Petty Developement 310 lots *

    2004-78-Z William Floyd 152 lots *

    2004-79-Z Steve Simpson 119 lots *


    Feb 0


    March 2005-27-Z Abney Austin 13 lots *

    2005-28-Z Residential land developers 158 lots *

    Z-26-03 Shiloft Developement Group 301 lots *

    2004-22-2 Greenspace properties 504 lots 500.00 per home for a

    total of 252,000 prior

    to final plat phase 1

    2005-13-Z BWWI 1293 lots $277,000. to BOE prior

    to final plat of phase 1

    2005-19-Z William Floyd 45 lots *


    April 2005-35-2 Paulding Developement 224 lots $50,000. to BOE


    May 2005-17-Z Riverwood Developement 66 lots *


    June 0


    July 0


    August 2005-52-Z Landslide Developement 378 Lots 500.00 per lot at final pl

    2005-48-Z Steve Simpson 83 lots 500.00 per lot at

    issuance of building



    Sept 2005-53-Z Ironclad Investment 280 lots *

    2005-65-Z Stan Stephens Enterprises 182 lots *

    2005-66-Z Keith Swafford 28 lots *

    2005-67-Z Paulding County BOC 159 lots *

    2005-43-Z Carter Fields, Inc 145 lots *


    Oct 2005-74-Z Temco Associates 148 lots *

    2005-75-Z Raymond Phillips 29 lots *


    Nov 2005-80-z Fairgreen North Paulding 1096 lots Owner/developeer to sell

    15 acres to the school system for 10,000. per

    acre, also build bridge & infrastructure

    to school site

    2005-83-Z Rakestraw Properties 206 lots 500.00 to BOE at final

    plat volunteer stip

    2005-84-2 " " 180 lots " "

    * nothing mentioned in approval for voluntary contributions



    Just dreaming I looked at the Commissioners minutes today and was amazed at the number of homes approved with no mention of any money whatsoever being donated to the school Board I saw the post that JS made on another topic on p.com,And cannot understand why he has not come back on and explained what he posted?


    Surely he would not have made such a statement and not have something in place for the past two years to collect this money,and forward this money to the School system


    I am sure that he will have a explanation for this Tuesday.Hope to see you there and have a little chat with you. Seems that you have done your home work hope you have your say tuesday I am not very good at speaking But I am in support of what you are doing Single moms cannot afford all this tax increases Thanks

  5. From that site:

    LOL, oh yeah, the leader in security and reliability. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    There is still no physical link between my vote and all the "redundant" storage.


    Flash cards can be changed or swapped.


    That whole page is propoganda for the masses. The reference to "Windows" proves it. Only a government worker sees Windows and thinks "security" and "reliability".

    I wonder what percentage can fail or mis-record votes and them still get paid.






    Can I assume that you have talked with the local election officials who tallied the votes from all the different precincts, and from all the different individual voting machines?


    . If so would you share that with us?


    Was their room for human error in the process that our local officials use?


    If their was a possibility of human error should they be a recount.?


    Why do you leave out the most important part of the FAQ’s



    How are votes recorded and reported?


    A: Your vote is recorded in three separate locations on the voting unit, assuring that no vote can ever be lost. The touch screen terminals record choices in flash memory, assuring that votes remain secure even in the unlikely event of a sudden equipment failure. The voting units use a form the Microsoft Windows operating system, the most widely used software in the world.


    In addition to two onboard locations, votes are stored on a removable computer memory card, much like those found in laptop computers. After the polls close a paper tape is printed showing the vote totals from each machine, and from all of the units in an individual precinct. These tapes, along with the removable PC cards from each unit, are collected and transported to the county elections office. There, the vote totals are compiled and the cards and tapes are kept in a secure location.

  6. Even if you got one, what's to recount?


    With this WONDERFUL electronic voting system, my vote went into a magical black box with NO TRACEABILTY!!


    This is my big complaint about this whole electronic voting crap. The machines should print off a receit you can check to make sure your votes were recorded correctly and that deposited in a locked "Recount" box if needed.


    How the heck could you prove anything with no record except the computers? Right now, what the master computer says is it. Warped or not.


    Sorry, I work with some of the most dependable electronic computer equipment in the world. Our uptime is supposed to be 5 9s: 99.999% of the time. It is tested to death (over 5 times as much testing time as it took to write the code) and problems are STILL found in the field. And that's just mistakes in the code. With voting its MUCH more likely to be hacked or corrupted from the inside, or at the courthouse tally computers or anywhere.


    Give it up, there IS no recount thanks to the wonder voter people at the State Capital.





    It woild be wonderful if you and mark david new what you were talking about Unfortunately Both are completly wrong on this one.


    Here is a link that will correct this un informed opinion. http://www.sos.state.ga.us/elections/elect...voting/faqs.htm

  7. There should be a recount on the fire tax referendum


    During this election there were 8,958 Cards cast.


    4,469 voted for the fire tax and 4,013 voted against the fire tax .for a total of 8482, this is 476 less votes cast here than the actual cards cast


    According to the unofficial ballot 476 either did not vote one way or the other on the fire tax issue, or the 476 votes were not properly tallied, or there was a malfunction in some of the machines?


    It would be a disgrace to allow this to go un challenged, without a recount, and to allow this to stand not knowing why 476 people who actually took the time to vote, were either not cast or not tallied properly or their was a machine that malfunctioned. If a person simply did not vote that is their fault if there were errors in the Tallies or a machine Malfunction, void the election and Re run the election this November.


    An explanation of this irregularity is in order

  8. :unsure:


    Everyone is in business for profits, but even those self-employed must realize that they must satisfy the customer or else they won't have a business. When government officials and developers build relationships together, rules get overlooked for their benefits $$$. However, we need a refresher course this small town type of politics with millions of dollars of taxpayer money at stake. Who are the politicians looking out for? Their voters or their campaign contributors, who are developers that many live out of our community, and also large firms in atlanta that take many of our county contracts. You shouldn't like being exploited by anyone, especially your "servants of the public," which are actually your representatives. Being quite "Frank," What has been done? I know we hear about the reservoir, which is nothing but land that has been sitting their for over 5 years, or East Hiram Parkway. But is that what gets accomplished within the past 8 years. Face it, the people of Paulding County are nothing but a cash cow to the few that own our 'supposable' representatives. Why do we get a municipal airport, when there are 2 airports 15 minutes from this one in Rockmart and cartersville. But no, 9 out of 10 residents of this county must drive to cobb county or closer to atlanta to feed their families, yet not get to spend an ounce of daylight with them hardly because their sitting in traffic trying to get home. But thats not the end. "We have no water pressure in the evening," is the statements given by the residents of a new community in post 3. Why, because we have more citizens than our "1950's" water system can handle because of all the mass developing. I mean, since our commissioners are so "on top" of such issues or handling them, why is this even an issue. I mean, How long did it take to get Hiram Parkway, 8 to 10 years? But, "oh, where going to take care of these issues." Not hardly, "No interest and $500 down" has people filling these house like hotcakes, and our commissioners are doing a great job? Honestly, I don't like politics in politics. When our representatives begin to make decisions for "anything" other than what is the voice of the peole that voted them into office, they are no longer a representative, but something else entirely different.


    "Animal" You gave my father a question the Saturday at the "Meet your Candidate" that stated, "The issues you are criticizing are already being taken care of, but what is how is it that your going to handle these issues in detail?" And he answered your question by using water from the major rivers that flow into paulding county, rather than buy water from Bartow County to pump 10 miles up hill into our reservoir that hasn't yet begin to be much more than a hole."


    But my question to you is, why did every other candidate that I heard that day give a question and answer period after their speech, except for your man "Hal Echols?" You had the right to ask a question. The biggest thing a representative must have is an "Ear," yet he doesn't want to hear from the community. My father has been stated as a "simple man," but a simple man by my defenition is humble and in my father's case "honest" and willing to help anyone in any way possible. It may be my problem though, I'd rather be the son of a simple, honest, hardworking man, that cares about his family and community than what the opposite of that is. I may be wrong, maybe that has become an unwanted quality in our present day.


    In recogntion of my previous post, ALL ABOVE STATEMENTS were soley the opinion of myself, Ryan Hart.



    ryan you are to be commended for standing up for what is right.

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