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Posts posted by DOT

  1. You may be confused to what private property, freedom and liberty means. "By giving money hand-over-fist" ???? Excuse me, it's Delta's money to begin with! But of course you socialists don't see it that way. You see it as your money to take and then hand out according to how you see fit. Going after our corporations in Atlanta and chasing them away to neighboring states is the last thing Georgia's economy needs. Figure out a solution that doesn't involve rationing out other folks money.

    Must be one of them Tea Baggers?

  2. Nice use of the "good ole boys" and "business as usual" Obama brainwashing phrases. As well as the anti-free trade rhetoric. As for the 1000s of teachers, what where the results when they were on the job? Oops.

    Real nice diversion tactic yourself, First the Teachers in Paulding County did a tremendous job with our kids, In my opinion, It appears that we have a difference of opinion on this matter.


    Secondly I asked

    Just for my information will you please tell me what our State Senators And our House of Representives Have done for Paulding County in the Past eight years?
    Did you overlook this question. Surely you can point out some things that were accomplished by our Representives?
  3. Synopsis of the website:


    "I believe that under the Gold Dome, we need strong leadership that will represent Paulding's working middle class—folks just like you and me" .... typical class warfare used by liberals all the time.


    "For too long, Paulding County has endured career politicians looking out for the interests of big corporations, while forgetting about the real Georgians like you." .... more class warfare and anti-capitalist rhetoric used by liberals.


    "In order to ensure that Paulding County has the best teachers, we must pay them competitively." ... increased spending has never been proven to improve education, it only funds those cozy desk jobs for the teachers' union.




    "Discourage giving multibillion dollar corporations in Atlanta huge tax breaks if it means leaving local businessmen and women out to dry." ... more demonetization of successful corporations. Paulding has a ton of small businesses, what we need are a few large businesses! How will you attract them with this kind of talk? Would it be such a bad thing for a multibillion dollar corporation to move to Paulding?


    "For me, the question has never been whether Georgia legislation should focus on the right to bear arms, but rather ensuring that those arms are owned legally, and that they stay out of the hands of those that wish us and our children harm." ... And how will Mr Avery accomplish that? Answer ... gun restrictions!


    Thanks but no thanks Mr. Avery, the last thing Paulding County needs is a yes-man to the Democrats in Atlanta, in Congress, and in the White House.


    Well I guess Paulding county could reelect some of the good ole boys for the District 19 seat and we can continue business as usual and if the housing market ever rebounds, Maybe the economy will rebound here in Paulding county and the state of Georgia.


    Or just maybe, Paulding residents are fed up with the business as usual, and will reject the politics of the past.


    Since you mentioned Delta Workers, Care to talk about a company that went Bankrupt, Transferred all of the pension liability to the government pension plan, That is paid for by other Vested pension plans, And guaranteed by Federal Tax dollars, And you think it is okay to take Georgia Tax dollars and subsidize the fuel tax that all other Georgians have to pay.


    Are you okay with allowing the Ford Hapeville, And the Doraville General Motors plants to close and them take your tax dollars to Bring in a foreign company KIA and provide Over $500 million dollars in incentives to build a plant, Plus millions in tax breaks, And nothing for the American plants, Only to see the profits of this plant go overseas? These tax dollars would have allowed thousands of teachers to remain on the job teaching our kids, and giving them a quality education that they deserve


    Need I say any more? Just for my information will you please tell me what our State Senators And our House of Representives Have done for Paulding County in the Past eight years?


    I can only say that the past two elected representives of District 19 have certainly brought shame and disgrace to this county. In addition our representives have raised our taxes on property owners both last year and this year.

    And you want two more years of this........... Not me I am voting for Roy Barnes and Will Avery. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH

    I am opening minded though, Tell me what the other candidates will do for PAULDING COUNTY?

  4. Seriously? No wonder people are leaving this website in droves and turning to sites like Facebook instead. You have let everyone on here trash Beverly and when someone takes up for her you shut them down and say they've been impolite? You let certain people post lies and malign people extensively and when someone takes up for them, you tell them they've been disrespectful? What a joke your website has become! I don't know why I ever bother to waste my time looking at this trash.

    I have neither posted lies nor trashed Mrs. Cochran, And neither have I sat back and agreed with some of the praise that has been heaped upon her.

    My friend that is called a Political discussion about the issues.

    If you have been following the discussion about post #2, I am sure that you Realize that Mrs. Cochran has attempted to distance herself from the past administration, however the interview that Pubby did With Mrs. Cochran certainly dispels any Thought of a disconnect from the previous administration

    Given that thought you have the opportunity to campaign for or against her as you wish.


    Were you trashing Golden in another thread, I say no you were raising issues that should be considered when deciding who to vote for

  5. So, have you actually talked to her or are you pulling this out of your backside like usual?


    I have talked to her and her only reason for running was because people were still calling her needing help and she was no longer able to do so. After many, many request for help and people asking her to run for office, she decided to run.

    Care to elaborate what kind of help she could provide as a AA, That she can no longer provide?

  6. Actually I know more than you think. I watched both Golden and Braddock on the board, and she is definitely the better candidate of the two. The FACT is, on taxes, Braddock mostly voted against them, Golden ALWAYS voted for them, public record, and a FACT. The fact that Golden never stood up for anything, matter of opinion, but you can ask any former board member that served with him or BOE employee that attended board meetings during that time and they will tell you.

    Building crappy houses, ask anyone that lives in the houses Golden built with Steve Simpson and the other builders he has worked with.


    I don't know why Stout quit his job, you're right, not smart.


    I believe Paulette has backed herself financially, I don't know that, but it is public record too if you want to look it up.


    I haven't looked at Goldens financial disclosures for past elections, but the builders are backing him in this race. The people that attended that his kickoff this week and gave him money, Bill Carruth, David Austin, Tom Cable, Carlton Rakestraw, Mickey Womble and several others that are all members of the Paulding Builders Association and trying to get their puppet elected. They've been pulling the puppet strings on candidates for far too long. They were behind Shearin, then backed Austin, and they have someone running in every election in the county this time.

    I believe that the record will reflect that both Golden and Braddock were very liberal when it came to imposing tax increases while serving on the school board.


    Can you point out some of the tax Increases that Braddock opposed?

  7. I'm sorry Dot, but you do not understand the issues correctly. You still want Paulding County the way it was back in the 50's and that's never going to happen.


    Let me ask you one question, do you want a bunch of commissioners that all agree with what the Chairman wants or people who are going to speak out and ask questions?

    I was not here in the 50’s, so I have no idea what it was like here back then.

    I was here during the 2000 thru 2008 administration and I am completely aware of what it was like then, and even today, some of the remnants of that administration are left over, with the likes of Kirby, Powell, And Ragsdale. Two of which have opted not to seek re election.


    You Stated

    So you want to chastise her for being smart enough to request an employment contract when being transferred due to political reasons? I think it was a smart move on her part.

    It appears to me, that the three commissioners mentioned above refused to move Mrs. Cochran from her previous position, thus the need for the contract in question.

    As the old saying goes birds of a feather flock together, it is truly a sad day when a new incoming Commission Chairman, Cannot put employees in top decision making positions that would advance the platform that they ran on.

    This should be a given to any incoming Commission Chairman


    Winchester, I believe I do understand, Even better than yourself,This is the good old bot network working at it's finest.


    BTW was you here in the 50's, I thought not,just some more of your idle talk

  8. So you want to chastise her for being smart enough to request an employment contract when being transferred due to political reasons? I think it was a smart move on her part.


    Sounds like to me she is someone who knows how politics works and knows how to get things done!


    You are free to think and vote like you want.

    If I have followed and understand the issue correctly, It is not a matter of smarts, But rather a political connection with some of the good old boy commissioners left over fron the previous adminstration

  9. Well I am obviously of a different mind set because I am not perplexed by the fact she received a settlement on a contract when she was let go. Happens everyday. If you have a contract guaranteeing you something, you expect it to be fulfilled, correct? If it is not fulfilled, you go from there. This instance it was a settlement for a lessor amount then would have been received if the contract were held up, so I have no problem with that.

    Why weren't all the people laid off given the same/similar deal? We are not all "equal". What one gets does not mean everyone does. She had a contract, did the water people? (Now I know the school teachers not renewed did not. Their contracts will expire and they are offered on a yearly basis. So no breach on the contract, just stinks for education, but that is a whole other topic!) Anyone that had a contract in hand should have received compensation/resolution on said contract.

    I agree all employees are not equal, Appears to me that only the politically connected get the sweet heart deals,Sorry to disagree with you,but she is no better than anyone else, She did not deserve a contract that gave her preferential treatment.

  10. Addressing salary: Honestly the amount she made was never in question for me. I know a few people with the title AA that make that or more,granted they do not work in Paulding, but it does not seem unreasonable to me. :pardon: I would assume the pay scale was set when a person was hired and would included at least some raises in the time the person was there. I would gather in her situation, since retirement was close by, she had put in some time.


    AA's in Politics: I had no idea they would take on such a power position! If I elect a certain person I would expect that person to make decisions on issues and not an AA. I can understand them using their people as sounding boards, attending certain functions, and even signing some documents,I would assume that is common practice. A "key" decision maker? Wow. If they are in the thick of decisions and brokering of power shouldn't we know who they are and where they stand? I understand that a person would want to choose their own AA to work closely with them, but if AA's are making decisions for me, I should have a say in the person that gets the position. (my opinion) Can someone with actual knowledge of our commissioners office (anyone with knowledge can answer :) ) know if this is what is happening now? Do I need to find out exactly who Austin's AA is and where she stands on politics? If she is making decisions I would like to know those things.


    LOL. I am learning much, but it just leads to more questions! Again, I do appreciate those that having taken the time to address some of the questions I have had.

    Bellaprincess you state In part

    A "key" decision maker? Wow. If they are in the thick of decisions and brokering of power shouldn't we know who they are and where they stand? I understand that a person would want to choose their own AA to work closely with them, but if AA's are making decisions for me, I should have a say in the person that gets the position. (my opinion) Can someone with actual knowledge of our commissioners office (anyone with knowledge can answer


    I believe that the record will show that Pat Crook was the County Manager and Beverly Cochran was the Administrative Assistant. For part of the Shearin adminstration.


    The record of the previous administration pretty well speaks for itself

  11. I am confused by the statement above (highlighted) on how she would be responsible if she did her job and did not have a voice in actually what was implemented? If she carried out her job and did as she should as an employee how is that her fault? That is a very large blanket. I teach kids everyday as I am instructed. Is the state of the county schools at this point my fault?


    I am really just trying to understand all of this. I do agree that we have had some poor leadership and decisions made in this county,but I do not see how that equates to everyone that worked for that administration to be at fault.


    Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion with me. I do really appreciate that! :)

    If you were the adminstrative assistiant to the principal and something happened in a classroom would you be held accountable?

  12. Seems like we were on topic. You made an accusation and did not give us all the info and when asked, or we questioned anything, you ignore it. (well, at least me) You are making some more really long jumps on the statements above. Why would she want to thwart plans that would help this county, the county where she lives? Just because she worked for the previous administration? How is JS still influencing her? Wouldn't you think anyone running and putting themselves out there would be doing so in an effort to better where they reside?

    I would really like to know the answers to these questions.

    I am not surepip, and I am like some of the previous posters on here I am not too smart but I did stay at a Holiday Inn a couple nights ago.


    It is not a matter if she wanted to thwart plans that would help this county, but rather what are her plans for this County. And will it really help the county?


    We all know that she worked for two previous Commission Chairmen and we all know what transpired during that twelve year period.


    Everyone should realize that the building boom that this county experienced has caused many tax increases over these twelve years, In addition it has caused a severe problem with the School system, Which resulted in the need for additional schools, And additional teachers. At this point in time the county can no longer provide the teachers for all of these additional classrooms, and hundreds of the teachers are now being laid off.

    Fact is there are a lot of services that can no longer be provided, and many other county employees have also lost their jobs,

    Is this Mrs. Cochran fault? I say yes, It is partly her fault not entirely, But certainly she has to share some of the responsibility for the mess that the county is now experiencing, She was part of two administrations that got this county into the mess we are in, And carried out the policies of those administrations in the performance of her job, And aided those two administrations in caring out those policies.


    Something has really gone awry in Paulding County, When people support a person that was making $64,000 per year, And by her own admission was not a CERTIFIED clerk, And then uses legal representation to attain another $49,000 + to get her to retirement age, And then turns around and runs for a commissioner post and if elected will be placed back on the County payroll paid with tax dollars, And by the way will accrue additional pension benefits. (Shaking head in disgust)

    Because Mrs. Cochran, had the political clout to negotiate a contract, that protected only her, Speaks volumes to me as to her integrity, and her concerns of the tax payers of this county.



    Here is some more things that Jason also stands for.


    Is this part of Jasons Platform for Paulding County!!!! As reported from the Southern voice on line




    As reported from the above web site

    The City Council should vote on the measure by January, according to Council member Jason Anavitarte, who introduced the amendment to the city,s Code of Ordinances.


    "This legislation is another step to make Doraville a more inclusive city open to all people," said Anavitarte, who is heterosexual.


    Jason Anavitarte, a member of the Doraville City Council, is sponsoring legislation that would provide benefits to the domestic partners of city employees. (Photo by Andrew Keegan

    Southern Voice Online - [Cached Version]

    Published on: 11/5/2005 Last Visited: 11/5/2005

    The Doraville City Council will vote Nov. 7 on legislation to offer domestic partner benefits to city employees, according to Council member Jason Anavitarte.Anavitarte, who is not gay, proposed the measure at the Oct. 17 City Council meeting.


    ,All employees and citizens should be treated fairly and afforded the same opportunities,, he said at the time.


    The legislation requires a majority vote from the council,s six members to pass.Mayor Ray Jenkins votes only in the case of a tie and does not have the power to veto legislation.


    Jenkins declined comment about the proposed ordinance.


    But Anavitarte said last week that he hopes to have four votes in favor of the legislation lined up so the ordinance can be approved Nov. 7.


    In addition to Anavitarte, Council members Donna Pittman and Marlene Hadden publicly support the measure, Anavitarte said.In addition to Anavitarte, Council members Donna Pittman and Marlene Hadden publicly support the measure, Anavitarte said.


    There,s a lot of lobbying going on right now,, Anavitarte said Oct. 26.Should the measure fail, Anavitarte said he will it bring it up again after new council members take office.

    Doraville City Councilman Anavitarte told the audience that each one of us is going to be held accountable for the quality of life of Latinos. He added, We need to help Latinos understand that voting is the mechanism for creating policy that makes sense

    Welcome to GALEO :: Georgia Association of Latino... - [Cached Version]

    Published on: 12/31/2009 Last Visited: 12/31/2009

    Council Member Jason Anavitarte


    Councilman Jason Anavitarte is the Director of Community Relations for Amerigroup Community Care, leading some of the largest market share growth in the Georgia plan since its inception in July 2005. He also currently serves on the Board of GALEO and the Atlanta Silverbacks.


    I do not feel that Paulding County is ready for Jason at this point in time, Maybe a little later when we get more diverse

  14. Yes, Cochran was an EMPLOYEE of the BOC at that time, and for many years before and after this, even worked under Bill Carruth. It doesn't matter if she knew anything about it or not, because she has never been in a decision making position....she was an employee. She did what she was TOLD to do, just like any employee of ANY business. She could not have spoken out about this issue without fear of being fired! If you were at risk of loosing your job, would you speak out?


    People are trying to read a whole lot more into this issue then needs to be. It really is a non-issue to begin with and is only trying to smear a candidate who is running against someone else they are supporting. And this doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out!


    But let me explain a little about that email in question. The County was wanting clarification if they needed to run print advertising (at the expense of the County) if the "Millage" rate did not change for that year. The law requires public advertising if the "Millage" rate changes, which it didn't. Again, a mountain was made of a molehill!



    I find your post very amusing to say the least. If I understand what you are attempting to convey is that Beverly Cochran Has worked for the Commissioners for the past twelve years, During, which time we have experienced many tax increases, A airport that we did not want, A building boom that has caused chaos in the school system, which has now resulted in massive layoffs, A lack of a an adequate water supply to attract needed industrial growth, Grid lock on the roads, A tax scheme in 2008, whereas the people of this County were being duped and she should have sat by watched all of this occur, And because she was loyal to her employer, and kept her mouth shut She is now qualified to be one of our commissioners?

    GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!

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  15. I have nothing to do with her campaign or anyone else's for that matter. I am simply attempting to be fair and objective.


    I have no clue whether or not she was in receipt of the email you are talking about. I have not accused her of being in receipt of any email so therefore, the burden of proof is not mine - it lies with the ones accusing her.

    Sound a little bias to me

  16. She might not even read p.com - there are lots of people that don't! Maybe if YOU have any questions, YOU might consider simply picking up the phone and calling her or sending her, or any other candidate in any race for that matter, an email.


    As I stated earlier, it is a candidate's choice as to whether or not they campaign here and thus far, it doesn't appear that many have chosen to do so. I assume they make calculated, well-thought out decisions on where to spend their campaign dollars and I am not in the position to advise them when and where to spend their campaign money.


    If you have questions for any of the candidates, you can always take the responsible, pro-active approach and contact them - I'm sure they will make themselves available and be glad to talk to you and give you specific details on what they stand for.


    Are you her campaign manager? You sure do seem to be responding to a lot of the questions being directed at her, do you know if she was in receipt of an e-mail that Maddox spoke of in a previous post?I am talking about the one that Todd Pownall asked Jerry Shearin about

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