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Posts posted by DOT

  1. There are =no= taxes taken out on a 1099. All taxes =of all types= are the responsibility of the subcontractor when they file their yearly income tax. As stated earlier this is not uncommon in any business. These people are considered =self employed= and must pay the tax as every one else. An example would be a doctors office or hospital who hires a dietician or nurse as a =sub= and others of this nature.


    All employers are required to have a =Form= completed with the SS information and copy. I do not remember the number of the form at this time.

    So are you saying that when a person gets a 1099 form and files his State ,Federal And City taxes that he is also required to pay F.I.C.A. and Medicare taxes on those tax forms?

  2. A contractor performs a job and submits an invoice. Invoice is paid to a company after becoming a vendor - part of which would be providing proper tax ID information. The contractor deals with withholding and other tax issues. Certainly you guys are smarter than you are leading on??


    Issues regarding illegal immigration are the responsibility of the federal government. The Supreme Court has upheld this many times.


    So once the invoice is submitted by the Contractor, A check is cut for that amount that is stated on the invoice, at what point are the taxes actualy deducted, or paid, and what ensures this payment?


    I am curious about how the SS and Medicare taxes are paid?


    No, contractors and subs are =not= exempt from tax. 1099 Forms are issued at the end of each year to them. These are tax forms reported to the IRS by the employer and it is the responsibility of that contractor or sub to submit this 1099 with there yearly income tax return with the taxes owed. The taxes are paid at that time by the sub whereas an =employee" has taxes held from their paycheck and receives a W-2 Form. The government =will= get their money either way.



    How do they collect the Social Security and Medi care tax?

  3. It is a common business practice in =any= business =anywhere= to hire contract labor. This is not uncommon =at all= and is certainly not illegal. It does not mean taxes are not paid.


    These accusations are growing quite old that all builders and developers and the Board of commissioners are trying to pull one over on everyone from other taxpayers to the government and do not pay their share.



    Can you explain how these taxes are paid?


    How about the F.I.C.A. and the medicare tax,how are they collected? Are contractors and subs exempt from these taxes?


    Don't seem fair to me that everybody else pay these taxes up front, through payroll deductions, and some are exempt?

  4. Those are not EMPLOYEES...they are CONTRACTORS and as such no taxes are deducted. They quote a job and are paid upon completion. The responsibility of the owner of the sheetrock, roofing, plumbing, electrical etc company will deduct those taxes from THEIR EMPLOYEES. As far as W/C and GL insurance most builders / developers I know will not even consider a company for employment unless they carry both and usually they require a minimum coverage amount. When you refer to secretaries, project managers, building superintendents and those types that may be hired as an employee of the building / developing company than yes all required deductions are made from their pay checks. Hope this helps.



    So the law does not require a developer to deduct taxes from a contractor that you have hired?


    What if he is one of the estimated 12,000,000 illegals in the country,how do they collect the taxes?


    If they provide a Social Security card is F.I.C.A Deducted, Or the Medicare tax Deducted?


    I am a little confused here,Just how are these taxes deducted? I hope you are not saying that a contractor does not withhold any of these taxes?

  5. I was just watching the comcast 16 and I do not know whether I heard it right, but I do not think that the state has got their part of the money yet. And I do not think that the feds have got theirs either?


    What happens if they do not come up with their part, will we be required to pay the entire $45 million?


    Does anyone know where the Airport sewer plant is going to be built, and what is the proposed time frame for it?


    Can someone explain why we are paying for the lower 1/3 and then turning it over to the DNR?


    From what I have been reading I do not think that they should be managing county property, is this common pratice for a county to buy property and then let the state take it over?

  6. Some of this property comes real close to my kinfolks land also.


    I just thought of something else,does anyone remember the proposed northern arc that is suppossed to go thru paulding?


    If geenspace goes thru,they can't put it there,I can't remember the proposed route but it was close by


    I am not sure that this answer is correct information? Can Imminent domain be used?


    In any event there is already talk of using the Silver Comet Trail Right of way to provide Rapid Rail Service to this area, Kinda ties in with the New airport ,and Business Park, already proposed for this Area.


    Got any idea why the county portion is closest to the Airport?


    Do you have any Idea who the Private Investors That was Talked about in the September BOC are???

  7. I am inclined to Vote "NO" for now. I care about animal wildlife, but I believe there is another motive lying underneath that may be more for selfish reasons than to serve the public.


    Until all of the answers come forward and convince me otherwise, I will Vote "No".




    kelleyofhiriam I am also inclined to vote no on this bond issue,but probably for reasons that are much different than yours.


    Just recently there was a bond issue for the School board, and it was voted down by a group of citizens who had enough of the tax and spend mentality of the current leadership,of Paulding County.


    I had been watching the commissioners meeting that was telecast, and all of a sudden you can no longer view the meeting on TV and so I decided to attend the past Commissioners meetings,and see for myself what was going on at these meetings.


    The first meeting that I attended that day was the Planning meeting, and was I ever suprisied as to how that meeting was ran. Seemed to me that it made no difference what anyone said the Zonings were always approved. The fact was brought out in one zoning that due to flooding in the area that a fatality had occured,and no one seemed to care about the flooding in the area, and the zoning was approved.


    The main meeting that night the commissioners voted on all of the rezonings,approved all but one which was tabled until the next meeting.


    This was done in spite of the fact that all of the schools in that area was already, overcrowded and the commissioners were aware of this, You are probably thinking by now that I was one of the pro bond voters, nope I voted against that bond just as I am going to vote against this bond and I hope that a group of citizens will come together and amass a all out attack against this bond issue.


    Which is the Most Important Issue facing the County at the present time? Greenspace or Schools, Greenspace or Traffic Congestion, Greenspace or Law enforcement, Greenspace or Water reservoir.


    At the meeting that Night I did not hear one commissioner voice any opinions on any of these issues with the exception of the schools which they claimed they could do nothing about, and to contact their state officials.

    And they did call one citizen a lair when he offered some solutions to the school problems.


    That is some of the reasons but there are other reasons to consider voting no, The county will give the state full control of this land, the Timber will be cut, they can do as they please with this land and it will be managed as a WMA, not as Greenspace, The federal Government will also have control over part of this Land, all the while we pay for our part.


    Why was the county portion of this land around the new airport?

    Why Does one of our Former commissioners serve on the DNR board?

    Why does a lot of this land Border relatives of some of the Present Commissioners?

    why is the committee heading up this bond issue a relative of one of the commissioners?



  8. Will the timber be Harvasted off this site?


    Will this be the same as Red Top Mountain?


    Will this be the same as other WMA land Where you have to purchase a WMA stamp to Hunt ?


    Has there been a committe formed similar to the one formed by The Board Of Education,that will be actively supporting this bond issue with signs, phamplets, etc. If so who is on this Committee?


    What is the exact cost on a $200,000 home ? and how long will the bond be issued for?


    Will this be ran by the State?


    Anyone know the exact Language on the ballot?


    Will the county own all 7,000 + acres?


    Is this just for Paulding County Residents, or can anyone use this area?


    Who will maintain and run this property?


    Has the State and Federal Government already raised their portion of the money?

  9. Was listening to the fast read page and I have some questions?


    Will the timber be Harvasted off this site?


    Will this be the same as Red Top Mountain?


    Will this be the same as other WMA land Where you have to purchase a WMA stamp to Hunt ?


    Has there been a committe formed similar to the one formed by The Board Of Education,that will be actively supporting this bond issue with signs, phamplets, etc. If so who is on this Committee?


    What is the exact cost on a $200,000 home ? and how long will the bond be issued for?


    Will this be ran by the State?


    Anyone know the exact Language on the ballot?


    Will the county own all 7,000 + acres?


    Is this just for Paulding County Residents, or can anyone use this area?



  10. To all P.com members who have been involved in The Grassroots,movement To get the Facts out on this $125 million Dollar Bond Issue we Have Two Days Left


    If we are to suceed in this effort, We must use these next two days to Knock on some doors,Make some Phone calls, talk to our friends,neighbors,coworkers, to remind everyone that Tuesday is Election Day, and to go vote.


    I can assure you that through conversations with people throught the County that the opposition,has done their job, and will turn out the vote.


    There have been many people that have done some hard work,spent long hours,and knocked on many Doors,passed out plenty of flyers etc.

    Lets not lose this election in the last two days,Help fight this until the polls close tuesday.


    My hat is off to each and everyone of you that has come together,and worked hard,Will we finish the job the next two days?


    I should not even ask that question,because I know we will Thank you so Much WHITEY




    I would like to remind everyone that this is the fourth tax increase being imposed on property owners this Year and there is another one proposed for the November Ballot.

    Two of these tax increase have been included on this years tax bill,and are due now.

    The remaining three will be Included on next years tax bill,and if you own a home in the $200,000 price range this increased taxes will easily exceed $400.00 plus tax Increase over this years tax bill.

    This does not even include the tax increases for the Courthouse,and the $655 million sewer expansion.

    Can we send the message that enough is enough? Please vote Tuesday


    PRD=Planned Residential Development

    Tuesday 9-12-06 The Board of Commissioners meets to approve the following zoning requests:


    2005-36-Z =361 lots N. Davis Mill Rd. & Old Mustang Dr.

    2005-57-Z =151 lots North side of Coppermine Rd.

    2005-59-Z =111 Add on lots to total 579 Mt. Tabor & E. Dallas-Acworth Hwy.

    2005-63-Z =151 lots Indian Lake & Old Mill Rd.

    2006-40-Z = R-2 to R-7 multi family ranch homes total not shown

    2006-38-Z = unknown, cannot find in BOC minutes


    GRAND TOTAL 774 lots this month only! The totals that I ran based on BOC meeting minutes from 2004 to early 2006 equaled over 24, 400 lots!




    What does this mean? HIGHER TAXES!


    HOW-WHY? The Board of Education is requesting a vote 9-19-06 for more money.

    Don’t blame them, it is the Board of Commissioners approving every zoning put in front of them that has created the problem. KEEP THE MORATORIUM until the infrastructure can catch up.


    What is the problem? Builders & Developers are having a wonderful time making money at our expense. They can pay $ 5,500 sewer tap fees, but cannot seem to “offer like sums” as a donation to the BOE.


    So the education of the children is secondary to sewer services based on the financial differences.


    GO FIGURE…..$500/per lot (at final plat) for the School Board OR $ 5,500 for sewer taps.


    IF the BOC determines the sewer tap fees, then why can’t they determine other fees associated with the massive building of new houses that will assist the overcrowded schools?




    The builders claim they are big business in Paulding and there is a “trickle down” effect to many others for their efforts. IT IS TEMPORARY!


    IF the B&D’s would spend ½ their time on getting NEW businesses into Paulding-light to heavy industrial or better yet-services, commercial development then this would all equal out.

    BUT, building BEDROOMS with the average # of children at 2.75 per household (Paulding has a rate higher than state or national average-number quoted by Planning/Zoning) then the EXPENDITURES FOR SERVICES FOR THEM WILL EXCEED THE REVENUES. :excl: :excl:




    Come to the BOC meeting this Tuesday 9-12-06 @ 10 AM. 2 PM ( votes will be cast in stone at this point)


    GET OUT TO VOTE “NO” Tuesday 9-19-06.

    Good post,But you omitted the new rezoning request that will be brought before the Planning and zoning Board later this month,got any idea how many this is? This is only the ones that were tabled awaiting the sewer study.

  12. Thanks for your imput eaglemom. Our children are worth it!!!! In all reality, we are talking about less than a dollar a day to help our children.


    WHOA Where do you get that dollar a day crap?


    $70 million already spent for school bonds.


    $265 million already Spent for SPLOST dollars


    $3,493,129,914 Dollars for this years M&O tax digest over twice what was collected in 2001


    And now another $125 million,that will not remove any trailers from the existing school system, I beleive this is the most accurate figures,They came from the BOE web site.


    Sorry for the sake of the kids future I will be voting NO, and Will join the Care And Share Plan

  13. Just want to add this from my friend who is a state rep.


    Had breakfast with him this morning and ran our education funding problems by him. He thinks the only solution is charter schools - but this is a hard battle due to the teacher's union.



    I am interested in the charter school concept,will you please post this state Reps name,where I can get some additional information from him as to exactly what his proposal is,and how the funding for this would be collected? Is he a rep. from Paulding County?

  14. Agreed.


    As for the auto & other expenses, I would think that it is only fair. It is not right for him to spend his own money on county business. This is just normal business practice that is done everywhere.


    I sure wouldn't do the job of the Chair Dude for only $95K. Too many gripes & complaints & screams & accusations, etc., to make me do that job for only $95k.


    And, yes, it is a full time job.


    Well no one furnishes me a car to go to work,nor do they pay for my gas and oil changes, I pay for this Out of my pocket, the same as most tax payers who work for a living,he knew this when he ran for the job and so did the rest of the commissioners if they did not want to accept the job as it was they should not look to the tax payers to pay their way.


    Furthermore the Department Heads that are provided transportation for their job duties, on the job should leave them on the Job and drive there on personal vehicles to and from work just like every other tax payer.

  15. SPLOST money has already be budgeted for future projects - like the new complex (elementary, middle, and high schools) in North Paulding. Drive by the area and see the site work in progress.


    Still there is more need for class room space.


    It all goes down hill with increased costs. Here is a good example: "Each vehicle GM sells carries a crippling penalty of nearly $2,000 for benefits paid to retirees."





    What are you suggesting here,reducing the cost of the health care,retirement,and the salaries of the teachers and the other school employees as a means of reducing cost of the school system?


    If this work is already in progress what is the need for a special election.


    To even suggest a cut in benefits for our hard working Staff is insane,Make the builders pay for the needs,Or are you employed by that community?


    Never would I suggest cutting anyones benefits to allow the developers to make more money,SHAME ON YOU

  16. The Powers that Be have offered their solution to the over crowding with the schools......throw more of our money at it.


    I for one disagree.

    Fix the problem, reduce the pace of the new housing.

    It is within their authority.


    Moratoriums while the problems are studied.


    Fees to cover the costs to the county:


    For the applications....


    For the grubbing permits [$250,000 ?]


    For the land disturbance permit [$250,000 ?]


    For each inspection [$100,000]


    For each Re-Inspection [$150,000]


    For each infraction [$100,000 and a Stop Work Order] of erosion control, dust abatement, etc.


    For each sewer tap [Oh, gosh, we have a $5500 fee for this....increase it to $10,000]


    For each building permit [another $5000 to $10,000]


    Reduce the County Taxes accordingly, and then increase the school tax. Or by whatever remedy the law will allow if the developers are going to fight the impact fees in the court. The point is, the Powers that Be within the government and the private sector could find a means to work it out amoungst the home building industry so as not to further increase the burden on the individual tax payer.


    Vote NO on September 19th and send the ball back to the "Other Side" to figure out what to do with it.



    I Agree,vote no

  17. I would start off with a moratorium on building like henry county did http://www.co.henry.ga.us/Board_of_Commiss...ution_05-04.pdf Rethink the plan we currently have and get imput from the taxpayers of this county as well as professional planners. Re-examine fees for developement and raise them proportionally, but I am sure someone will find fault with my simple plan


    Seems that Henry County has realized that their CLUP,was in need of a Change I wonder when our Commissioners will wake up??

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