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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I was wondering. Verizon users, how pissed off are you? I just had to ask that. Sorry. Seriously though, every single American should be jumping up and down over this data collection. Demand a hard swift call to action for real answers, and not the knee-jerk reactions down from the Government and its agencies.
  2. I have not said anything to the little birdie about you or reported you, and I doubt anyone else has IMHO. So if the sky falls on your account, you have no one to blame but yourself.
  3. One of my favorite songs growing up in that era.The song It still rings true today. Here's another something to think about.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYsBDmqJfjQ
  4. Let me take a whack at it. Sounds like your friend, Pubby gave you a lesson / /help in regards to controlling your aggression, and your assertion that you are always right, Maybe you just need to lighten up.
  5. But I do know the difference between.... Steak-stake Funk and Wagnall's- Funk and Wagnell's Get it right TP.? Got it right TP? And it's Merriam - Webster. Just so you know. Your proclivity for getting yourself stuck does not surprise me at all. Your turn.
  6. Duhhh? I was hoping he would catch it.
  7. I am talking about the real hidden stills up in the Mountains of Ga, Tenn and Ky. The taboo that it was outlawed, and still is makes the experience. Makes the liquid fuel go down alittle smoother. Followed by a chaser of cool water. We use to keep a jar in the fridg all year till the next Christmas run. It really takes an ounce or two to set you down. I did things I will take to my grave while drinking that stuff. That was a lifetime ago and some of the best times I have ever had. Running the mountains with friends, camping and trout fishing, then passing the jar.
  8. Seeing how this regards your implying of my knowledge between a common house fly, and a mammal indigenous to the land down under, here you go.I defend my honor TP!
  9. TP. Get this clear. My only opinion here is the fact I was sitting out on my porch swing, listening to the critters running around, and thinking about the last time I had my last taste of real old mountain dew. Or as a gentile southern woman would say, "corn wine". That has been over eighteen years ago. So if you ever "catch" me out, at least take my picture from my good side. In the mean time raise your glass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHtms9voyEg
  10. Never heard of Funk and Wagnell's before. Even Googled it.....nada.
  11. You're right. It's kind of mean of me to give him reason to stick his foot in his mouth again.
  12. This is just a guess, but I think he's taking a Dale Carnegie class by mail order. Or something about catching flies.
  13. He is totally wrong in this quote. You catch more flies with rotting meat.
  14. Deported to where? Are you not a citizen of the U.S.A ?
  15. When was the last time you asked what was in the heart of the so called "Jesus lovers" heart you were polling? You seem to have no vices, and really come off as a sanctimonious and pompous arse want a be. Your notions are just that. They take marketing lessons and eat "stake".
  16. You can also catch flies if you keep your mouth open long enough.
  17. Explains a lot MD. I love me so P.com "x-perts."
  18. Not until you at least get your subject in order. Haven't noticed yet?
  19. Well, you got me. I drive and have driven Jeep Wranglers for about thirty two years now. And I am sure God allows Jeeps and 4-wheeling in Heaven. And Dale? That's just one mans opinion. Don't go putting much into that. "Just because its a quote don't make it true." ~ Me~ 2013
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