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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. this auction is for one batch (just under 2lbs) of either chocolate or peanut butter fudge with or without walnuts.


    winning proceeds will be donated to the Paulding Humane Society Lily Fund in order to help specifically with Rambo's surgery expenses.


    auction starts now and will end tonight Friday, February 16th @ 9:00pm (real time).


    bidding will increase in dollar increments (meaning no loose change please).


    winner may request when they would like the fudge prepared, however it will have to be after February 25th as i will not be able to make the fudge until after that date. :ninja:


    opening bid $5.


    any questions?




    me :)

  2. ***UPDATE***


    PHS just dropped off a check to pay for Rambo. The money is being taken out of Lily's Fund. Unfortunately Lily's Fund is greatly depleted and needs to be replenished.


    For those of you who would like to donate you can do so in several ways.


    Checks can be made to PHS and can be dropped off at the shelter or mailed to:


    PO Box 674

    Dallas GA 30132


    Or you can make a donation via PayPal at our PHS PayPal account.


    If anyone would like to start some auctions it would be greatly appreciated.

    ooops sorry, what she said :)


    i'm a slow typer.



  3. they are loading rambo into rakled's car, jaime and rakled are headed to the vet where they will meet up with jaime's hubby. Rambo will have his consultation and from there i guess the road to recovery begins.


    the PHS has graciously donated the downpayment for surgery out of their project "lily funds". thank you thank you PHS.


    any donations that people wish to make at this point may be paypaled through the PHS website PHS donations page or taken to the paulding animal shelter over by the park of dreams. please reference "bruno's" name on your donation.


    i will definately be doing a couple of fudge auctions to try and help out, however i will be doing it proxy with RAKLed's help.


    me :)

  4. jaime has decided to go with the surgery.


    she'll just do what it takes to pay the bills.


    they are on their way to have a consultation with lily's doctor. lets keep our fingers crossed that it will be as simple as possible and reasonably priced.


    me :)

  5. *update* :(


    just got a call from rakled who is stil with jaime...


    jaime has to make a decision on whether to amputate rambo's leg or have surgery on rambo's leg which will run ballpark figure of $2200 - $2400. i hate that she has to make this decision. everyone knows money doesn't come too easy and i'm sure she is in an absolute turmoil right now.



  6. OMG i am so glad...was he still in that backyard?? I hope he is ok. The jeep that hit him didnt even stop. The nerve of some people... I am a dog lover myself and would die if something happened to mine. I just hope he ok.... I am so glad you found him.

    he made it out of the yard, but not too much further.


    jaime wants to thank you so much for helping her find him.

  7. *update*


    Rakled is on her way to meet up with jaime. Rambo has been found. he has been hit by a car but is still breathing, however not moving.


    i'm sure updates will be posted throughout the day.


    please keep jaime in your thoughts, she's a little upset.



  8. i have heard that the cobb aquatic center swim lessons fill up pretty fast.


    there is another indoor aquatic center in douglasville, i can never remember the name of it though.


    lemme think a little....


    boundary aquatic center


    i have not attended the swim lessons, but have been there while they were in progress. it is definately a place that i would opt to take my kids.


    me :)

  9. Penquin,


    If I understood your post you saw 2 crashes plus the one you were nearly in. You waited in the cold for an hour even though a deputy was on the scene. Did you tell the Trooper what you said in this post?




    jk rogers





    i'm glad you made it home safe and didn't play samsh em up with the others.


    me :)

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