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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. tail e poe, i guess is the best i can do with hooked on phonix :lol:


    it's one of my daughters favorite books, funnily enough it's about a creature with a huge bishy tail, but she seemed to think it cute to call shadow tailypo.


    you should have seen the smile on her face when i told her "shadow". she's so happy that she still has a connection with him.


    i'm glad they found each other. the entire family was very sweet.


    me :)

  2. My neighbors adopted a solid black kitty today and named him shadow. I think he is 8 or 9 months old. They went and got him a slew of treats and toys and the necessities. I think he already has the daddy trained. In fact, I don't know who likes the kitty better, the little boy or the daddy. Another happy ending. :)

    the kids will be pleased to know "tailypo's" new name. "shadow" is the sweetest lil thang. when we went to check keko out the other day we were too late, so we took time to play with shadow. he is a doll. he is so playful and we made buddies with him right off the bat.


    we were there today when your neighbours were up there picking out the cats. they had already tried a couple and the little boy just wasn't feelin it. we stepped back from hogging shadow and i mentioned to his mom that he really needed to test tailypo out, that he was very fun loving and playful. they did and fell in love :wub:


    my little girl was upset, yet happy at the same time. she was just saying a few minutes ago, "you know, if i see that boy again, i'm gonna ask him about tailypo and see what he named him. then i'm gonna ask if he'll hug tailypo for me" :wub: :(


    thanks for sharing your story. it'll really make my kids day to hear about shadow.


    me :)

  3. Thats exactly the thing I'd like to do (and have had planned for a while now) but some people think that the out-of-towners that are coming may want something heavier than finger foods. I think I'm just about ready to order 15 pizzas and be done with it ;)

    put rocks in some of the finger foods and label those plates "outoftowners"



  4. sad-smiley-001.gif


    i was too slow in getting there.


    i guess i am happy that keko didn't have to stay there too long. but i really wanted him. bad case of "you snooze you lose"


    we'll keep looking.


    "tailypo" sure is cute though.


    it was wonderful meeting you too motherofone. thank you so much for al your help and insight. oh and where could i get one of those red lights? :blush:


    me :)

  5. zero that is near me... you can come to my house and have lunch with me on me.. LOL seriously...

    ok, so i really read that wrong, the first three times. i get it now though.



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