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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. sun valley is ok, tis expensive, however if your kids like to get wet, it's pretty close. we live right around the corner, so end up going for a couple of hours about 2/3 times a week in the summer time.


    if you look for the "little coupon book" that floats around the county, they should have coupons that are good for a season pass at around $53. that's the cheapest i found last year.


    me :)

  2. "Affidavit of Residence: You will need to provide “proof of residence” when registering your child for school. The affidavit of residence form will be provided by the school."

    I don't understand. Do we need to go to the school to get the form before hand of just fill it out there? What can be used as proof?

    i just called our elementary school :wub: and they say to bring in a recent utility bill with your current address on it.


    you also have several weeks after school starts to furnish the health records too, but if you have them then all the better.


    me :)

  3. Went to the Dr's and the strep test came back negative. She said it could be related to the puking virus going around, but rashes 'usually' come at the beginning not the end. She also said it could be the start of posion ivy (I don' t think so though) We're just gonna watch it and give him benedryl.

    Thanks again!

    Huh? A couple days ago.. you think it's the chemicals in them? :unsure:

    i dunno what's in them, could be the chicken lips (that's what i tell my kids). we found out at disney that our girl is allergic to them. i think it's the big beef ones, like are sold at amusement parks and big ball games. we'd had a bout late last year and it had me bamboozled. then at disney we had hotdogs fer lunch one day, the next day "BAM!" covered in a wierd rash. i thought it might have been from the chlorine in the pool. the next day we had hotdogs again :D (gotta love us some hotdogs) and the next morning i thought i was gonna die looking at her. ours went away with liquid benedryl though and didn't stay longer than 24 hrs each time. needless to say, no more hotdogs for babygirl. :(


    are there still signs of a rash today?


    me :)


    ps. doncha just love how we are listening to you? ;)

  4. i'd take the cc statement along with the receipts back to the restaurant (if you still have them). acidents can happen, but if it's happened to you more than once, then i doubt it really is an accident.


    i know that a couple of times tips have been added into our end of day run, and have been added as the total bill. i always check mine to make sure it doesn't happen to the guests i wait on, if it does i show it to management. i do know that others would take the money and run though.


    sometimes management may not know that it's happening. maybe you bringing it to their attention may set off a warning bell for them.


    me :)

  5. Thank you for adopting one of our babies. Please post pictures for us. Congrats!!

    i will.


    we took way too many pics at disney and my computer couldn't handle sucking them all in. thankfully hubby :wub: is home and managed to get his "super puter" to take them. i believe he snuck in and got pics of flower in her bed.


    me :)

  6. OK, Bonnie (my kitty) has put me on complete ignore. As the newest member of this household, you would think she would be more accepting, but NOOOO she is TICKED OFF! She has already declared herself "Queen of Everything" and cannot believe we brought another DOG into the house. (even if it IS smaller than her!)

    try changing her name to lesley.


    me :)

  7. we got "flower" today, thanks to motherofone.


    she's our pefect little "smudge" just with a different name. she fell in love with our baby girl the instant i put her in her arms. you shoulda seen the look. she has a motor the size of a v8 on her and it hasn't cut off yet. well it did for a wee while, when chloe our other kitty came into the room. baby doll made a perfect bed for flower as she stood by and watched. when dolly says "there", flower jumped in and snuggled down on her back and just stared at us all googling at her. i just hope flower doesn't get too upset when dolly goes to school tomorrow.


    thank you PHS and all of your volunteers.


    me :)

  8. maybe get a shoe box, cut a hole (like a mouse hole) in the side. wet with a little glue inside and sprinkle green glitter. put a couple gold coins inside.


    leprechaun was there, but got away.




    :lol: we could paint her green and hand kyle some string and a cup :lol:

    i got one of those lil plastic bathroom cups.



  9. Hubby says it takes a lil over an hour.....I'd have to follow someone out there or um do the carpool thing because I aint smart enough to find it on my own....and if'n yer able to see my MySpace go see the pics....there is a squirrel pic there that I took at Yellow River hehehehe

    you kin foller me :ninja:



  10. We'll create a human shield (it's worked before)

    I may do this too




    Also map quest says it should only take an hour to get there - that's if you do the speed limit and well I never do the speed limit but I digress, so even if we spent two hours there then headed home, we should make it back before the buses got home :)

    unless a tanker truck crashes, overturns and catches fire. then it might take 3 hours.


    been there, done that.



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