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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. I have been to many, many of stores and I have never seen one like this! Does it have to be the exact replica? Or would a different type of "basket" work?

    i was gonna try and be snecky and do the ol switcheroo.... i'd like to have one the same. it is rubbermaid, so i figured some store has got to have them... dunno if it tis the season though.


    me :)


    I've been googling this thing like crazy and can't find one like it... grrrrr



    it's rubbermaid. i tried googlin and rubbermaidin, but didn't know what the heck to call it.


    me :)

  2. does anyone know where i could purchase the following basket?




    my son stuck his head in the class' snack basket and ripped the side apart.




    if anyone knows where i could purchase another basket like this, fast, could you let me know.




    me :)


    :lol: :lol: i know PCOMTROLL is rolling his eyes right about now.

  3. Jonesy the cross street there is Cohran Store Rd & Bob Hunton Rd. is there where you be speckin of?

    if you drive from hiram to... letsay... the baptist church in new georgia, you go past kroger and then there is an ol dead restaurant at a 4 way stop sign.... on the left side of ridge before you cross thru the stop sign there is sometimes a bunch of birds that kinda look like huge partridges :ninja: it's been a while since i took my ornithology paper though, so i could be mistaken.


    me :)

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