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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. Hey Mrs Jones -


    Seeing as it's tax time, can we make the check out directly to the shelter? If I'm going to save %15 of it on taxes next year it might make the bidding even better. B)



    checks made directly to the shelter are perfect.



  2. ok,


    my 1st grader came home today and each student is doing an informative writing paper. the general topic is "ocean life". the topic that she has chosen is seaweed. :blink:


    we searched the house upside down, went to the library this afternoon and i have perused the internet to find some simple facts about seaweed. everything i find has either nothing, very little or is way too scientific for a first grader.


    any useful links or is anyone a professional in the seaweed field that could help me give her some basic information about seaweed?




    me :)

  3. this auction is for one batch (just under 2lbs) of either chocolate or peanut butter fudge with or without walnuts.


    winning proceeds will be donated to the Paulding Humane Society.


    auction starts now and will end Tuesday, February 6th at 9:00pm (real time).


    bidding will increase in dollar increments (meaning no loose change please).


    winner may request when they would like the fudge prepared.


    opening bid $5.


    any questions?


    me :)

  4. i think i recall simon saying he'd be surprised if he wasn't in the finals. i took that to mean the final two.


    i like him too.


    me :)


    I refuse to watch it again this year. AI has become nothing more than a joke....really no better than a Jerry Springer freak show. It has nothing to do with talent anymore, just how many freaks they can move into the scene.

    i think the "freaks" at this stage are just for "filler". it gets good every year when they are down to the final 10.


    me :)

  5. About 4-5 years ago my kiddos got invited to a birthday party there. They seemed to have fun and all the kids liked bowling. I think the father said it cost about 4 bucks a kids for bowling, pizza, and shoes rental. I could be wrong here.

    thanks. this is what i want to hear about.


    i have gone out to the website and the prices have increased, but that's to be expected. kids parties are a "happening thang" now, so i reckon any business that can make money off of them should. i like the fact that it looks like there is a "minimum child" number of 4 is a whole lot better than 10 too.




    thank you to the others that have posted too.


    keep the comments coming, the more the merrier.



  6. let me know if you find anything out - dont think molly cares about bowling right now,but for later.. (or for me or hubby or something :D )

    dude, we should so go when it's dollar day or sompin. i really bet molly would love it. i was shocked at how much my kids loved it when we went for the first time.



  7. I haven't.. sounds like fun though :) haven't been bowling in yearrrrrrs.

    it does, doesn't it? my kids love going there. i never thought about doing a party there. i misunderstood d saying sompin about a "ball" party and thought "yup, a bowl party would be cool". would like to hear about organisation of them though.



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