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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Yes, it happens quite often. Many of my customers are in a lower socio-economic demographic. They are very appreciative of my help. It's the more well-to-do customer that seems to attempt to run all over me. I don't understand it. I consider myself very financially secure, but it would never enter my mind to personally take one or more of those items. Even when I go to the bank, I will hand a lollipop to my child but I would never take one for myself. People baffle me.
  2. Surepip, in case my offer got overlooked in the multiple pages... If you have someone that can help bring your items to Cartersville, I can give you a 10x20 storage unit free for 6 months.
  3. In my office, customers are usually here for paperwork transactions that last anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. Being a mother myself I understand that many times a parent's only option is to bring their children. In an effort to keep the children occupied and happy while speaking with their parents I have a box of candy, little toys, coloring books and crayons. When a child reaches for any of the items I usually tell them to ask their parent first. That is followed with the parent reminding the child to say "Please and Thank you." Then, all is great. The child is occupied while the paren
  4. If they don't mind bringing their stuff to Cartersville I will give them a 10x20 free for 6 months. Contact me at Attic Storage tomorrow 9am to 4pm. 770-607-0550
  5. The DA could have gone ahead and charged Stewart but chose to go the route of the Grand Jury. I believe he may have done this on purpose to help Tony. The DA knew about the pot. If he had charged him without the Grand Jury the evidence of pot use may not have made it out to the public or at least not as quickly. This needed to come out so Stewart's reputation wouldn't continue to be stomped and spat on. I hate like hell that Ward is dead. Still, if Ward would have stayed in the car he would probably still be breathing.
  6. The red tide is heading up the Florida shore line. It leaves nothing but the stench of death in its path.
  7. Bless your heart. When it rains it pours. They can control your daughter's pain with meds but there's no antidote to a parent's anguish. Make sure to take care of yourself and rest when you can. You're going to need it. Hugs.
  8. Cut it into chunks then put it in the crock pot with all of the other fixins for beef stew.
  9. I've seen it but I've also read the books. I found myself having to pause the movie and explain what was going on to the rest of my family who hasn't read the books. I don't know why I still look forward to seeing movies made from books. They always leave out so many important details of character development and main plot. I know there are time restraints with movies but it always leaves me feeling that the producers wimped out.
  10. I'll be fine. It's just something I have to learn to accept. I worry about her constantly but what parent wouldn't? She made her decision and now she has to own it. I hope for her that everything works out, I just wish this hadn't of happened the way it did.
  11. Y'all don't understand. It about killed me. I was sitting at a restaurant when she called. I was calm and cool when I was on the phone with her. When we hung up I turned to crap. I can't remember ever crying, cussing, and drinking so much. I'm surprised someone didn't call the men in white coats to come get me. I'm beginning to deal with it a little better now. I will be fine. I just don't know if she will. I just hope she doesn't shatter all of her family relationships beyond the point of no return.
  12. It's been 13 days since I've laid eyes on my daughter. She called Sunday. She started off by asking how everyone was doing. She still refuses to tell me exactly where she is. But she did tell me that things are great where she is, she's happy, and she needs money. I told her that I am extremely relieved to know how happy she is. I also told her that being an adult isn't all it's cracked up to be. Adults have to pay her own way and I wished her luck. I reminded her that Monday was her grandmother's birthday and if she wanted to join us for supper I would be happy to pay for her meal.
  13. CC. Thanks for the message. I hope this works out with a happy ending like your story. Right now I'm trying to prepare myself for the simple fact that she may be gone for a very long time. Unfortunately there is a very strong chance that things will get much worse for her before they get better. There's nothing I can do but let it happen. I understand the desire for freedom and independence. What I don't understand is her complete erasure of EVERYONE that has loved her all her life. But, it's not up to me to understand it. It's just up to me to accept and deal with it. One br
  14. You all have no idea how much you are helping. Thank you so very much.
  15. That is exactly what I did. I don't want her and her "friends" to try to come in the house if we're not home -- especially if her younger sisters are there alone. I texted her to send me a list of the things she wants and once I evaluate the list I will leave the items bagged on the porch. So far, I haven't received a list. Other than the initial "I'm not coming home" phone call she has only communicated by text. The last text anyone received from her was more than 72 hours ago.
  16. Thanks for the replies and suggestions. I had all the locks changed the first day she told me she wasn't coming home. I've heard from three reliable sources that the people she has chosen to surround herself with are nothing but trouble. Changing the locks was painful. The unconditional, loving mom part of me wants to leave all the doors and windows open so she knows she is welcome home without any questions. The smarter, more realistic, part of me who is still responsible for everyone else that lives in my house knows I have to protect them too. There will be a time that the money will
  17. Yes, BUT I am and have always been strong on personal responsibility. I do believe the person she's with has influenced her to make this random, erratic, and spur of the moment decision. However, that does not negate the fact that she allowed herself to be influenced. All her life I've taught her that the only person you will ever be able to control is yourself and if you give that power to someone else you have allowed yourself to become someone else's property. I don't think she is being held against her will but I do know that she is completely under someone else's control. She has to
  18. I am NOT an MTV fan but this show Finding Carter is really good. I watch it with my kids and I think it's the only MTV show I've watched in years. I can sort of relate to the show. The rebellious teenager is vicious but only because her life has been put in a blender. My oldest is just as rebellious but it's because she thinks it's cool and impresses her friends. The actress who plays Carter does a great job.
  19. Let me start off by saying that since she's 18 she's not a runaway and she's not technically missing because she left of her own free will. But, If I don't know where she is -- she is missing. Last Thursday my daughter asked if she could spend the night with a friend. I said sure. Her friend was supposed to pick her up Friday morning. Well, Friday night I called to check on her and her phone was dead. So, I called the friend to ask her to have my daughter call home. 45 minutes later, nothing. I texted her friend to ask if my DD was with her and of course the answer was ,"No." She d
  20. One has nothing to do with the other. Employer insurance is NOT the only way to prevent pregnancy.
  21. If you will be serving it outside or at a picnic try a vinegar and oil based dressing instead of a mayo based dressing. Even with the heavy potatoes it will seem lighter and more refreshing -and you don't have to worry about the mayo spoiling. For dressing... Bacon bits from 6 slices of bacon 1/2 cup finely chopped res o ion 1/2 cup white or red wine vinegar 1/2 cup water 2 tsp coarse grain mustard 2 tsp sugar 2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp ground pepper 1/4 cup chopped fresh dill
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