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Everything posted by lowrider

  1. I have her signs in my yard and neighborhood. Just contact Curtis if you want a yard sign!
  2. That's what I said in an earlier post. Both sides have been wrong, one side much worse than the other, but neither is willing to make any compromise. Neither side will say can we stop and try to work this out. It's a Mexican stand off and I don't see any solutions in the near future. I just see my taxes going up and up to pay for a bunch of concrete to no where out on Highway 278.
  3. I'm surprised Eddie's is closed. It's been open for as long as I can remember and always wondered who in the world ate there. The same people over and over, I guess. Kinda like Ryan's
  4. I don't follow anyone's FB page about the airport. I try to stay out of the fray and decide what's right for me and my property and situation. So I don't know who you are talking about. I don't have time to follow the trail and take notes. In fact I don't care. And yes I agree, and always have that the airport is here, lets start making a profit, but Propeller is not the way.
  5. If you think he is lying, show the proof that he is. Do your own research. There is a lot of anomosity between the anti and for the airport groups. I don't care what someone PM'd you about him. Anyone can say anything, There's plenty of proof of that on here and elsewhere. Prove him wrong if you're going to call him a liar. I would never call someone a liar unless I had proof. It's that simple. Do your own research, sounds like you want someone else to do it for you.
  6. Glassdogs, I think you're being very disrespectful to Whitey. I find him to be more involved and more informative than just about anyone on here. I may not agree with him, but he's very involved I remember a couple of months back you mumbling something about running but you needed to be brought up to date on the issues. By whom? The only way to know the truth is to do your own research. And I don't consider him an idiot or a liar. Name calling? Really? Simply because you don't agree with him? I've watched you do this for days. It doesn't increase your appeal.
  7. I think everyone in this matter is in too deep to pause and say wait a minute, maybe we can make this work if we work together. No one wants to admit they have been wrong.
  8. The Republicans are making mistake after mistake. They're doing everything they can to block Trump. The only one that has a snowballs chance in hell of beating Hillary. But let them go ahead on. Deny this moderate for the Supreme Court, lose to Hillary and she'll make her choice.
  9. I think the GOP just shot themselves in both feet.
  10. I would like to know as well. This is like a never ending nightmare that we're stuck with and have to pay for.
  11. Nebo is going to be a roundabout? I was wondering why they tearing so much out.
  12. I'm glad you spelled it correctly for me. We sure don't want to insult murdering terrorist, now do we?
  13. DASH is the new politically correct term that John Kerry is using now instead of ISIS. ISIS doesn't like to be called ISIS. Well, DASH is committing genocide. But lord, lets don't offend them.
  14. This is what I think of everytime I hear "Ladies Night" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLnUJQut-kc
  15. That's how I get to anywhere!
  16. LOL Lawdy, remind me to never get on your bad side. April 3rd is on a Sunday?? That's crazy!! That means 7:00 Sunday night until 6:00 Monday morning. What about folks trying to get to work Monday morning????? Why not Saturday night?
  17. Are you serious?? That intersection has been a mess for a couple of weeks now. I'll be so glad when they get it finished. I wish there was some way they could cut that hill down. Too many wrecks there.
  18. I saw it too. Hwy 61 closed 04/03 from 7pm to 6am. (I think) I ran into LadyRaider at Subway and we were scratching our heads wondering how they're going to re-route traffic. A lot of 18-wheelers use that road but hopefully the word will get out. And it has to do with that huge construction mess at NEBO.
  19. Kinda like this moocher? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z358qexoJQo
  20. And aboortzions have been performed and natural abortifacients have been used since the beginning of time.
  21. I've known a Catholic or two that's had an aboortzion. And this was in the sixties when if you had enough money, and they did, you could fly to NYC or Miami and get an aboortzion. As far as being Catholic, it's the same with any woman. It's between her and God.
  22. I think the hardest hit part of the world is South America, particularly Brazil, and aboortzion is illegal in those countries. While aboortzion is legal in this country, the Republicans have passed sweeping laws in several states closing down dozens of aboortzion clinics. So while it may be legal, it may be impossible for a woman of limited means to be able to travel 500 or more miles to pay increased fees for a legal aboortzion.
  23. This whole site is like watching paint dry. Trump took Florida #teamtrump
  24. Yes, they fry them. I've heard of people eating chicken feet but why? Maybe they have a lot of nutrients. I don't know I tell you what, the Food Depot has any kind of meat you want.
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