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Everything posted by DomesticViolenceByProxy

  1. This is the very thing that happens in Tonny S. Beavers court. One parent or the other is on the short end of a parentectomy and the intimate partner of the custodial parent ends up with unfettered access to the children while Tonny Beavers stands on the sidelines and makes moronic comments as if being a half a$$ed judge makes him the smartest person in the room. You may recall when I spoke of a parent that paraded 8 "overnight master bedroom guests" over a 2 year period in front of the children. The opposing lawyer said this was unsafe and Beavers said that parent had a right to find some
  2. That means, if we are lucky, we have 2 years before everything goes bust as it did 10 years ago. Wow, not only did you "think" that up but you doubled down by typing it.
  3. The thing about it is when men are harassed, the story is spun in such a way as the male was the aggressor. In instances of his word against her word, he is going to lose every time. All the accuser has to do is shed a few tears and make a few allegations. You can't be in the same room with some women because in a crowded room or even in a courtroom they'll say they are intimidated and fear for their safety.
  4. Seems to me you were accusing young teenage women and girls of seducing a grown man of 32+ years, in your quote above. So the link below seems to be a relative match with your comments. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-brightbill-roy-moore-evangelical-culture-20171110-story.html
  5. The reality is you probably think black people are lazy and predisposed to enact violent behavior. Your entire solution surrounds law enforcement rather than economic empowerment. You seem to think that after 400+ years of slavery, sold and deliberately broken families, oppression, separate but equal education, segregation, Jim Crow, James Crow Esquire, red lining of real estate and laws written to overtly and covertly oppress, 8 years of Obama can make all of that go away. If you see a broken culture, what are the root causes? Law enforcement is often just modern day "breaking the buck".
  6. This is an interesting story that seems eerily similar to what you are saying. Do you agree?
  7. I don't think anyone disagrees with you. But an effort to make amends was made. I helped raised 4 girls and I prepared them for the world they live in. But no amount of preparation ever makes you ready for the situation when it happens in real time, in real life. Try as we may, we can't protect our children from the world. Hell, Chief Judge Tonny S. Beavers effectively said in open court that a mother has the right to call her own bi-racial children racial pejoratives ("saggin" spelled backwards) and anyone who calls her out for it publicly is violating her 1st amendment rights and deserve
  8. Did you just blame the victims? Several of whom were 14-17 years old at the time? I could be wrong but it seems to me you are saying a grown man should be excused for his conduct because he lacked good judgement and self control. He actively placed himself in their environment. No one is claiming these women (girls at the time) were prowling for 30+ men.
  9. I never said anything about whataboutisms being off limits. Especially if we are speaking about a sitting President or some other person seeking/holding office. I think that is more relative than some guy that held office 20 years ago but you're welcome to bring him up.
  10. Which leaves the potential for inaccuracies. You are implying it is true, which may be misleading. We don't know all of the facts yet. It doesn't say what portion of the money was paid out and when. The period in question is fairly broad. If a donor or some other private interest pays the hush money, does it make the offense less offensive to the victim? See how many twists and turns are available?
  11. I think it is suffice to say that acknowledging mistakes, apologies and repentance go towards making things better so mistakes are not repeated. To move on as if no wrong was done isn't exactly taking personal responsibility for your actions.
  12. Anonymous sources mean you are supposed to wait for all of the facts to come out right? Or you get to cherry pick which situations you wait for all of the facts.
  13. I asked you a question and once again you have redirected by creating your own question and then answering the question YOU created. Let's try this again, if you don't mind. Are you in agreement with the manifesto? Why or why not? If not, outline in detail, your counter proposal.
  14. Larry Craig and Denny Hastert aren't Democrats. I thought you didn't like anonymous sources? So much for waiting for all of the facts to come out. Still claim you're not a Republican? Well that settles it. If you can fly on a military hop anyone should be able to. Never mind the fact that many people can't even get decent rest in their own beds.
  15. I've read liberal talking points and right wing talking points, Pubby does not follow either. You on the other hand read the right wing talking points and then come on here as if you were ahead of the right wing talking points. You see a band coming down the street and run to the front of it pretending to be the leader.
  16. Are you in agreement with this solution and is there anything you would like to add?
  17. I guess you believe Trump should resign since he likes to grab women by the pu$$y, kiss them involuntarily and...
  18. There was a time that was true, but I now believe the pendulum has swung. Assertions, accusations and allegations are no substitute for evidence. This is part of the excuse why false accusers are not held accountable. The falsely accused are as violated and deserve recourse as much as any other victim. False accusers deserve prison as much as any other criminal. Where egregious, they deserve the very sentence the falsely accused would have had to endure. There are just too many incentives and very little risk for people to falsely accuse. I think Franken has taken personal responsibility
  19. Some judges here in GA are said to give favorable rulings to attractive female attorneys that dress appealing in their courtroom. I won't name any but this opinion piece by William Perry of Fox 5 discusses State Rep. Johnny Caldwell resigning as a judge due to allegations of sexual harassment by a female attorney. He then co-sponsored the legislation that basically gutted the JQC last Fall.
  20. If people want to doubt something, all you need is for one party to withhold response. I've screamed my story and the stories of others from the rooftops. The willfully ignorant say "We've only heard one side of the story." You can say you're only hearing one side of the story, but if the accused isn't coming forward in defense of themselves, THERE IS A REASON WHY. Either what is being said is true, or what is being said is true and to say anything will only make matters worse for the accused.
  21. So in other words you won't answer the hypothetical. Got it.
  22. Do you trust Roy Moore enough to babysit your child for you? That's not a rhetorical question, I'm asking. Will you answer? BTW, I believe this is the link to the full story that you deliberately did not include for the screenshot below.
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