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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Just saw the report too, it was Beavers that reduced the charges to the dismay of law enforcement and prosecutor.
  2. Today Comey spoke under oath anything he said if proven untrue could be used to put him in prison, I look forward to the day when Trump is put in the same position.
  3. Seems like the kind of story some investigative reporter would love to get their hands on, don't most local TV stations have a anonymus ways to contact them with stuff like this ?
  4. Didn't you know everyone left of center are all secretly terrorist sympathizers. Not only that we get up every morning and say if only my taxes were higher, kill all the unborn babies, cripple the military, be invaded by the North Koreans and live under Sharia Law. If not for all you God fearing real Americans heavens to betsy we would be in a mess.
  5. Since the Iraq invasion there has been in excess of a million muslims casualties with probably another million families displaced I would hardly characterize that as a hug.
  6. I tend to flinch when anyone says we need to, in the name of God, kill them all. But that's just me.
  7. Thank you TP for that positive uplifting message.
  8. Idiot President Trump continues to attack London mayor. For the second consecutive day, President Trump assailed London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s response to terror attacks, misinterpreting the mayor’s call for residents to remain calm as police stepped up anti-terror patrols. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-continues-attack-london-mayor-terror-response-142125472.html
  9. Thank you very much but ....
  10. If the red state Republican south cared about a clean environment we wouldn't be so giddy about pulling out of the Paris environmental agreement. Looking around Dallas you quickly understand were just fine dirty.
  11. 'Covfefe' tells you all you need to know about Donald Trump What we have today -- and, really, what we have had since the day Trump came into the White House -- is a deeply isolated President who spends lots of time, particularly at night and in the early morning, watching TV and tweeting. That lack of discipline reveals that there is simply no one who can tell Trump "no." Or at least no one whom he will listen to.... Which means more "covfefes." Maybe many more. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/31/politics/donald-trump-covfefe/
  12. Well if their is any man we could have in the White House to address white collar tax evasion it's our man Donald J Trump.
  13. The Latest: Trump to announce US pullout from climate accord ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/latest-china-vows-eu-uphold-paris-pact-091022508--politics.html
  14. And yet conservatives will still try and tell you that if left alone free market forces will by itself bring down the cost of health care.
  15. Please keep us posted on your seven hundred dollar experiment.
  16. War and the men and women that gave their lives fighting them is nothing to celebrate.
  17. You see someone buy a six pack of Mikes Hard Soda and automatically you assume she's going to die in some drunk'n catastrophe ? Wonder what would have happened if she had bought a 12 pack .
  18. What does today's Republicans and terrorist have in common ? They both seem to have a problem with a free press and a propensity for violence . AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott joked about shooting journalists while visiting a gun range on Friday to sign a bill lowering the cost of a handgun license, drawing criticism from gun-safety and free-press advocates who called his remarks "dangerous." https://www.yahoo.com/news/texas-governor-draws-criticism-joke-shooting-journalists-001214260.html
  19. Karen Handle is a self serving career Politician that has been living off the public trough most of her adult life.
  20. This is not the first time America has turned it's back on political refugees. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/27/14412082/refugees-history-holocaust
  21. The far right aren't the only ones capable of hearing your 'dog whistles'.
  22. I never mentioned anything about racism, even if most racism in America is promoted by right wing elements. I will say conservatives are responsible for 99% of the division we find the country in today. You are right it is hard for a Democrat to have a discussion with a Republican when every other word is predicated with the presumed negative connotation of "you liberals". When the airwaves are flooded with right wing hate filled propaganda and even your politicians run campaigns with a they're not one of "us" theme.
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