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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Seems to me this is nothing but a lot of manufactured rage. If it really bothered you you both would be such big supporters of a man that thinks grabbing a woman "by the pussy" is ok. You wouldn't have voted for a man who has 16 woman who have accused him of sexual abuse. You people have put Donald Trump in the White House and you question my judgement ? Thats trucking rich.
  2. Do you have to have everything explained to you ?
  3. That's odd you and Trump seem hell bent on destroying it's institutions, prostitute it's ideals and poison the climate. If that is what you call patriotism God help us when you go into full out treason mode.
  4. I paid my dues, I have more of a right to live here than you do, So why don't you leave instead ?
  5. Maybe you're right for years the United States has used coerced U.N. resolutions as an excuse for and to legitimize the invasion of sovereign nations, destroy economies, kill millions of human beings, and make homeless millions more,.for little reason other than the control of world resources and geopolitical power.
  6. In this case it was your fearless leader that was the joke.
  7. If Kavanaugh makes it to the Supreme Court his chances for an appeal will greatly improve.
  8. ... UN laughs at Trump. Donald Trump bragged about himself to the United Nations. The UN laughed. President Donald Trump's touting of how his administration has accomplished more than any -- yes, any -- past administration in its first two years.... "In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country," Trump said, as he does. "So true," said Trump, clearly caught by surprise by the laughter. "I didn't expect that reaction, but that's OK," he added to more laughter.... it was a remarkable moment in a preside
  9. Satire, it's way over your head. Here's something a little more your speed. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHIxml6v6Sw
  10. Another fact about Trump that few people know is that in his spare time he fights crime in Gotham City.
  11. You obviously are living a life of fantasy and illusion or have an office near the Oval office. Tell us what's Kelly Ann like when she 's not lying to the American people.
  12. Trump's looking for an excuse any excuse to get a more cooperative deputy attorney general. Two weeks ago everything that came from the "failing" New York Times was fake news now it's grounds to fire the man in charge of and responsible for hiring Robert Mueller. If Trump had to fire everyone in his administration that has called him an idiot or dreamed of using the 25th amendment to save the country from his insanity he would have to empty the White House and start over. The problem with that is no one that wants a carrier after he's gone wants to work for him.
  13. Plains has it's peanuts, Ellijay has it's apples. Soon we can brag Paulding is Georgia's proud home of prisons and jail cells . (Busy airports and bustling movie studios, not so much.)
  14. I bet when you wrote that you thought that was clever and in a middle school "I'm rubber you're glue" kind of way it was genius.
  15. Mueller's list of "witches"....so far. special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has now indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 32 people and three companies — that we know of. That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Six of these people (including now all four former Trump aides) have pleaded guilty. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/20/17031772/mueller-indictments-grand-jury
  16. Robert Mueller is closing in on Trump and he knows it, time is running out, Trump has got to find someone in the Justice Department that will fire Mueller and shutdown the investigation; before the you know what hits the fan. Rosenstein expecting to be fired, heads to White HouseWASHINGTON (AP) — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was heading to the White House on Monday expecting to be fired by President Donald Trump following reports that he had made critical comments of Trump, a person familiar with the situation told The Associated Press. https://www.apnews.com/ef7b718780
  17. You defend the biggest most dangerous liar in America, no not Guard Dad ,he's not dangerous. So unfortunately you have lost your authority to be some kind of defender of the truth. https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/01/politics/donald-trump-3000/index.html
  18. What lie the picture the mailings or the anti airport conspiracy ? I ask you being the authority on truth around here .
  19. Could it have been an honest mistake or another sinister plot to overthrow Trump ? About that 527 group have charges been filed Inquiring minds want to know.
  20. I know I saw dozens of reports of Trumps policy causing kids to be separated from their mothers are you saying that didn't happen ?
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