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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Yes but she did bring you into this world that was bad enough.
  2. I agree. Yet the police are never held accountable. It's just sloughed off as a terrible mistake a lack of judgement and then it's back to business as usual. When you deal with this every day of your life, riots may not be excusable but when you know nothing is ever going to change you can understand the frustration. It certainly has gotten the governments attention and started a debate about something that would have otherwise just been yesterdays news . * While I will admit to owning a pair of yellow pants back in the 70's I have never had or worn orange socks.
  3. It was never my point to defend Black crime you asked for an example of something and I gave it to you. The difference between you and me and I guess the majority of this board is I don't see the solution to the problem is to give the police the power of judge jury and executioner. I don't celebrate shooting anyone in the back as if he was a rabid dog that needed to be put to sleep for the sake of the community. I do not believe vigilante justice is the solution for law and order . But Ferguson is just is just an example. A day does not go by that some example of this new tactic of shoot f
  4. Oakland Calif # 3 on the most dangerous cities in America. 3. Oakland, Calif. > Violent crimes per 100,000: 1,993.1 > Population: 399,487 > 2012 murders: 126 > Poverty rate: 21.0% > Percentage of adults with high school degree: 79.9% There were 1,085.9 robberies per 100,000 residents in Oakland in 2012, higher than any other city. This was also significantly higher than the 851.2 robberies per 100,000 just a year earlier. The rates of murder and aggravated assaults also increased in 2012 compared to 2011. Violent crime was not the only issue in Oakland, either — ther
  5. Talk to me when the city of Dallas has a population of a million.
  6. You are so right if only they had the morals of our young men in the white suburban community.
  7. Human life could be wiped out on March 16, 2880 The date of Earth's potential destruction has been set at 16 March 2880, when an asteroid hurtling through space has a possibility of striking our planet. It is estimated that if 1950 DA were to collide with the planet, it would do so with a force of around 44,800 megatonnes of TNT. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2726039/Impossible-asteroid-hurtling-Earth-defying-laws-physics-experts-dont-know-stop-it.html#ixzz3AalcfasS
  8. No I think it was the 4 other shots the officer fired from approximately 40 yards away that did the trick.
  9. If that's him He may have have deserved to go to jail not shot dead by an officer standing 40 feet away after he had already wounded him. BTW, FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — The police chief in the St. Louis suburb where an unarmed black teenager was fatally shot by police says the officer didn't know the teen was a robbery suspect at the time of the shooting. http://news.yahoo.com/police-shooting-victim-robbery-suspect-142438202.html
  10. Did I say anything about legitimate ? Do you think the people in Boston were animals for throwing all that tea into the Boston Harbor ?
  11. . SOP for a unjustified shooting. 1. He tried to grab my weapon 2. He tried to run over me. 3. I thought he had a gun. Multiple eyewitness he had his hands raised the cop kept advancing shooting him several more times.
  12. It has everything to do with the resentment and built up anger these people feel in this community and goes a long way to explain their reaction to the shooting of this unarmed teen.
  13. Does this sound like a professional police force to you ? If they treat Reporters like this you can imagine how the public is treated. FERGUSON, Mo. — For the past week in Ferguson, reporters have been using the McDonald’s a few blocks from the scene of Michael Brown’s shooting as a staging area. As I sat there, many armed officers came in — some who were dressed as normal officers, others who were dressed with more gear. Initially, both Ryan Reilly of the Huffington Post and I were asked for identification. I was wearing my lanyard, but Ryan asked why he had to show his ID. They didn’t
  14. Referring to people as animals does not help either.
  15. No one said that you should care only that it was a very unusual circumstance.
  16. Your unabashed worship of everyone in uniform and willingness to give them a free pass on every act of violence may someday come back to haunt you .
  17. I believe profits are figured after expenses or it wouldn't be "profit" would it ?
  18. The East India Tea company were not tyrants but they still had their tea tossed into Boston Harbor.
  19. Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God. Benjamin Franklin
  20. A man is choked to death in New York, a baby has a flash grenade tossed into his crib and severely burned and an unarmed teen is executed on the streets of Ferguson MO. When is enough enough ?
  21. Sometimes all it takes is for your team to win the game.
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