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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. No one called you a commie, you will have to suffer the anguish of martyrdom some other day.
  2. You got Commies coming out from underneath your bed and you call me immature ?
  3. Oh hell no, I would have to be some kind of braindead Trump Republican to say something like that .
  4. I thought you were an air conditioning man , I would have expected better from an air conditioning mechanic than that nonsense you just posted.
  5. We need to get us a gosh darn commie hunter in Washington a fer dem Reds take over the whole gall darn country !
  6. Republicans and their brand of cut throat conservatism killed America's middle class years ago. You've just been too busy hating the left to notice.
  7. As long as there are people like you that refuse to even consider that their party and their leader has played a part in the political violence that permeates society today there is no hope for change.
  8. You really think you're going to sell Trump and the Republicans off as peacemakers ? Are you drunk ,stoned or out of your freaking mind ?
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFEx-q7SQ1s
  10. Still making it up as you go eh Sparky ?
  11. Excuse me, Last time I checked it wasn't Democrats stuffing bombs into mailboxes or killing people in synagogues .
  12. What's that son-in-law like, is he whipped too ?
  13. When a bumper sticker just won't do....
  14. That's your challenge ? That's a pitiful challenge you know ........ you sure you want to go with that ?
  15. Are you challenging the claim that voting machines are changing Abrams votes into Kemp votes ? https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/412987-some-votes-being-cast-for-abrams-are-being-changed-to-kemp-georgia-naacp
  16. Some Georgia voting machines aren’t counting votes for Democrat Stacey Abrams The complaints concern voting machines in Bartow and Dodge counties, on behalf of eight voters. Voters told USA Today that they went to polling sites and tried to select Abrams, but the machines continued to mark their selections for Kemp. They had to try again several times before successfully voting for their intended candidate, according to USA Today. https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/3km9w9/some-georgia-voting-machines-arent-counting-votes-for-democrat-stacy-abrams-naacp-says
  17. It's safe to assume any fanatical Trump supporter would have mental health issues. I think he calls himself a Republican.
  18. I was thinking more along these lines.
  19. https://www.salon.com/2013/09/29/ronald_reagans_shameful_legacy_violence_the_homeless_mental_illness/
  20. I hate liver, cold days and robo calls but I don't hate you. I do however see through your BS, your pandering to an audience, your dishonesty deception,distractions and lies. I may not like you but I don't hate you .
  21. Ronald Reagan had a salutation; close all the mental institutions that once cared for these people and shove them out onto the streets. Basically it's the same approach they are taking to healthcare today. "For those of us who encounter people experiencing homelessness on a daily basis, this is not surprising. Over 30 years ago, when Reagan was elected President in 1980, he discarded a law proposed by his predecessor that would have continued funding federal community mental health centers. This basically eliminated services for people struggling with mental illness." http://www.po
  22. ^^^ Disingenuous ? Definitely Insincere ? Of course Playing to an audience ? Obviously Funny as sheeze ? You betcha !
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