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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Would have added a few thousand jobs for a year maybe two and then sent the dirtiest most toxic crude on the planet down through the heartland for the next 20 years. I hear the Canadians are looking for another route within their own boarders.
  2. I just got off the phone with Aetna (ppo). It sounded great until I found out I would have to pay a deductible on prescriptions before a copayment ever kicked in around $200 a year. I then called Healthspring (hmo) no deductible but I would have to see my primary care Dr.- and sit in his office an hour to be seen - to get permission (once every 6 visits) before I could see the specialist I have been going to for the last five years. Between the two = Damned if I do damned if I don't. Decisions decisions.
  3. Have you heard about the Aspireassist ? It's basicly a new weight loss system where you can gorge on food then drain your stomach contents into a bag later. Kind of like Bulimia in reverse. Grossest weight loss method ever? New technology sucks food right out of your stomach The AspireAssist, a tube implanted inside the stomach that leads outside the body, allows wearers to drain excess food from their stomachs after meals to prevent calorie absorption. A cap covers the external end of the tube when it's not in use. http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/grossest-weight-loss-method
  4. He has dropped out of the race. There were rumors for a while that he might run as an independent.
  5. The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries. James Madison
  6. Just what the world needs another religious fanatic with an army at his disposal.
  7. So what does a slightly used airport and like new film studio go for these days ?
  8. Difference Between Supper and Dinner Supper vs Dinner In reality, the difference between supper and dinner is not just cultural, but also a personal definition. Throughout the world, dinner is considered an early meal that is eaten somewhere between 2 pm and 5 pm, while supper is a later meal eaten between 7 pm and 11 pm. This doesn’t hold true for all cultures or countries, but it is a relatively safe bet when trying to determine the difference. http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-supper-and-dinner/
  9. Ask Guard Dad, I think it's one of the many things that fascinates him, that and men passing gas.
  10. You think about men's wieners often ? Is that why you are so angry and frustrated ?
  11. Typical Republicans always riding the coattails of the Democrats. Let's talk Water for a change .... Clean Water Act Introduced in the Senate as S. 2770 by Edmund Muskie (D–ME) on October 28, 1971 Committee consideration by Senate Public Works Committee Passed the Senate on November 2, 1971 (86-0) Passed the House on March 29, 1972 (passed) Reported by the joint conference committee onOctober 4, 1972; agreed to by the House on October 4, 1972 (366-11) and by the Senate on October 4, 1972 (74-0) Vetoed by President Richard Nixon on October 17, 1972 Overridden by the Senate on Octo
  12. Air Pollution Control Act Effects of the Act[edit]This was the first act from the government that made U.S. citizens and policy makers aware of this global problem. Unfortunately, this act did little to prevent air pollution, but it at least made government aware that this was a national problem. The act allowed Congress to reserve the right to control this growing problem.[10] The Air Pollution Control Act of 1955 was the first federal law regarding air pollution. This act began to inform the public about the hazards of air pollution and detailed new emissions standards. Public opinion polls
  13. Clean Air Act (United States) Introduced in the House as H.R. 6518 by Kenneth A. Roberts (D–AL) on July 9, 1963 Committee consideration by House Energy and Commerce Passed the House on July 24, 1963 (275-104) Passed the Senate on November 19, 1963 (passed voice vote, in lieu of S. 432) Reported by the joint conference committee onDecember 5, 1963; agreed to by the House onDecember 10, 1963 (276-112) and by the Senate onDecember 10, 1963 (passed voice vote) Signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson onDecember 17, 1963 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_Air_Act_(United_States)
  14. I'm sure the Republicans have passed some good legislation at some time or another, I just can't for the life of me remember it.
  15. Luckily Progressive Democrats had the foresight to pass the Clean Air and Water Act. Another environmental law the Conservative Right vehemently opposed . Guess that's why they call themselves "Progressive".
  16. Not happy with State taxpayers footing the bill for their stadiums they charge the Military for patriotic displays. And the so called cash strapped Pentagon pays it. NFL teams reportedly received tax dollars to hold military tributes It appears some NFL teams have no problem showing their patriotic colors as long as it comes with a stack of taxpayer green. According to federal documents obtained by NJ.com, the Department of Defense has paid out millions to NFL teams to finance advertising and game-day military tributes. From 2011 to 2014, the government paid $5.4 million to 14 NFL teams
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