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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. How much does it cost to take out 3 insurgents in a Toyota pickup truck ? About 115,000 dollars and that doesn't even pay for the jet fuel .... How much do smart weapons cost the military?A single medium to long-range subsonic Tomahawk cruise missile costs roughly $1.5m Hellfire rockets cost an eye-watering $115,000 each a shoulder-rocket called the Javelin-- at $147,000 http://www.zdnet.com/article/how-much-do-smart-weapons-cost-the-military/
  2. Coming from a man that can't see past the nose on his face and only through his 'right' eye at that, that's some funny stuff.
  3. Actually Chester the ISIS is an extreme right-wing organization so they are really more like you, right-wing loons. But they even kill people of their own religion so I doubt they would give you a pass.
  4. No I am just tired of talking to a brick wall. Out of ammo ? Dude you have been shooting blanks for the past two hours. Good Day Sir.
  5. I have already explained that to you try and keep up.
  6. No what I think is the whole damned world would be better off if we had never gone there in the first place. Your problem seems to be not being able to comprehend what honoring a treaty means to the credibility of a Nation.
  7. No it's called breaking a treaty between two nations. .
  8. Oh,ok now I get it after ten years there we should have started the war over again. Good luck getting the international coalition to agree to that. And not be condemned by the entire free world in the process.
  9. No one except the 150,000 troops we had trained and equipped, tentative, tentative to what ? The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces wi
  10. Not binding ? Then why did Bush fly half way around the World to sign it, are you saying Americas agreements are not worth the paper they are written on ? Obama did try to renegotiate the agreement the Iraq government would have none of it unless our forces agreed to be subject to Iraqi laws and Iraqi courts. And ISIS didn't appear until the Syrian civil war I would hardly call that waiting in the wings.
  11. You can blame Bush for when we pulled out of Iraq when he signed the " Iraq Status of Forces Agreement" with Iraq's new government. You might remember his special trip to Iraq to sign the agreement, he had a shoe thrown at him by one of the grateful liberated Iraqi Citizens during the press conference,
  12. Guess who's trying to change the subject. But you are right Mrs. Clinton will make a strong President.
  13. Actually the ISIS is a combination of al Qaeda and remnants of Hussein's old National Guard. al Qaeda was never in Iraq before Bush's invasion, Hussein wouldn't have stood for it, they were mortal enemies . Bin Laden was one man in a larger organisation who Bush himself said was of no importance. It took Bush's successor to finally track him down and send him to his seventy virgins. Next we will learn how left unchecked by Iraq Iran was able to become a major player in the Middle East.
  14. When we have more time I'll try and help learn how George Bush did that. In the mean time try to think of Bush as another LBJ. ( Minus any legitimacy.)
  15. Then you must approve of Obama's efforts to get us out of Iraq. Because it's the same damned thing (except for the fact we were asked by the South Vietnamese government to be there.) Whew, we had to go halfway around the world to get here but I am happy to have been able to help you.
  16. And this is what he came away with. Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese army supported by Viet Cong units on April 30, 1975. Schlesinger had announced early in the morning of 29 April the evacuation from Saigon by helicopter of the last U.S. diplomatic, military, and civilian personnel.
  17. In 1973 Richard Nixon accepted the same "Terms of Surrender" from the North Vietnamese that they had offered him at the Paris Peace talks at the beginning of his Presidency in 1969.
  18. So Vietnam was a cluster **** but the war in Iraq was won. I was in Vietnam in 70 and half of 71 and you are dead wrong. I will give you Right Wing Chicken Hawks credit though unlike solutions and new ideas when it comes to hot air and excuses your bag of bullcheeze never seems to be empty.
  19. In case it might have slipped the minds of our Arm Chair Generals who was running the country when Germany was defeated in the trenches of World War One and who stopped the Nazi Blitzkrieg in World War Two and who pushed back the North Koreans and the Chinese Hoards on the Korean Peninsula I will remind you. I may as well remind you who cut and ran in Vietnam leaving the South Vietnamese at the mercy of the North And while we are at it who got us involved in the Hell Hole of Iraq. Those that cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George San
  20. Any civilized society could but if you were to ask an ISIS member he would isist he was a freedom fighter. And that is exactly why men are flowing from all over the world to join them as fast as we can kill them more are joining their ranks, you see we are not just fighting an army we are fighting a distorted religious philosophy. btw, "Paris (AFP) - A French national is believed to be among four men who stormed a Paris concert hall overnight, killing at least 82 people, police and a source close to the investigation said Saturday" http://news.yahoo.com/frenchman-identified-possible-con
  21. And there my friend lies the crux of the issue because ....
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