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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Why can't you take some comfort in that ?
  2. You will have to do what you have to do, with the knowledge that the Left supports the people and the Right the one percent.
  3. You do know due to trickle down economics the prices will be higher on your way home ?
  4. No GD everyone does not see it, some see that you are a hypocrite and use the "nasty" card on everyone but yourself.
  5. The Republican bag of excuses is never empty.
  6. Dude you know half your facts- Like the Iraq Status of Forces agreement was not binding- are pulled out of your backside that's not being nasty that's just being factual.
  7. Your insults don't bother me - I realize what a jerkwad you are- but stop accusing others like Rocky's Mom of being nasty when it's a common practice of yours.
  8. Guard Dad just makes it up as he goes.
  9. Like Stradial said I was in an artillery unit in the army. Never should have let myself get sucked into this conversation in the first place but it must have dug up some old memories, the My Lai incident and the way the army tried to cover it up still seems to be sore spot. The Vietnam vet was not treated very nicely when he came home - I still recall groups of young people on the side of the road giving us the middle finger as our bus carried us from LA airport to the base on our return home - My Lai and the atrocities that were committed there that day were responsible for much of it. Bad t
  10. Calley was released from his sentence by Richard Nixon. The fact that you don't believe my service is of no concern to me. The murder,rape and mutilation of 500 vietnamese has nothing to do political correctness it's about historical fact. Maybe you will enjoy this video about the man that broke the story. Calley served 3 years of house arrest in Ft. Benning Ga.
  11. Patsy ? He may have gotten his orders from Medina but Calley led his unit into My Lai and issued the orders to his men. Which resulted in the rape, torture,mutilation and murder of some 500 mostly women and children. To call Calley a patsy is like saying the SS that ran the Jewish concentration camps were just following orders. Calley was the only person charged the entire 26 man company should have gone to prison, Calley served three years of house arrest. Every decent solder that had to come home to greetings of "Baby Killer" can thank Captain Calley and his men for it.
  12. It's not a matter of if but when.
  13. "Any Vietnam War collection that does not carry this work is not complete " http://www.amazon.com/Four-Hours-Lai-Michael-Bilton/dp/0140177094/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1447791632&sr=1-1&keywords=mai+lai+massacre
  14. Does it matter who dropped the napalm the results were the same... A stronger Viet Cong. * And that was before Social Media.
  15. Winning the hearts and minds of the people....
  16. I stopped reading when the first sentence started out as "Liberals continue to tell us"... I may go back and read other "informative" articles like... Crazy Obama: If We Say “Radical Islam” FOX Analyst Kimberly Guilfoyle: God Help This President If TRUMP – “May Have to Shut Some Mosques Down” or ... Obama Played a Role in the Paris ISIS Massacre ( And you talk about where I get my information from.)
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