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Everything posted by Foxmeister

  1. News flash for you. Every president has won election because of the electoral college. There were three other times in history where the presidential candidate who had the majority of the popular vote lost to the candidate with the majority of the electoral votes: 1824, 1876, and 1888.
  2. Do presidential elections go by who wins the popular vote or receives the required majority of the electoral college?
  3. Both you and CC missed the point. Look at the money China is now spending on its military.
  4. He fails to see the reality when it came to the "intent" of the voters in the contested areas in Florida. How can anyone really say what a voter intended without talking to that voter? You have a ballot with the chad completely punched out at Bush's name and a chad partially hanging by Gore's. Yet some clerk who is a member of the Democratic Party declares that voter actually intended to vote for Gore. His biggest mistake though is not recognizing he used a quote from a Gore campaigner who is clearly biased as he is and taking it for granted the guy was stating a fact, which it clearly
  5. What I found appalling in the attempted "recounts" in Florida was when a chad was completely missing as in punched out for Bush, but on the same ballot the chad by Gore's name was partially punched, the claim was the voter was attempting to vote for Gore.
  6. According to my ex, it's so they can call home from school in case of an emergency, so you can call them at their friend's house to come home, etc. How the heck did her parents ever get her to come home when she was a kid and there was no such thing as a cell phone? Me? I was told what time to be home and if I was late, I was grounded. My parents also had the phone numbers to my friends homes. Emergency at school? I used the phone at the office.
  7. I remember how thousands of military personnel from Dade County didn't get their votes counted because even though they arrived in the mail the day before the election, Dade said they were late. It seems they have some stupid ass rule that those votes have arrive a week prior to election day. Why? They can't start counting them until election day.
  8. It would be nice if it was an exchange of ideas and opinions open for discussion without the pissing contests.
  9. My point is the Dems would have supported a 20 cent a gallon tax increase on gas had some of that money been earmarked for mass transit. Even if it had earmarks for mass transit, it would have been bad legislation because it's still a 20 cent a gallon increase that will hurt the consumers and small businesses. Think about it for a bit.
  10. I suspect the reason Democrats were opposed to it was because, This was a really stupid piece of legislation and I'm surprised the Chamber of Commerce supported it. This will hurt businesses in the state because there will be less expendable income; especially when gas prices start to increase again. They surely will once oil prices increase because the surplus of oil will be gone. Another example how most politicians no longer work in support of the people. Vote them all out of office.
  11. Take what I said about local elections and Congressional districts. Now multiply that by 100.
  12. Does it take hundreds of thousands of ballots to fix a local election? How about in a Congressional district? That's one of the reasons they have absentee ballots.
  13. How can they compare the signatures when the license is in the possession of the voter, not where they are counting ballots? If you think they have lists with copies of signatures to make a comparison, do you think they really check? Imagine how time consuming that would be.
  14. Who is to say that a bailout mailed to Joe Snuffy was actually completed and mailed back by Snuffy rather than somebody else?
  15. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I had the flu shot this year and didn't even have as much as a cold this winter. The allergies on the other hand are making up for that. All I can say is, it's that time of year.
  16. This is at my house in north GA where the Hostas are definitely GA grown and bred. LOL They might leave them alone because they are so close to the house and there's many other things for them to eat in the yard.
  17. Oregon just passed into law a bill that automatically registers licensed drivers as voters. Should states have the authority to do this or should voter registration be strictly a decision made by the individual? Incidentally all elections held in Oregon are done by mail-in ballots. Registered voters receive a ballot in the mail 20 days prior to an election. Just to clarify something; you must provide documentation to prove you are a US citizen to receive a drivers license in Oregon before a drivers license can be issued.
  18. I have a lot of deer that come into my yard all the time and they have left the hostas alone.
  19. Hostas will grow well in areas that get quite a bit of shade. You probably want some color with them though. Here's a website that list a lot of different perennials you could plant that would do well. Remember you want balance when you plant them. Start in the back by planting your tallest plants first. Work you way down in height as you work your way to the front of the bed. If you plant Hostas you have to remember they can grow very large in diameter so leave yourself some space between them. I'd plant Hostas in the front. They will bloom in the Spring and look very nice when they d
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