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Everything posted by Blondiega1

  1. We are the only species that coddles and takes care of our lazy and stupid. In any other species they would quickly be weeded out by nature.
  2. Just come up a big storm here!! Heavy rain, thunder lightning and hail!!! And wind coming from all different directions!!! SHEW!!! (Winndale at Cochran Ridge- 2 miles south/east of 61/278 Kroger)
  3. RIGHT!!! I saw Footloose! Both of them!
  4. for admitting your mistake!! for your opinion in the matter!
  5. :clapping: I have always said, the goal of a parent should be to raise a child who can sustain him/herself into adulthood!
  6. I guess I have always been responsible and it bugs me to see so many young folks that aren't. Do they honestly expect to live off someone else their entire life? And why in the world would you WANT to rely on someone else to take care of you? Do they think they have all the time in the world to get it together?
  7. I completely agree that young girls need to learn to stop devaluing themselves and chose wisely when it comes whom they will be procreating. But young men need to learn to be responsible MEN. Papi calls this the "flake-a-popotamus" generation.
  8. I hate that they changed the name. It will always be Po' Folks to me!
  9. Glad I could be of some amusement today!
  10. Now I'm going to preface this by openly admitting that I probably give girls a little more leeway on this one. At what age do you expect that a young man should have his poop in a group and have some dang direction in life?? IMHO by the time a young man is 25 years old, he needs to be settling into a job with a potential future and basically growing up and getting his life in order. As I said, call it sexist if you want, but I do tend to give a 25 year old girl more leeway here and would give her till around 27 to get her defecation consolidated. So what say y'all? At what ag
  11. Well............if the details of the divorce are worked out and agreed upon before the "marriage" even begins..........
  12. Honey, that's not the only thing messing with your head.
  13. Me three. Anyone heard from Keith Richards?
  14. Right there with ya. And I'm predicting rain this evening. :groan:
  15. He does but he's married. We went to bed early!!
  16. Most of the time, it feels like we still are!! He still gives my butterflies in my tummy every time I see him.
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