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Posts posted by TnT

  1. "Yes towards Rockmart. And the New Courthouse will also be near the same area. "


    Oh...that won't be too far down the road from the new Kroger on 278. I think they want to put the new courthouse before the 120 intersection of 278 but on or after the intersection that passes under the Silver Comet by the Cement Factory.


    Well... :) it won't be to far. :)




    Gem Man 86


    You are correct ............ The New Courthouse is said to be finished within 2 years....

  2. I can't imagine it had anything to do with WalMart. Publix and Wally World are like apples and oranges.


    It probably had something to do with their lease being up. I've heard Publix prefers to own the shopping center and lease the other stores out....either way it stinks.


    The Hiram one was right on my way home from work.



    I agree.... I don't think the location where they was in hiram was a good one. It was just to hard to get in and out.

  3. Out towards Rockmart?


    Dang I wish they had never closed the one in Hiram. Surely it would have continued to make money even with the one at East Paulding opening.


    The new one is just SO inconvenient.


    Yes towards Rockmart. And the New Courthouse will also be near the same area.

  4. Well we know Publix is coming just down the road.... maybe it is just someone just thought they had nothing better to do today. Hope that it turns out to be false because I really like this store.

  5. But by allowing him to stay there with no job and no prospects, she is enabling him to continue on that path. 


    My parents have refused to kick my brother out of the house and he's 37, unemployed and living at home to this day.....completely dependent on them financially (and pissing away my inheritance  <_< )


    At some point, mama birds boot their little babies out of the nest. Parents simply must cut the cord at some point too...otherwise they're doing their children a huge disservice.


    I do agree that some changes need to take place but I do not feel that we even know the whole story here. We think she is keeping him a place to stay and food to eat but if we get to the bottom of this we may find out that we are supporting them all with our tax dollars. Maybe if she had of been willing to help him find a job, help him save some money to buy a car and charge him rent to stay there and then maybe he could be own his own.

  6. I understand this young man is in his 20's with no job and really no life but I really still say it is the fault of the parents. If we do not teach our kids better how are they going to know better, it will always be a cycle until someone helps them make a change. I still do not think I could throw my child out no matter his age, as long as I have a home my kids will always have a home. Every parent needs to be thankful for each and every day you have your children with you because you never know when they will be taken away.

  7. Well I would not call this female a mother. And we see how many kids are in trouble now and this is one of the reasons because our problem with kids today starts at home. If these parents would just be parents and train up the kids the way they should.

  8. Just a thought but if you are worried about it going to medical bills why not just take the money to the hospital and tell them you want to pay on her bill. I am sure they will take the money.


    Just another thought of mine after having a son that spent the most of 2 years in the hospital they do need cash for other things such as food ect. Life does not stop and they do have to go on.

  9. I am very sorry that I did not get to meet you as well but that day I was trying so hard to hold myself together and really did not mingle as we would have like to but that was the date he has passed away two years ago.


    I do know that he was ready to go home to be with his heavenly father. He even told me a few days before he passed Mom you know that I was only yours for a short time anyway. He knew from the time we found out that the odds was not good for him to make it he started to get things ready to plan his own funeral so that we did not have to do it.


    We had him a going home party and invited some of his friends and his last statement to them was " You know that you are all here as a good bye to me but will this be your final good bye or will you see me again." And then we sang Amazing Grace.


    He was such a blessing to me. I just wish my faith was as strong as his.

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