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Everything posted by skin1229

  1. where and what are they hiring for?
  2. Sorry but I have to disagree. I know many college graduates that I would not consider to be well-rounded by any means. We are all created differently as well as learn differently. We do not all fit into this cookie-cutter mold that society has created. I consider myself to be an extremely wise and well-rounded person. I am a hard worker and can learn anything by "doing", not reading about it in a textbook. Some can and that is great for them but there should be equal opportunities available for those willing and passionate about learning and doing, just in a different way. I think it is a wond
  3. This is a community event sponsored by Legacy Baptist Church. There will be music, hayrides, facepainting, marshmallow roast, etc.... Lots of fun for the entire family!
  4. Where did this happen? What neighborhood?
  5. He's been found. Thanks for the sarcasm though...
  6. Missing 16 yr old white male. Last seen around 10:30AM this morning. 12 Oaks neighborhood off East Paulding. Wearing jeans and gray,hooded jacket. Please contact 678-608-9097.
  7. This actually sounds like a great price for family coverage (assuming you are self employed).
  8. purchased yesterday posted yesterday never appeared on recent items
  9. I recently purchased a 1 month membership. I listed several items for sale in the got the goods section and it was sent to the "overflow" section. Why would it not show up on the recent topics page? It seems to be buried on the overflow section....
  10. Thank you for posting it. I will certainly be looking at finding a copy asap. I too have wondered this and been asked this over and over. This was never heard of 20+ years ago like it is today.
  11. Crazy isn't it but it's true. Seen it myself. The doctors in the ER said my child has minutes to get to a hospital and the epi-pen would buy her time... said that as bad as her first reaction was when her throat closed up and she swelled up like a balloon and went unconscious, that the second time is usually worse, if there could be a worse.
  12. ...and neither do we. Our child goes to birthday parties, restaurants,church activities, etc. She cannot eat cakes from bakeries or most packaged sweets as they are made on equipment containing peanuts but we would NEVER ask anyone to accommodate her and she knows that. Though it stinks for her to have to be looked at differently or feel different because she is eating a dessert from home or bringing her Wendy's nuggets into Chickfila, that is just life for her and she has to deal with it.Back when smoking was allowed in restaurants, I would not ask the people to not smoke around my asthmatic
  13. Never looked at this as a disability or a reason fro wanting to be coddled... I have 2 other kids with medical issues that have never had to tell anyone about them but making someone aware that you have a life or death allergy, just not seeing how that is asking for accommodations or coddling. I myself would want to know if someone was in my home or business with such a fatal allergy just so I would know and be prepared in case something did happen and they needed medical attention. At least I do know that some people just really do not care so that my child can prepare herself for the "real w
  14. We are talking about a life or death situation... there is a difference in just a breakout and the fact that a child could die within minutes and the epipen buys their time to get to a hospital.It is more serious than what most people think and if you do not think so then google it for yourself and see what happens when a child goes in to an anaphylactic shock....not a pretty sight. I know someone that has both a wheat allergy and peanut allergy.I have another child allergic to pets that does have to have breathing treatments and breaks out in hives...never have I asked a relative to get rid o
  15. I do appreciate this post. My child may still be in school if we had this kind of support and response from her teacher and school.Thank you.
  16. I agree, it is a hard issue to come to terms on when dealing with life or death issues but I do feel it comes down to me as the parent doing what is the safest for my child which has meant homeschooling. She is at an age where we have now let her take some of the responsibility for her safety. She has to learn how to manage it herself eventually on her own but for an elementary age child it is asking too much for that child to take on that responsibility. They are fearing for their lives everyday at snack time or lunch when the child sitting across from them opens up a bag of peanuts that go f
  17. Yes, but ours had to remain locked up in the nurse's office which was very scary to me in the fact that she could die within minutes.
  18. As the parent of a child with this same deadly allergy, we do homeschool her for this very reason. We were in a public school and were told by the school nurse that they were not allowed to discriminate against the kids that liked peanut butter and they could only suggest to parents to be considerate when sending in a snack with their child. There are many choices in snacks and lunches besides peanuts or peanut butter. It is really not that much of an inconvenience to bring something other than peanut products when compared to someone losing their life.For the ones that do bring it anyhow, the
  19. We need to have a neighborhood watch or network. It is ridiculous and having to live in fear of what they might do next is allowing them to win.I have NEVER heard of so much in one year alone. They egged the house of an elderly couple a few months ago. They set a fire inside of a vacant house in here about 3 weeks ago. We were just thankful that a neighbor happen to see the smoke coming out of the windows and called 911 before it blazed.
  20. Your link takes me to a page that I do not have permission to view....what's with that? You say "unpaid member" like that's a bad thing....
  21. Posted an online yard sale....now it's gone....where to?
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