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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. In 2013, it was revealed that Eric "Golden Wings" Holder used private charters for strictly personal travel -- and billed it to the US government -- but no one cared about that, except FoxNews.
  2. You guys speak of blacks and whites as if they are monolithic groups... That is precisely the problem. People are individuals with unique life experieneces. We should treat them as individuals, and not succumb to the divisive allure of identity politics.
  3. You see what you want to see... classic case of cognitive dissonance.
  4. You greatest fear is a successful Trump presidency... Your greatest fear is a successful Trump presidency...
  5. He could have asked for help when he called 911, instead he made the choice to lie and end his life.
  6. Three back to back natural disasters... and they cannot find any legitimate criticisms in this administration's timely and competent response. So they complain about tweets, because they have nothing else of substance to bitch about.
  7. They keep telling me that black lives matter, but they do not want to talk about the leading cause of death for young black men.
  8. Per NBC News : 16 Navy & Coast Guard ships have docked in Puerto Rico, with 10 more enroute. Including the USS Comfort floating Hospital ship...
  9. Meanwhile, the senseless murders continue unabated in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis . Rampant violent crime in our inner cities is ignored by protesters and the media. And another generation of children are growing up without hope for a better future...
  10. Jenna Jameson is a multimillionaire. And a staunch Conservative...
  11. Nobody here has said they do not have the right to protest or called for violence in an effort to silence their speech. Nobody has the right to an NFL career.... just ask James Damore... all he did was write an innocuous memo. BTW : That article on the ratings has been thoroughly debunked by numerous sources.
  12. Drudge is a news aggregator... not a journalist.
  13. Slate is known as the armpit of internet journalism... You could not have picked a more radical Leftist rag.
  14. They are not protesting the shockingly low literacy rates of inner city youth.
  15. . I cannot help but imagine what America would be like if those players focused their resources on actually improving the lives of people in forgotten impoverished communities.
  16. . The NFL's ratings are in the toilet for good reason. Regular folks watch sports to relax and have a good time. They do not tune in to see social justice warriors virtue signaling their Leftist politics and disrespecting cherished time honored American traditions. Do you even know why they play the national anthem at sporting events ? ? ? It's an exercise in unity to remind us that even though we are competitors on the field, we are all Americans at heart.
  17. The overwhelming majority of Americans respect and revere our national anthem. I suspect that majority is even higher among voters in flyover country. It's not a very smart move to attack their values in what amounts to meaningless virtue signaling. Andrew Breitbart was famous for observing that politics flows downstream from culture. Mainstream Democrats and moderate Liberals are not supporting these protests. Watching millionaire athletes, whose careers are only possible in this country, disrespect and divide our nation is not going to play well in Perioa. So by all means... please cont
  18. Please continue... Do you want more Trump ? ? ? Cause this is how you got Trump...
  19. Yeah, it's Trump's fault... that's the ticket.
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