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About meme12

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City

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  1. I noticed that there's a business working out of the Atlanta Film Studios . I didn't know we could rent space out of there for business. Whom do I contact to see if I can rent space for my business there ? I drive by every morning and evening and see the vehicles parked there. Any info would be great. Thanks.
  2. My child is in the North Paulding Band and I can assure you that the band meant no disrespect to anyone in the community . It was an honor to be invited to the Atlanta parade . The Children thought that they represented their Paulding community well and hoped they made us all proud . These kids are out there practicing starting the second week in July from 8:00am to 5:00 pm five days a week . Then when school is in they are practicing everyday after school till 6:30pm and most Saturdays from 9:00am to 4:00pm . The Saturdays they are not in practice they are in competitions . This was an HONOR
  3. I agree Clayton Sanitation is a very good company . I have used them for years and never had any problems . The owners are professional and are quick with responding to any questions you may have about their service .
  4. I use Aarco Exterminators they are located in Dallas . They also have a do it yourself store if you wanted to go that route .
  5. We go by every year to view the display its part of our tradition . We make it the first stop on our light showing list .
  6. Do you add any water to the bottom of the crock pot or just the chicken breast and the seasoning ?
  7. Well sometime back my loved one was plastered all over this board before I had time to collect myself and make the phone calls to the people that need to know . It was very upsetting that I was getting calls about what happened before I had even spoke to my family and friends about it . I was very hurt over it happening so please be careful when posting .
  8. Ok thanks . I have shopping to do tonight and didn't want to get caught in it .
  9. What time is it getting here tonight ?
  10. Going Saturday afternoon
  11. How do we find out if the dog has been caught ? Would animal control tell me if I called them ?
  12. Anybody know of a place that cost less than $60.00 to do a sports physical?
  13. Will the church be selling pumpkins too?
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