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Everything posted by coltsmommy09

  1. yes i know lol... i just cant wait til morning but im gonna have to... i just hope i can get some kinda sleep tonight i have only got maybe 10 the past week im exhausted
  2. i called and they said teething to just go in the morning but for some reason i think it is something else,,, and who knows better than a mother if something is wrong lol
  4. I AM AS SOON AS I GET UP IN THE MORNING I AM GONNA CALL AND GO IN... I JUST HOPE HIS FEVER STAYS DOWN THREW THE NIGHT.. IF IT GETS TO 203 I AM GOING TO THE ER... HE IS TEETHING BUT THE DOC SAID THAT HE WONT HAVE A FEVER THAT HIGH, BUT SHE ALSO SAID THE LAST TIME I TOOK HIM IN WITH A FEVER THAT HIGH THAT NOTHING WAS WRONG... its kinda runny but he med for that also he has what feels like a rash on his stomach... you no the kind that they get right after they are born that you can feel but cant see well he has that too
  5. My 10 month old son has been cranky for the past few nights, not sleeping well, tosssing and turning, and crying.... i have been keeping an eye out for fever and the highest it got was 99.2. well today he felt hot, and was still cranky. you could see it in his eyes that he dont feel good, so i checked his temp. it was 102.5..... i cant seem to figure out what is wrong with him... i gave him his med and now its coming down, but its just really weird... any suggestions on what it could be?
  6. i just looked it up and he is the one i went to school with (crying) what happened? someone please tell me
  7. stomach virus we all got it at christmas everyone in the house except my 9 month old son thank god... it will pass very quick hope they get better
  8. i bet he is the one i went to school with..... (tear) did he go to pchs? can someone email me and let me know anything about it this is very sad (tear) im about to just let go and cry...
  9. prayers said... im so sorry to hear of this but she will be feeling so much better even though it will hurt forever with the family.. once again prayers said
  10. how old is he? i went to school with a caleb tibbitts!!!!
  11. this really ticks me off... i wish i could help every animal there, i also hate people who abuse animals or places that sale animals for 200-300 when there are animals that need love at the shelter...
  12. yea i use those but i think that he has gotten use to them
  13. im going to one tom i will let you know how it goes... im scared toooo
  14. tried that!!! didnt really work
  15. lol oh i will enjoy it as well as alone time with hubby but anyways im still up now because im waiting on a lady to email me things about her wedding stuff that she is gonna let me use.... also thanks to all the pcommer that are helping me with my sis in law wedding things
  16. yea i am the only one that gets up with him at night. i love my son with all my heart but i love it when his maw maw comes and gets him for a night or to. like tonight he is gone and trust me it will be a long overdue goodnights rest... lol
  17. lordy me too right now he finally gets to sleep about 12:00 and then he wakes up around 1:30-2:00 then around 5:00 to 6:00 it differs he could wake up as much as 4 times before 6:00. sometimes i can give him a bottle then he may drift back to sleep then other times he may stay away for 30 min to an hour and i am just beyond exausted....
  18. it might be his teeth, he has 2 bottom teeth at 7 months but he hasnt got his top teeth yet
  19. im not there yet my son is only 9 months
  20. where are they going? me and my friend worked for them one time when they had a post on here very very nice people!!!!!
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