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Everything posted by coltsmommy09

  1. ? yea is there anything going on tonight
  2. i am sitting here so bored... whats everyone doing.... ive already cleaned the house and everything now my son is asleep....... also just to throw this out there is anyone looking for a prom dress size 12... i have one
  3. lol thanks i hope i win some too
  4. Yay we are leaving for cherokee north carolina in the morning.... hope its a great trip!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thanks i hope i can do it...
  6. I think i want to change my sons last name for some reasons!!!! does anyone know how i go about doing that?
  7. my boyfriends name is colt and so is my son i just love it and its not heard alot
  8. man i just added up how much its going to cost and its alot 200 but he is worth it... just wanted to share cause im bored
  9. I seen the poll about snow for tuesday. i must be lost. is it suppose to snow or what cause on fox 5 website it says cloudy at 60 so is it or what?
  10. what time does it come on? i thought it came on tom night?
  11. alot of good things... yes we got sleep lastnight we slept on the couh with the tv on and he slept from 830 to 300 so a lil better i just wish it was his own bed so i can sleep with daddy. his bed is in our room it makes a lil easier but nothing yet thanks
  12. true right now i have him on the couch i know he needs to be in the bed but he is sleeping soooo good tight now... i need to put him in bed and go to bed because i have a headache but i know as soon as i lay him in his crib he will wake up. its like he know that is where he is suppose to be because everynight we hav to get up and come to the couch and he lays on me and i am so exhausted that i fall asleep there without putting him in bed and his daddy has to get his sleep and not here him cry because he is the only one who works here... wow it never ends he eats food and cerea
  13. i have tried the tv but maybe i need to try music
  14. i have tried 2 pillow under and it dont work and what about when he is not sick he still dont sleep good
  15. true but im not gonna let my little boy lay there and have a nervous break down and throw up everywhere
  16. wow i have got to call the doc tom b/c my 10 month old son has had a runny nose for 3 weeks. it just will not go away. he cant sleep good,but yet he really cant sleep well anyways. i just dont know what to do about his sleep. everyone has said well let him juct cry it out and learn to fall asleep, well there is a problem with that... when i do that he gets so upset and crys so hard that he starts to throw up, its so sad... i have also tried keeping him awake almost all day and tried the lotion and nothing works even making his bed as soft as he could.... what could it be i just want my sleep b
  17. that is so sad. my baby cousin died at 6 months old from sids!!! it was very sad. now that i am a mother it scares me cause that is just a death that you cant help it happens for no reason. will keep them in my prayers.
  18. i didnt have a phone... i went in the store and asked the guy in there i said do you have a restroom? he said not a public one and i told him what i just saw and he said well he didnt come in here and ask if we had one...... so the othere guy came out of the store before i go in and they just get in the car and speed off. im not raciest but it was 2 black guys... just nasty though
  19. Me and my mother in law and my son are at the convienant store to get us some lottery tickets and as we pull up she is giving me the money. well low and behold there is this huge guy just standing there right beside the store with his business out taking a pee. i was so discusted... you cant hold it or do it where no one can see you. there are kids out here that can see... just wanted to share that and get it off my chest
  20. very bored... lol the baby is asleep and i just got finished helping make flower arrangments for my sis in laws wedding. so whats everyone else doing?
  21. it says not in affect anymore so are we getting snow or not?
  22. well just got back from the doc everything is perfect except his throat. he has a servere sore throat, they ran the strep test but it was negative. so she mixed me up so me med from over the counter med, (because she know i dont have much money for it) and told me to give it to him and it will coat his throat and ease the pain then he might eat and drink more and his fever is down to 99.2 now finally he is asleep
  23. i def need some up lifting words i feel down cause of all this
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