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Everything posted by hollywood

  1. sounds like a Susan Smith to me
  2. though i don't have one(a baby that is), if and i say IF it was taken by a STRANGER??? i wish he or she had gotten the wrong address and came to my house. END OF STORY. but i have my doubts
  3. sorry TP hit the wrong button but i dont see anything wrong with it
  4. conservatives does that mean a few rounds fired HA HA (on your side)
  5. REVOLUTION or CIVIL WAR. i think there will be, but TP i don't think we'll be around to see it
  6. one question for both of you, WHY
  7. give all the THUGS and PECKERHEADS a gun. put a truck load of CRACK in the middle of the pasture. the next day take a front end loader, dig a hole and push whats left in. then do it again the next day
  8. is that DEMOgraphic or DEMOcratic
  9. airing a story about a rapper (TI) who was convicted of trying to buy unregistered guns and silencers. their airing his release from prison and his birthday party. gonna have to start watching a different channel
  10. we (myself and NC) are tired of looking at it. we put a privacy fence up but we can still see the nasty
  11. hey TP & MD i got a neighbor that lives behind me. they got the nastiest yard in the county. how bout you guys combine your energy and convince them to clean their back yard
  12. DA#%, I'm sure glade i cut my grass and got my leaves up yesterday
  13. what??? DUMB oh my goodness Ms witty. shame you can't hang
  14. oooh thank you really didn't wanna see that
  15. why yea they got penicillin and sea weed there silly
  16. there was a man one day that said show me a sign, well there it is
  17. hun I have no words. I can't even imagine how you must feel. don't know what i would do if something happened to my wife. keep your head up, things will get better
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