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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. I'm not British, but I did eat fish and chips at Long John Silvers. It was not the same as what they serve across the pond.
  2. If I understand correctly, times have changed and technology has changed. Therefore we should look at the way technology has changed as far as guns go in being covered by "a contract called the Constitution". My question is that since the telephone, the radio, the telegraph, TV, the internet, movies and the cell phone are products of advanced techology, should we now look at revising the prt concerning free speach? I think a case can be made for all of the above being used in illegal activities.
  3. It's ok, I think he might deserve two "choot ems".
  4. Shine on me sunshine, walk with me world, it's a skippidy doo da day.
  5. He reminded my of a Mafia hit man testifing before congress, no remorse, no guilt, no conscious. All we were missing was Lance cleaning his fingernails with a knife while he tries to remember who he "hit" and how.
  6. Oh. I used to know some of those guys back in the early 80's. I guess I shouldn't wear my 81 tee-shirt around NC-17 huh. Thanks for the info.
  7. I am just as guilty as anyone of over reacting on pcom. I do try and always have a little humor in my comments, sometimes very little. One thing however that will always get my back up is when I am told that I am not smart enough or educated enough to understand the issue or what is being said. I learned many, many years ago that some who have a great deal of education have the least common sense and are unable to apply what they have learned in the "real" world. Please note that I said some, not all. There are topics that I have little or no knowledge about what is being discussed and I
  8. Uh huh, so I guess those people that were let go in 2012 due to cutting cost just misunderstood and just started looking for jobs they already had.
  9. I have said it before and I will say it again. Those who drive faster than me are crazy idiots. Those who drive slower than me are stupid morons. I seem to always be the only one going the proper speed.
  10. Your company makes decisions that affect peoples medical needs based on cost. That is why they have let so many people go in the past year.
  11. I am sure that it does a lot of good to put this where people that are not out driving can see it. It is kinda like telling the Baptist, who is not going to a Catholic Church, what to do during a Catholic service. It may be correct, but that info isn't getting to the person who needs it.
  12. He must have been one of those "redneck right wing miltia loving cousin trucking moron"s GoBlue was speaking of.
  13. I never met Tim, but his buddy Owlsley sent me a nice present once. "Oh what a strange trip it was."
  14. Anyone believe in Mediums? Believe in them? I've seen them. (ok, last joke I promise) I think there are people that have certain....whatever....and are able to "know" things they have no way of knowing normally.
  15. What are trying to say? That Peaches lied to me? That she wasn't a blond 21 year old dancer, with a killer body, who was working her way through college?
  16. Nope, not TP either. By the way, where is The Postman?
  17. Glad you visit "other sites". Again, I am not sure how I will make it knowing what you think of me. After all I respect you and your opinion.....oh wait, I don't. In fact, you and one other, no not zoo, are the only people on pcom that I have absolutely no, zip, nada, zero, nought, zilch, none, aught, nadir, zot, or naught respect for. But again, it is nice to know you follow me on several sites, I always wanted a fan. Ok, because I do repect you, I will admit that I was just yanking their chains.
  18. You do realize that you will never make any headway with these people. They are smarter than you and know more than you and if you would only just listen, like a child, they will make sure you are taken care of. BTW: Brian Ott, funny guy. (for a yankee)
  19. I do believe in mediums, I have all my steaks done that way. Just kidding. I did go to a medium once, she was in Smyrna and her name was Rare. I had a reading and she was so spot on that when she was finished all I could say was: "Well done medium rare" Ok ok, enough of the jokes. Does anyone remember the Spanish teacher at Campbell High School back in the early 70's that also claimed to be a medium? She was on WRNG (Ring Radio) several times back in the day. She was even on Neil's show if memory serves me correct.
  20. Ooooooh Oooooooh Pick me! Pick me! I have some, here they are: Here are some of my favorites, off the top of my head: A list of those who did not die when history states; Jessie James John Wilkes Booth John Dillinger Lee Harvey Oswald Billy the Kid Butch Cassidy Here is a list of those who did not die the way history states: (I am not including the above list, although most could be listed here also) John Kennedy Robert Kennedy Martin L. King Meriwether Lewis Presidents Harrison, Taylor, and Buchanan That FDR knew about and let the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor (to
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