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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! And many more!
  2. That is what my wife says, well it is close anyway. I say that I know a good thing when I see it and just want to keep it that way. (then the wife says, get over it)
  3. I haven't been to Dixie Speedway in almost 30 years, but my first thought on reading the title of this thread was; Dixie Speedway...fight, normal Saturday night.
  4. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.
  5. I heard that somewhere. (oh yeh, it was in your post)
  6. Hey! I do the best I can, not all of can be spilling champs.
  7. Just wondering why you do everything in bold letters? Are you trying to "yell" your points by using bold type? Do you just have a "thing" for bold type? Does your wife/husband insist on having everything you type in bold? Were you taught to only use bold type by a strange but "bold" teacher? Is you computor set that it only types in bold letters? Do you feel inadequate and using bold type gives you a feeling of empowerment? Was you mother scared by regular type while she was pregnant with you, so you are afraid not use bold type? Do you somehow feel that using bold type makes your mes
  8. You mean after Baldwin? Either way, I guess it is a win/win.
  9. While I do not promote or wish anyone to be shot, what I don't understand is, if some of these nut jobs feel that they absolutely have to go out and shoot someone, why can't they shoot someone like him? Instead of your average person on the street who is just trying to get through the week.
  10. I knew an old boy from the hills that went to the big city once. He went to a hotel to stay for the night and they asked him to sign the hotel registar. After the old boy just stood there holding the pen and looking at the book for a minute, the hotel clerk realized what the problem was. "You can just make your mark, sir. If you need to.", the clerk advised the old boy. At that the hillbilly made an X and then he drew a circle around the X. The clerk looked at the X with the circle around it and asked; "I've known quite a few of you fellows from the backwoods that couldn't write their nam
  11. Yes, I can. (I have a feeling that cursive writing isn't the only writing that witness couldn't read)
  12. Happy Birthday! (I hope the heat from the candles doesn't set the cake on fire)
  13. Mom, Dad, Please quit fighting, the kids are getting nervous.
  14. I have no problem with being disagreed with, I have been known to be wrong. No problem, everyone loves my wife, except her ex.
  15. All pcom posters in general. However, I do consider GD to be a friend, same as I do pubby. And I am sure that if we ever met, I would find that we could be friends also.
  16. Dang girl, how old are you? Didn't that close down in the early 80's? (if you mean the crepe place at Cumberland)
  17. I bought one to go when they 1st opened, was not impressed and was not happy with the price. BUT, things may have changed as that was quite a while back. ETA Price was ok, if the salad had been bigger and had more stuff in it
  18. Thank you for the tip, butwhen Wally World is the best suggestion, it means that this county wcould use a good soup and salad place.
  19. I generally try and keep things a little on the light side when posting. But I am going to try and be a little more serious with this one. This is a topic that I have a tough time with. First, let me say that if being gay is a "sin", then that "sin" is between the person that is "sinning" and god, not between me and the person and god. I have enough problems handling my stuff between me and my god to get involved with others and their god. My stuff is a full time job, often with several hours of overtime required. I understand that there are people who are gay (and I do believe
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