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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. Here's a tip for when they tell you the world is coming to an end. The day before the world is supposed to end, call someone, anyone, in Australia. If they answer, relax, Australia is a day ahead of us.
  2. Dear Airline Pilots, If we let you start drinking again before flying, will you stop crashing the planes? Thank you, The Flying Public
  3. When it comes to sciency stuff, I have to trust what Marvin says, after all, he did manage to get here from Mars, that requires some pretty fancy science. Than again....he always gets beat by that wasckly wabbit.
  4. It seems every "group" is determined to defend what they see as attacks and slurs against them. A sense of humor and/or common sense is no longer needed, just a sense of oppression and "everything is serious, no room for levity". What am I referring to? Siena College students protest billboard with photo of kitchen, tagline 'your wife wants me' Siena College student Delaney Rivers provided the following statement to News 10: "[The billboard] implies that men are the primary financial supporters of women and that women are materialistic and portrayed as having
  5. I took one of the wife's new pills, I'm feeling much better now! Ohhhhh, look....I see trails.
  6. I know this to be a fact. After I told the wife that she was not allowed to vote for Hillary, there was a new ice age in my house.
  7. I know where y'all mean. I used to take my son shopping in that Kroger when he was a few months old, up to when he was around 3.
  8. I literally lol'ed. Yes I do. In fact I dreamed of them and the funeral home last night. I was the paperboy for them also. I met Randy Carmichael when he was in his late teens and just started working for Bill. To this day he still calls me by the nickname they gave me back then.
  9. Well he was a nice man.Every year he bought a set of coins and paper money, like a roll of coins and a band of bills, that were uncirculated and put them in a saft deposit box. He gave my two fifty cent pieces from around 1888 or there about, just because I admired some of his coin collection. Yes, I still have them.
  10. Yeh, but did Mr. Rice give you two half dollars from the 1800's? I was his paperboy for years, nice man, nice family.
  11. Ohhh, I may go Monday, unless I go meet with the Falcons. The wife and I had the Philly's from that place on 92 today, second time we have had them. We like them. Wife is sick, BP is way up. New meds have really helped.
  12. Funny, my post said nothing about color or race, it addressed actions and consequences.Strange that you do not respond to that, or perhaps not so strange. As to the second part of my post, it was also ignored. As to the rest of your post, once again you say that the people whose jobs it is to investigate these situations are either biased, stupid, corrupt, heck you choose a word, and they get it wrong, if they find in favor of LE. The only result that will satisfy some people is hanging the officers. Yet, others of us say, we are willing to abide by the decision of those whose job it
  13. I miss hearing those roosters crowing. It was a constant sound...and no, it wasn't annoying.
  14. I would think it matters to the person they are dating. Also, perhaps the family of the gay, straight or whatever, person. It don't matter to me, unless you are a hot, young, lesbian...then I am here for you girl.
  15. Let me suggest that you have no clue what my "main message" is. So let me spell it out. If you commit a crime you pay a penalty. Sometimes that penalty is death. There are review boards and agencies that investigate police shootings. I let them do their jobs. Unless you, yes you personally or any of these other cop bashers, have proof that these boards and agencies are corrupt, then I could care less what y'all think might have happened, somewhere, somehow, maybe. If you have absolute proof, then provide it. Funny, all these corrupt government agencies, yet when you are pro
  16. I have a friend that says he can see it in there eyes. My reply, why are you staring into guy's eyes?
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