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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I should have read this BEFORE I read your comment about wanting to stick your head in ground turkey. Makes more sense now. kinda. I thought you had lost your mind for minute there. I feel for ya. Being pregnant gives you super human sense of smell. I remember after I first found out I was pregnant I took dd to the movies. The people who sat in fron of us smelled like they were wearing clothes that had sat in their grandmas attic for decades. On top of that they were drinking green apple icee's. I'll never forget that combo of smells.
  2. Thanks, I will try that. I think i'm gonna try and make a frito pie with it tonight. Hopefully I don't hate it. Turkey is much cheaper and healthier, I think. I need to like it. Thank you everyone for your suggestions. The meatloaf recipe sound really good too.
  3. I've decided to give ground turkey a try, I used it years ago and couldn't get used to it but since my daughter refuses to eat beef or pork i've been buying too much chicken and i'm tired of it. anybody have any ideas? If I recall correctly, it tastes better in certain types of recipes such as meatloaf, but can be gross in others, such as tacos.
  4. Get subs from Subway the night before or make wraps with deli meat, cheese and fixins. chips, and I like sugail's idea of gogurt because you can freeze it!
  5. I can't believe it's been 8 years since that happened!! seems like 3. tops.
  6. I have 4 pairs and 2 are flip flops. My feet grew while pregnant. I have to re-stock.
  7. Well I do apologize, I'm in a bad mood. it's been a long day.
  8. so then you see where I said that i'm ok with her doing it but I just wish I had a heads up. basically. I don't get why this is so hard to understand. and with all due respect, you really are off base. I was caught off guard when my husband told me. When I hear the words "power of attorney" mentioned and "signature" involving my child and I have no knowledge of it yes, my ears tend to perk up a little. I really think you are reading more into it than necessary. I WOULD HAVE PERFERRED SHE HAVE IT TOO!!!!! Mods can you close this topic? I appreciate everyones input but this is going nowhere.
  9. My hubby and I take care of eachother just fine. We just choose to do it wile the baby is sleeping in his room. Call me crazy.
  10. no, my hubs is though. I don't care if others do it, but count me out. I'll find a closet or something but not the same room.
  11. God, I guess i'm alone here when I say NO WAY!!!!!!! I could never feel sexual with my child in the room. ever. I don't even have pictures of them in my bedroom.
  12. clearly you didn't read the entire content of this discussion so i'll just thank you for the sacrastic advice and be on my way. have a nice night.
  13. Seriously? I had/have a feeling that she purposly did not tell me. That bothers me. right or wrong, it just does.I feel like as a mom herself she would want to be informed as well if the shoe were on the other foot. I'm not sure if you read the entire post but I have repeadly agreed that what she did was not wrong. I just like to be in the know and rightfully so when it comes to my kids. I also admitted to being ignorant of the laws and asked for clarity. now I know them and will act accordingly the next time I leave my baby.
  14. like I said, I wasn't able to see it but my husband clearly said "power of attorney". Which is what I thought was a little much.
  15. I hope you're right!! That would be sa-weet!
  16. knowing is half the battle. I'll have to work on fixing it, after all she is a great babysitter and willing to do so. often! This is her first grandchild, I get that she is excited and wants whats best for him and I am thankful, but it really has been an adjustment having her around A LOT more.
  17. He thought it was no big deal. I'm positive. The more I think about it, I think I should give her the benefit of the doubt. It's possible I suppose, that maybe she didn't mention it to me because she thought it would put worry in my mind and I wouldn't enjoy myself or maybe she thought that hubby & I did discuss it. perhaps I am jumping to conclusions. I will let her know that I want to be included in these types of matters from now on but I won't be angry or rude. like you said momof3, I can be quick to find something wrong where there isn't just because it's her. Wow, I did
  18. And I would have been more than happy to do that. I just want a heads up as to what is going on when it comes to my child. In the past when I have gone out of town my daughter always stayed with her dad. I never gave this issue any thought before because I never had to. She was always with a legal guardian. We did leave her with all his necessary info. Was it just a "permission slip"? It that what power of attorney is? Again, I shouldn't have these questions, I should have been notified. She did not do the right thing by not telling me her intentions. haha! yea, I know what you mean. But
  19. Well now i'm wondering if the power of attorney is permanant or temorary? Since I didn't get to sign it I have no idea.
  20. I see what you're saying but if there is a legal document of any sort in existence with my childs name on it I want to know about it. Maybe i'm stupid, but I honestly never thought that a hospital would refuse to treat my child because I was out of town. It never crossed my mind that an official legal document is needed every time I leave. I find it hard to believe that most people do this. Insurance info, card, SSN, yes. Notarized legal documents? no, not for a short trip to florida. Not that it's a bad idea, just never occured to me.
  21. I just want to be clear here, I absolutely don't disagree with what she did, i'm bothered that I wasn't told. I actually like my MIL, I just get annoyed by her sometimes.
  22. I really think he thought it was no big deal. I'm pretty conflicted as to how I feel about it. since posting about it i'm even more conflicted. One thing I know is that it won't happen again without my knowledge, he recieved quite an earfull from me for a good 30 minutes with no escape in the car on the way home. and he did apologize. This is all very typical of my MIL, I think he's just used to "her ways" and dosen't see a problem.
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