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Everything posted by ThePainfulTruth

  1. "Gardner was sentenced to death after being convicted of murder in 1985 for the fatal courthouse shooting of attorney Michael Burdell during a failed escape attempt. Gardner was at the Salt Lake City court facing a 1984 murder charge in the shooting death of a bartender, Melvyn Otterstrom when he took a gun smuggled into him and he shot Burdell in the face as the attorney hid behind a door in the chaotic courthouse." Let's see... Maybe it's not such a good idea if you're on trial for murder in Utah and try to escape, and to decide to shoot someone in the face and kill them while attempting
  2. I agree. I think leg traps are BS, a means of torture, and are just plain damn cruel.
  3. Technology is moving faster than the USPS... The government operated USPS... Can't wait until they ge a hold of healthcare...
  4. I saw this Saturday afternoon over south Paulding. It was quite a fascinating display of nature.
  5. I am so sorry to hear this. I hope the piece of sh*t maggot who did this gets what they deserve. Scumbags like this completely piss me off and I would not shed a tear if the same happened to them. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.
  6. Sorry to hear it. Karma will catch up to them...
  7. The map is horrible to begin with. It does look like it was corrected this morning. I found it funny last night to view it and to see that Hiram High school was physically located in the South Paulding High school district, and South Paulding High school was located in the Hiram High school district…
  8. excellent point... I forgot to add that... I am editing the original post...
  9. Purely a hypothetical situation... If you were offered the chance to buy a 2 million dollar home with low payments\no money down\ no credit check, multiple credit cards with no limits, and the chance to finance two 50,000 dollar vehicles, with 70 year financing for the house and cars, with the stipulation that if it isn't paid off when you and your spouse are dead and gone, your children pick up the bill... Would you do it? Yes or no? In response to babyblues post, you do not have the option ro cover the above mentioned balances with life insurance... In response to LGM, disregard the
  10. It’s silly to me that so many people are wetting themselves laughing at Tim Tebow. I don’t care if he was crying or laughing when Alabama beat them. Big deal... So he’s human and is capable of showing emotions. The whining about eye gouging? You don’t think any Georgia player ever did that? I certainly don’t agree with it or think it’s right but unfortunately it happens in almost every college and pro football game. Spikes was just caught on camera. Unless Alabama, Texas, TCU, or Cincinnati is your team, Florida still finished better than your team and is going to a much better bowl... That’s
  11. Football is an extremely rough and sometimes dirty game. Unfortunately this type of thing happens Saturdays and Sundays during football season. Whether someone's favorite team does something like this, or has it done to them, it happens. Spikes just happened to get caught on camera.
  12. If someone posted this, I apologize... These 6 people complaining must really live a boring life... Give me a break.... If you don't like them , it's simple... Don't buy them. Fox news story
  13. How about when the profoundly stupid Whoopi Goldberg answered this question on ‘The View’ while she was defending Pulanski saying “It wasn’t rape rape”… She was asked “Would you allow your 13 year old to have sex?” Her answer was “Not necessarily”. Not necessarily… So I guess on certain occasions her 13 year old could have sex?? Wow… Pulanski allegedly gave the teen quaaludes and champagne… I guess she found it difficult to say no.
  14. That is the exact thing I was going to say... Kanye West is an absolute idiot, period. His fans know his views and actions yet radio stations still give this clown airplay... Just like R Kelly...
  15. The issue goes back far beyond August 4th. They have never answered the phone ever according to many. I can say from experience they have not since February, nor were any messages returned.
  16. Does anyone here have a mortgage through taylor bean and whitaker? I have to say from experience, it is questionable if there is actually any live people at the customer service number they provide. I have NEVER actually got a live person on the phone this year and messages left still are unreturned. In reading around the web this morning while on a 'ten minute hold time' for 45 minutes, it appears they are in trouble and have been shut down. From what I have read, I am not the only person with a very low opinion of their non-existent customer service. I am reading in a few places that bank of
  17. What about the boyfriend's cell phone? If she is with him that signal may lead you to her...
  18. Keep in mind folks, mr "get over it" has an avatar of George Bush and monkeys... Seems like he needs to take his own advice.
  19. It could be because the obama-siah approval ratings are headed downhill now that the mouth breathers slowly start to realize their guy isn't quite the miracle maker they thought he was...
  20. Sure would have. When a piece of sh*t robs someone at gunpoint, it should be an automatic attempted murder charge.
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