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Everything posted by GACat

  1. Well, that leaves me out. Me and my 2 Cats are all Fixed.
  2. I've just gotten my fourth Nixel Alert today via my email, which I can access from my cell phone when I'm at work. I am so glad I signed up with Nixel.
  3. Where did this happen at? You mentioned "gate." We have a gate in my neighborhood. Did you call the cops? Yeah, maybe they won't catch the actual throwers, but just seeing a patrol car around might scare them from doing this again. So sorry about your little one
  4. I work in one of the office buildings parallel to the runway, toward the end of Airport Road. The only thing separating our parking lot and the runway is a line of trees, and not a very thick line of them really. Anyway, we tend to pay little attention to the planes anymore barely away from us (sitting at the intersection of Old 41 & McCollum Rd can be pretty disconcerting until you get used to being able to wave at landing pilots.) At about 1:45 or so, I went outside to the back of our office that faces the runway to find some co-workers with huge eyes and dropped jaws, pointing toward t
  5. Ahem.....I can thank CreativeOne for this, because she's the one who sweet-talked me into getting Addie & Olivia from the PC Shelter My Addie & Olivia addicted to plain yogurt, like they used to get at the shelter. Almost daily, they have to have it and beg for it instead of begging for canned food. They like canned food, but don't seem to crave it as much as other cats I've had did. I can actually go a couple of weeks without giving it to them. They're Purrfectly Happy with their Kibble and yogurt. Their predecessor, Daisy (who passed away) loved Mexican food. I found this o
  6. I have a younger cousin, who lives across the state line in NC from Hiawassee, that this guy is a dead ringer for, looks and accent. I needed a laugh today, thank you!
  7. This is the sickest I have been in a long time, at least a year. I have chronic recurrent migraines, easily 2 a month, and fibromyalgia, so when the severe headache, neckache and nausea started Saturday, I thought it was another migraine. It wasn't until I started running a fever I realized it was not my usual health problems. I stayed out today, tomorrow is iffy. Mild sore throat, chest and head congestion, headache, nausea, ghastly gastro, swollen lymph gland, fever that I swear despite 2 extra strength tylenols every 4 hours did not break for over 24 hours....this stuff is a tail-kicker. If
  8. Is there a virus or flu going around Paulding? Fever, sore throat, headaches, nausea....I do not have kids so I live in a cave socially and when there's something going around with kids sick, it's the parents I get stuff from. One other gal from work with this, but she lives in Cobb (we work in Cobb.) Is there something going around? I thought this stuff didn't happen until after school starts then some bug goes around. I would stick around for an answer but ohmygawd I'm going back to bed.
  9. Mine did too. My eyes are glazed over because I don't understand this stuff. My taxes and insurance are combined in my mortgage payment. All I know is I got a loan for a 131k house that the Gubbergnat says is only worth 121k. My head hurts. Send Beer.
  10. I lost my mother in 2006, and so far my stepfather (he was married to Mama 28 years, long after she & my late natural father divorced) is still wearing his wedding ring. When Mama first died, all of the "Church Ladies" (not in Paulding) kept trying to get him to go to the church's senior/singles functions. They drove him nuts, so much so he quit going to Sunday School for a good while....and he's a Deacon. So far, to my knowledge ( I live 3 hours away) he's not interested in dating (he's in his early 70's.) If and when he does, I have a feeling that my first reaction will be the same as yo
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