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Everything posted by mach4

  1. Okay, stupid is back to ask.. What in the world does this mean? ^^^^
  2. I know y'all will call me stupid, and I dont care, but I am still trying to see where the "high crimes and misdemeanors" are as well as the quid-pro-quo I dont see it....or maybe I dont get it.
  3. Why are topics being posted to that are 6 years old? its hard enough to keep up with current topics
  4. FINALLY! Good gosh. I was beginning to lose interest
  5. mach4


    I have to ask (and I am serious) where is the "snide" in the reply?
  6. So, nothing has changed.?. Right? It's still going to be cut throat here. Is this what I am reading?
  7. Hon, clearly everyone here except for a few are definitely against every move the president makes
  8. I hope he wins in 2020 so I can watch you and Pubby squirm
  9. Yes, But the one doing the telling should be good at it
  10. Just wait. Rudolph will be next. Libtards will say its full of Bullying! lol
  11. Pubby, once again you took a whole page of writing to say absolutely NOTHING, I dont watch stupid movie clips, song clips, or so you think you can dance clips either. get to your point, say what you want, and leave out the stupid paragraphs of NOTHING and your clips
  12. Acosta didnt get anything near the treatment Major Garret and his family received under Obama. Not one person here said a freakin word when that happened. Acosta is an attention lover
  13. You would think people would have learned by now not to punch at Trump... He only punches back harder......and usually wins!
  14. Even California's goofy Gov says Trump was right with what he said. Yet 2 years ago he veto'd a bill that would have helped the current situation
  15. So if this is your true opinion, why did you even start the topic??
  16. Still waiting on you to start the first verse
  17. gee....they were paid by mr soros mr flake was schnookered....and far far far from a conservative
  18. I'm sure I am wrong...but I thought I heard (dont remember where) that Ford was going to discontinue all car production and focus strictly on the SUV and truck industry to become more competitive.
  19. Oh thats rich....popping a link on here that is from the left side. And, just like everyone else on the left, you think you are SO much smarter than everyone AND, you cant seem to have a conversation with out cutting someone down. Very mature
  20. You are avoiding answering my question. Why? Did you send Pubby out to answer for you?
  21. Heads up, heres an FYI that A LOT of people do not understand... AND I am typing sllloooowwwly so you might try to comprehend and understand. Numerous people like me did NOT (read that word Pubby.... N O T) mistakenly vote for the man. We voted for him BECAUSE he is NOT (read that word Pubby.....N O T) part of the establishment,he has a backbone, he funded his own campaign, took no monies from lobbiest(sp), AND most of all has a frickin' backbone to stand up for what folks want. Why is that so hard for folks to understand this?? Why? I didnt like ANY of the candidates ru
  22. Where was your fake outrage when the Obama admin was doing it the very same thing? Huh? C'mon, show me where you were complaining and belly aching about """the poor children being RIPPED from Mommas arms"""" SHOW ME! BTW,,,,I honestly dont give a rats a$$ what the heck they running from, I dont buy half the crap "they" claim "they" are running from. Thats right I am a "cult" member And, I can not wait to vote for the man again! Just to piss you and others off!
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